Disclaimer : Harry Potter and Demon Diary are not mine. But the plot, sort of is. I'm also adding things from the Manga series, for those of you who have noticed. And from the Harry Potter books. As you can tell from the first paragraph. No, I am not making money off of this, and I'm saying now that both series do not belong to me. And, well, I am not repeating this disclaimer. Once is enough..

Eyes of the Lost

Chapter 1 : The Veil

The room was dimly lit and rectangular. And the center of it was sunken, forming a great stone pit some 20 feet below the entry. Which was the topmost tier of what seemed to be stone benches running all around the room and descending in steep steps, like an amphitheater. There was a raised stone dais in the center of the lowered floor, and upon this dais stood a stone archway that looked so ancient that it was amazing that it still stood. Unsupported by any surrounding wall, the archway was hung with a tattered black curtain or veil, which, despite the complete stillness of the cold surrounding air, was fluttering slightly.

It seemed to take an age for Sirius to fall. His body curved in a graceful arc as he sank backwards into the ragged veil hanging from the arch.. The look of laughter, mingled with surprise and growing fear on his face as he disappeared behind those black veil. The Veil fluttered for a moment, like there was a high wind going through it, before it fell back into place as Sirius disappeared.

Harry didn't seem to hear Bellatrix Lestrange's triumphant scream. He was already moving to the veil, calling Sirius' name over and over. Sirius had only fallen into the space behind the arch, and would appear any second. Only.. Sirius didn't appear again..

Harry had left the stone stairs and he had reached the floor. His breath coming in gasps. He would pull him back from the veil. He would go there and find Sirius. And as he sprinted to the dais, Remus Lupin reached out, desperately trying to grab Harry as he ran to the veil, shouting Sirius' name.

And Remus missed. And Harry went on running and straight into the arms of the veil.

Albus Dumbledore looked away from the veil as Remus stumbled to the ground infrount of it. "Keep on fighting!" Said Dumbledore loudly over the sounds of battle as some members of the 'Order of the Phoenix' turned to look to the veil.

The battle went on, and Bellatrix turned to flee, but was struck down by a stunner by Mad-eye Moody.

Malfoy was brought down. A stunner as well. The battle was brought to the main entrance of the Ministry of Magic. Where Voldemort made his appearance under the eye of many Ministry workers and by the Minister of Magic himself.

Though, none of that mattered to Remus Lupin anymore. He was still on his knees infrount of the veil, shaking slightly. He had lost hid best friend again, the one he had thought he had lost already. And he had lost one of his friend's sons.

Remus, who already had graying brown hair and tired eyes, he already looked far older than his years. But now he seemed to act the part. Head bowed and shoulders slumped like someone just dropped an unbelievable weight there.

Arther Weasley walked up besides Remus. His thinning, graying red hair was short, and his dark eyes were open. He said to Remus, a hand resting on the Werewolf's shoulder. "It's not your fault, Remus…" He started.

Before the wind around the arch way started to blow, and it moved outwards as even Arther and Remus's cloths and hair. And two forms fell out from the Veil. One was Harry Potter, with broken glasses and a few cuts on his face. And Sirius black, who has a few cuts as well. Both of them were shivering, like they were extremely cold.

The winds died down in an instant, and Remus shot foreword, pulling Harry into a tight hug. Arther stood still for a moment, before he started to dig through the pockets of his robes, searching for something.

"H.. Harry? Sirius? Are you two alright?" Said Remus in a hurried tone. Finally coming back to grips with himself. Harry didn't say anything, he had fainted a while back, his face pale. Sirius shakily stood up.

Arther pulled a old coffee mug from his pocket. "All of you, take a spot on the portkey, we have to get out of here before the Ministry of Magic finds us, especially Sirius.." Remus nodded, reaching foreword and placing his hand and Harry's hand on the mug, Sirius soon following after. And Arther said the password to activate the portkey.

And the group disappeared from the Ministry.

When the group made it back to Number 12, Grimmauld Place, they caused an uproar. For the fact was, most of the members at the headquarters thought Harry and Sirius were dead. And they had already started to mourn. Someone fainted when they saw Sirius, and through the chaos, Remus got up the stairs and put Harry in the room he had stayed at before, he was very pale, like Sirius.

Remus had Sirius take a seat as he went to summon Madam Pomfrey from Hogwarts to check over Harry and Sirius. To find that Bill Weasley had already done that. Madam Pomfrey shoed everyone out of the room as she checked the two over, leaving the remaining members down stairs to wait and see how the two were.

