Hey you guys, I'm back. I'm really sorry about making all of you guys wait...for a whole year...lol. But I'm FINALLY back, and hopefully I'm staying this time, lol.

If any of you are wondering where I was, I was in the hospital. I tried to commit suicide...twice. Don't ask me why I'm telling you this, lol.I just feel like I can talk to you guys (my fans). Anyways, that is why I have been gone for so long. I have been in counseling half the time and in the hospital the rest of the time. But I'm back now.

More good news! My mom took me out of school and I'm now getting homeschooling. GUESS WHAT THAT MEANS! New chapters every single FREAKING week! Ooooh yah. Well, I have to go now, I'm starting to work on my next chapter for this story. It will be in sometime this week: PROMISE!

If any of you want to talk to me, feel free to e-mail me at d a g d a underscore 1 7 h o t m a i l . c o m (take out the spaces, and use the actual 'sign' for underscore. ). Don't worry, I won't send you weird forwards and junkmail. Just drop by and say hi if you wanna talk.