Yes, this is the FINAL chapter so REVIEW your hearts out! Thanks for everything guys!

Chapter Thirteen: Home

I woke early the next morning, Sesshomaru's arm tightly around my waist, his breath warm on my cheek.

I didn't freak out and get up as I had the first time, for I knew and fully accepted what I'd done.

With a sigh I sat up, rubbing the healing mark on my neck.

I knew that he had to mark me, but damn, it wasn't just a little poke.

"Ayu?" I heard Sesshomaru say as he sat up next to me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I said, though I was totally lying.

Today was the day I had to return to the Modern Era…and make a decision as to where I would stay.

It was hard, harder than I could have ever imagined. I mean, Sesshomaru had marked me, I belonged to him now, and I loved him…but then there was my mom, and David, in the Modern Era. I couldn't just leave them…could I?

"You are still deciding, I take it." He said softly.

I nodded, running a hand through my blonde hair. "I…am. It's hard, you know?"

"You will make the right decision, for you." He said, kissing me gently on the cheek.

I smiled and got up, quickly dressing, grabbing my guitar from the ground. "I'm going to go think, okay? I'll be right back."

He nodded, but said nothing.

I sighed and walked off into the forest, the morning sun shining down on my through the spaces between the leaves.

What was I going to do?

I sat down on a log, nestled under a large tree and a patch of clover, and began to play.

"Come away with me in the night. Come away with me, and I will write, you a song." I sang softly, wishing I had a piano to go along with the song. "Come away with me on a bus. Come away with me where they can't tempt us, with their lies. And I wanna walk with you, on a cloudy day. In fields where the yellow grass grows knee high, so won't you try to come..."

I continued to sing through the song, feeling the tears build up in my eyes.

I couldn't go home, for fear of leaving Sesshomaru behind, and I couldn't stay hear, for fear of breaking my family's heart.

But…I love him. I thought, slipping my arm through the strap of my guitar.

I had to ask Kagome a favor.


"Please, take this to her." I said softly, handing Kagome the piece of paper.

I had ran all the way to Kaede's village and found Kagome, making her give me a piece of paper and a pencil.

Where I'd written a letter to my mother.

Dear Mom and David,
I know you are worried about me, and I'm so sorry…I've been gone for so long, I can't even remember how long it's been.
Please, don't worry about me, I'm fine. But no, I haven't run away, back to L.A. It's actually a long story, where I am. I don't even think you'd believe me if I told you.
But I'm going to tell you anyway.
A few weeks, maybe months I can't remember, ago…I got in trouble at school, again. Chang was annoying me. Anyway, I went to a shrine, I'm not going to tell you which one, and I tried to save a girl from committing what I thought was suicide…but it turns out she was doing something else.
She was going back in time. Five hundred years into the past, to be exact.
I know what you both are doing right now: laughing. Laugh all you want, but I'm serious. Look for me, go ahead, you won't find me, because, really, I haven't even been born yet…and neither have you two.
Please mom, don't cry, I know you are. And David? I'm sorry for being mean to you and stuff, you are a good brother and I'll never forget you. Mom, I love you, I love you both, but I don't belong in that era…I mean…I found myself here, I've been through quite a lot.
I mean, I'm in love.
Yes, it's true. I met someone, and I'm staying with him. I'm sorry, this may seem rash, but I believe that it's the right thing to do.
He threatened my life, he saved my life, and in return I saved his. It's a long story, and I wont go into it. All I will say, however, is that I love him and I can't return home…at least, to stay.
I will try to come and visit you, however…if I'm allowed. I mean, I can only get back home by going through a well, and the last time I tried to get back, I almost broke my ankle.
Please, please forgive me for this, but it is my decision, and my life. I know that you guys are mad, I can imagine your faces, but please…just think on it for a while and send a letter back with the girl, Kagome, who gives you this. She will give it to me.
But please, do not try to get any information out of her, because even if she does lead you to where I am, you won't be able to come through…I don't even fully understand how I got through.
So, I had better go, I am being missed, at the moment. Please, believe in me. I'm safe here, and happy, more happy than I have been in a long time.
I hope to see you soon.
All my love,

Kagome nodded and took the letter from me. "Are you sure you don't want to give it to her yourself?"

I nodded, wiping tears from my eyes. "I wouldn't be able to leave if I did. And let's face it, I don't belong there…I'm not even sure if I belong here, but I know that I'm happy here. So I'm staying."

Kagome nodded. "Okay. I'll be back soon."

Then she turned, and ran up the hill towards the old well.

"Hey, that was a brave thing you did." Inuyasha said, walking up behind me. "To give up everything for Sesshomaru, of all people."

I smiled faintly. "Thanks Inuyasha, I needed that."

He nodded. "You'd better get back before Sesshomaru thinks you've been kidnapped again."

