
Momiji makes a serious decision about candy…

Sohma Momiji was bouncing around, as he usually did on a Sunday afternoon. But there was nothing to do. No one to share his happiness with. Hatori was with Akito, Ayame was at his shop, Kagura was chasing Kyo, Kisa and Hiro were at a movie, Tohru and Yuki had gone off somewhere, and Shigure was being made to finish one of his manuscripts.

He thought long and hard, and then he decided he would visit Ritsu. He hadn't seen him in a while anyway. He only lived a few blocks away in an apartment close to the college he was attending. With that, he grabbed his shoes and ran off to find the monkey.

He didn't have to look far; as soon as he opened the main gate, there was a thunk, and the sound of small things falling to the ground.

"OOH NOO!" Exclaimed a voice from the other side. Momiji hurried out to find a stunned Ritsu looking at some small foil shapes on the ground.

"Ritchan! Gomen nasai, let me help you!"

At this point, Ritsu would be letting out a stream of apologies, if his mind was not so distracted. He bent down to help the usagi.

"Thank you, you're very kind." He said gathering the foil-wrapped items.

"Ano, Ritchan, what are these anyway?" Momiji asked, picking one up and twirling it in his fingers.

"Oh, they're um…" The older man said looking away. "They're chocolates."

"What are you doing with chocolate?" The ever curious usagi asked.

"Well um…I was going to give them to someone."

"But it's not Valentine's Day or anything…Oh, it's they're birthday, right? Did I get it?" Momiji restarted his bouncing.

"No…erm…you see…" Ritsu said, remembering that Momiji was still young. "There doesn't have to be a reason for you to give people stuff if you like them…a lot…especially if you want them to know you exist!" He said with a small laugh.

Momiji thought about what he said.

"I see. Yep. I get it." He said. He gave Ritsu the candies he held in his hand and ran off. "Bye-Bye!" He called behind him.

Ritsu watched as the young boy ran off and then headed off for Shigure's house. It was only three, she would still be there.

Later that evening, little Sohma Momo looked up from her thin book as she heard the doorbell ring. She slowly went up to the door and opened it just a crack. There was no one there. She was about to return the door to its frame when she saw a small box on the step. She looked around to make sure no one was there and then walked out to retrieve the parcel. Attached was a note.

"To Momo: I hope you'll notice me soon! Love, your distant watcher."

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