In the kitchen, Flitwick and McGonagall were avidly discussing the veil as Arther was sent out to retrieve as many files about the Veil that the Ministry had. Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood were sent back to Hogwarts under oath not to speak of this.

Sirius Black was back to his usual cheery self, moving around the house and messing with a few things here and there. It had been a week since the incident at the Ministry of Magic. And Harry was still asleep. He hadn't stirred once from his sleep and someone was always there next to his bed incase he woke up. Though, often times he was talking in his sleep. Nonsense words and the like.

But there was a name he always mentioned, the name was 'Eclipse.' The name was said at least three times or more a day. Never less than two.

And he had been having bad dreams, one could tell..

Very bad dreams..

Harry looked around himself. He knew he wasn't wearing his glasses. But it never mattered here, in these dreams. Dreams that seemed to be too real to be dreams. But they couldn't exist as anything else. The floor was a polished marble that went on for what looked to be forever. And the sky was black, and there were no walls. Nothing.

"Where am I.." Asked Harry faintly, looking around. His messy black hair strewn around his face, his emerald eyes lidded as he looked around. He wore a trench coat like jacket, buckled shut by two buckles that rested over his heart. His upper arms were bare of cloth but of a single leather strap from the edge of his sleeveless coat to the start of his sleeves, which started at his elbow and ended at his knuckles. His trench coat reached his ankles. His pants were a bit baggy and he had a pair of belted boots. All of his cloths were a shade of an off shade of jade.

A voice sounded behind him. "You.. don't know anything about yourself.." Harry spun around to come face to face with a person that almost looked exactly like him. Only, he seemed to look older. Not in the face, but in the eyes. And his cloths were the color of a dark gold.

"Do you really think.. you, can become a Demon Lord?" The other.. older Harry said. Harry blinked, opening his mouth to ask what the other one meant.

"I detest.. everything about you.." The other Harry said, taking a step towards Harry as Harry took a step back and Harry tripped over the edge of his trench coat shirt, falling onto his butt. And Harry realized then with widening eyes, that he couldn't speak.

"Don't you think it's time? Time for you to disappear.. For all of our sakes.." Said the other Harry, crossing his arms over his chest.

"A shell like you, doesn't have the right to exist.. and must shatter!" Said the other Harry, raising his voice at the end of his sentence as the original Harry's skin and cloths started to crack into pieces. And they started to fall, like someone shattering a mirror.

Madam Pomfrey, Sirius and Remus were in Harry's room. Remus had alerted them both that Harry looked like he was going to wake up. Though, it looked more closely that Harry was going to stay asleep for a long while. And even if he did wake up, he would pass out from his horrid fever.

Sirius was leaning over Harry's bedside worriedly, Harry was making small, pained sounds in the back of his throat. Madam Pomfrey was on the other side of the bed, doing all sorts of tests to see what was wrong, besides the fever. Remus was sitting in a chair off to the side.

They had fire called Dumbledore about Harry's condition earlier. And the Headmaster said he would come over when he had the time.

Before Harry woke up, screaming, he sat up, fist out in the air as he punched Sirius in the face, sending the older man reeling with a bloody nose. Harry blinked a few times, hand going up to his forehead as he swayed slightly in his sitting position. Madam Pomfrey pushed him back down while saying "quite, Harry, you have a fever.." She said.

"Augh.. E.. Ecl.. Eclipse? W.. where.. are you.. Said.. you wouldn't go.. don't leave me in t.. the dark.." Said Harry hoarsely. Eyes half open and face flushed with fever. He was half awake, most likely unaware of what he was saying.

Sirius blinked, he looked more than a bit hurt. He thought his Godson would want him by his side, other than this stranger, named Eclipse. Though, no such person seemed to exist. Neither the Wizarding or the Muggle world.

Remus had helped Sirius up after he had fallen, both of them standing side by side. Harry pushed away Madam Pomfrey's hands that were intent on keeping him there and he rolled off the side of the bed. His school robes had been changed into a pair of hospital cloths he usually wore in the hospital wing. Harry stumbled away from the bed and into the mirror off to the side.

Sirius walked over to Harry, dropping a hand on the boy's shoulder and Sirius said "Harry… You have to rest to get better. Or your be sick for a long while.."

Harry groaned, pushed himself from the mirror, he swayed finally, and fainted.

Well, here you go. The squeal that wasn't waited for that long.. I just could get rid of Sirius.. He shall be important! Anyway, enjoy, read and review, and tell me what you think. And no, I have not gotten the new Harry Potter book, so I won't have any information about it.