I felt my cheeks flare. "I'm sorry about before…he hurt you, didn't he?"

Inuyasha shrugged. "It's not like it hasn't happened before. But thanks anyways. Go on, I'll get you your mother's reply when she gets it."

I nodded. "Thanks Inuyasha."

Then I turned and ran from the village, back towards the forest where Sesshomaru and the others were.

XxXxX David's POV XxXxX

I sat in front of the house, on the doorstep, my head in my hands, staring blankly down the street.

Where was Amanda? It had been so long since she'd gone missing…it felt as if I'd never left this doorstep.

"Come on inside David." My mom said softly. She had dark bags under her eyes, her dark hair was messy and un-kept. She never looked like this, she was always so tidy and bright, a smile always on her face.

"In a minuet mom." I said, turning away from her.

She sighed and walked back into the house.

Why did Amanda have to do this? Well, I guess her name was Ayu now…I still couldn't believe she'd changed her name to Ayu, though it had been over two years since she'd done it.

I'd heard, from some friends, that Ayu had gotten in trouble with her period five teacher and had been sent to the principals office…but she'd never shown up.

Since that day I'd wondered what had happened to her. At first I'd thought she'd ran back to L.A., but after a while I'd decided that she was still in Japan, somewhere.

As much as Amanda had hated to admit it, she liked Japan.

I sighed. "Stupid Ayu."

"Excuse me?" A voice said.

I looked up, only to see a girl dressed in a school uniform, a grade nine, standing in front of me, a letter in her hands.

"Is Mrs. James home?" She asked.

I stood up, the girl was about a year older than me, fifteen. "Yeah, why?"

"I…I have a letter for her." The girl said, holding out the paper in her hands. "From Ayu."

My heart rose in my chest as I snatched the letter from her hands, tearing it open. "You know where Ayu is?"

I skimmed through the letter quickly, my heart sinking lower and lower as I read it.

I stared blankly at the ground once I was done reading the letter, it was from Ayu, no doubt, it was her writing. "She's not…coming home?"

"I'm sorry." The girl said. "So sorry, but you have to understand."

"Where is she?" I demanded. "Where is my sister?"

"I-I can't tell you that." The girl stammered. "I-It explains in the letter."

"David? What's going on out here?" My mother said, stepping from the house. "Oh, hello Kagome."

Kagome, that was her name, smiled. "Hello Mrs. James, I have a letter for you, from Ayu."

"Where?" My mom asked.

I gave her the letter and she quickly read it over, her eyes widening as she read.

"Please, you must understand." Kagome said, her hands cupped tightly together, her brown eyes determined. "Ayu is happy, she's-"

"In love." My mom said.

Kagome nodded. "She is."

"With who?" I growled. Ayu, in love? I found that hard to believe.

"A man named Sesshomaru." Kagome said.

"Sesshomaru? What kind of name is that?" I snapped.

"A Japanese one." Kagome said flatly. "He's a good man, he takes good care of her, and Rin."

"Who's Rin?" My mom asked.

"A little girl that, uh, lives with him. He saved her life and now Rin lives with him."

"It says here that Sesshomaru threatened her life, what does that mean?" My mom asked.

Kagome sighed. "I'm not allowed to say, Mrs. James. I'm sorry. But, they love each other, and she's completely safe with him, I promise you."

"How old is he?" I asked.
Kagome thought for a minuet. "I don't know..."

"What?" I gaped at her. "Is he some creepy old man?"

"No! No! Nothing like that!" Kagome laughed. "Just believe me, will you? Ayu's in good hands, she can take care of herself. She asked me to get you to send a letter back."

My mom sighed, lowering her head. "I can't believe…that she just left us."

Kagome frowned. "You know…you two should come to my house, for dinner, my mom will explain everything."

"How can she?" I growled. "What can she possibly know about this?"

"Well, I did the same thing…sort of." Kagome shrugged. "What she said about traveling back in time, that's true. I've been doing it for a little over a year now, and it's no big deal. She can, I think, come back and fourth now…I'm pretty sure, she hasn't tried yet. But please, just come to my house tonight, I won't be there, but my mom will tell you everything you need to know about the Feudal Era."

"We…will." My mom said.

"What?" I gaped at her. "Mom you aren't seriously going to let Amanda do this, are you?"

"Amanda?" Kagome said, confused.

"It's her real name." I growled, turning back to my mom. "You aren't, are you?"

"I don't…know." My mom sighed. "Kagome. We'll come to your home and find out about this…Feudal Era, then I'll give you a letter for my daughter."

Kagome grinned and nodded. "Great!"


I sighed, sitting in the clearing next to Ah Un and Sesshomaru, Rin was playing in front of us in the fields, Jaken shouting random things at her.

"What are you thinking about, Ayu?" Sesshomaru asked.

I looked up at him and smiled faintly. "My mom and my brother…I miss them. I'm waiting for their letter."

Sesshomaru nodded. "Are you going back?"

I shook my head. "No. If I was, I would have by now. No, I can't go back…but I want to know if they're okay with this."

He nodded, but didn't answer. I didn't expect him to. If I were in his shoes, I wouldn't have answered either.

Suddenly there was someone in front of us, a boy in a familiar red kimono.

"Hey Inuyasha." I smiled, getting to my feet. "What's up?"

"Here's the letter." Inuyasha said, handing me a fold of paper.

"Thank you." I said, grabbing the letter, tearing it open.

"I've got to go, see you Ayu. Sesshomaru."

Sesshomaru nodded. "Inuyasha."

See? I have an effect on people, not even a move towards their swords.

With that, Inuyasha was gone.

I sighed, reading over the letter from my family.

Dear Amanda,
We miss you very much, and are sorry to hear that you aren't coming home.
Last night, David and I went to Kagome's house and had dinner with her family, who told us everything that there was to know about Kagome's travels to the Feudal Era.
Yes, we know where you are now.
I guess I understand what you are doing, especially after hearing about Kagome's story. I wish, with all my heart, that you would come home, but I know, deep down, that my wish can never come true.
So you are in love with this Sesshomaru man? Kagome told us his name and a little bit about him. He seems…nice, and that girl, Rin, sounds adorable.
David, however, thinks otherwise. He thinks you are making a huge mistake, Amanda.
But me? I think you're just following your heart, and I guess I knew you'd do that one day, but I just didn't think it would be this soon.
Amanda, Ayu, James, please be careful in this Feudal Era, and be happy. But please, please, come and see us, and never forget, we love you.
Love always,

Your mother

I smiled, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"What did she say?" Sesshomaru asked.

"She's happy for me." I smiled. "Wait, there's one from David."

I still can't believe you'd do this to us. Even though I went to diner at that Higurashi place, I still can't believe it.
And no, I'm not happy about it.
But I can't stop you, now can I? I know you aren't going to listen to your younger brother or anything, but please, Amanda…be careful.
Don't forget us, I love you,

I smiled, folding the pieces of paper up, shoving them in the case for my guitar.

"I suppose the letters were good?" Sesshomaru said.

I nodded, sitting back on the grass beside him. "Yes, they were. David's not too happy, but he is allowing it."

"Is he not younger than you?"

I smirked and nodded. "Yeah, he is. But David's a strong boy, and he knows it. He's not afraid to tell me what to do."

"So…you are staying?"

I nodded, leaning my head against his shoulder. "Yes, I am. I'm just glad that they know the truth, and they don't have to wonder anymore."

"I'm glad." Sesshomaru said, a small smile creeping across his face.

"Ah, he smiles!" I giggled, watching as his smile quickly disappeared. "You know, just by covering it up, doesn't mean it wasn't there."

He turned to me. "You are odd."

"Says the one who refuses to smile." I retorted, laughing and getting to my feet. "I am going to go spend my time with someone with actual emotion."

He smirked at me, grabbing my hand, pulling me forwards and catching his mouth with mine.

"Okay then." I smiled when we broke the kiss. "So that's emotion, you win"

"I always do." He breathed.

I rolled my eyes and turned. "Hey Rin! Want to play a new game?"

"Yes!" Rin grinned, looking up from her bouquet of flowers. "What is it?"

"It's called annoy Lord Sesshomaru!" I smiled, turning to the demon Lord.

Soon, everyone was on their feet, including Ah Un, running around the fields, laughing and everything.

Well, Sesshomaru wasn't running, and he wasn't laughing, but he was smiling and dodging attacks from Rin and I, scooping us up and tossing us, gently, a few feet away.

"Oh come now!" I laughed as he scooped me into his arms. "Is that any way to treat a human?"

"Don't you mean, is that any way to treat the girl I love?" He said.

"That too." I grinned.

Okay! And that is THE END to "Ayu"! Please REVIEW and tell me what you thought of it!

Song: You Found Me
By: Kelly Clarkson

Is this a dream?
If it is, please don't wake me from this high
I've become comfortably numb
Until you opened up my eyes
To what it's like
When everything's right
I can't believe

You found me when no one else was looking
How did you know just where I would be
You broke through all of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess what you saw what nobody could see
You found me
You found me

So here we are that's pretty far
When you think of where we've been
No going back
I'm fading out
All that has faded me within
You're by my side
Now everything's fine
I can't believe

You found me when no one else was looking
How did you know just where I would be
You broke through all of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
You found me
You found me

And I was hiding
Till you came along
And showed me where I belong

You found me when no one else was looking
How did you know?
How did you know?

You found me when no one else was looking
How did you know just where I would be?
You broke through all of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess what you saw what nobody could see
You found me
You found me

You broke through all of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what no body could see
The good and the bad and the things in between
You found me
You found me