Okay, I know I should be focusing on trying to finish 'Crystal Heart' before I leave on vacation in a week but I've been toying with this idea for awhile and thought I'd at least start it. Yes, it is an mpreg fic and the first I've ever written so please be nice. Also, I want to make one thing clear before I begin and that is the simple fact that this fic will not contain any lemons. It's not that I have anything against lemons; I'm just terrified what certain people would do if they found them and therefore do not write them. O.o; So yeah…I hope you enjoy. ON WITH THE FIC!
Kurama stirred from his sound sleep, blinking blearily at the wall he was facing. For a moment he didn't recognize where he was, until his eyes took in the bare walls and stacks of cardboard boxes. His new apartment, that's where he was, he had finally moved out of his mother's house and into this modest yet cozy apartment just that afternoon. The move had been made for several reasons: his family had grown with his mother's remarriage and therefore needed the room; he was out of high school now and perfectly capable of living on his own, not that he hadn't been while still in high school; and the general increase in privacy was appreciated as well.
In fact, the privacy was greatly appreciated due to certain…developments in the fox's relationship with his longtime friend and partner, Hiei. Kurama smiled fondly and snuggled closer into the bed sheets as he remembered the events of the evening, how he and the little fire demon had…celebrated the move.
Such thoughts must have heightened Kurama's awareness of Hiei's presence, or lack thereof, because he was suddenly aware of the fact that he was alone in the bed. Sitting up, Kurama blinked the sleep from his eyes and looked around. Aside form himself, the bed, and a number of unpacked cardboard boxes the room was empty.
"Hiei?" he called out, loud enough for the half-Koorime to have heard from almost anywhere in the apartment, and yet still mindful of the late, or perhaps early, hour. There was no answer, but as Kurama stared at the slightly opened door anxiously he thought he caught a whiff of the sweet-sour smell that usually accompanied vomit.
"Hiei?" Kurama called again, slightly more worried. Again, no one answered, but Kurama could have sworn that he heard the sound of regurgitation echoing from the bathroom. Now thoroughly concerned, Kurama donned a bathrobe and cautiously approached the bathroom door.
"Hiei?" he rapped the door with his knuckles. "Are you alright?" More regurgitation and an increase in the strength of the smell, but no verbal answer. "I'm coming in," Kurama warned when he tried the handle and found it unlocked. Opening the door, he found Hiei on the floor, bent over the bowl, and vomiting rather violently.
Eyes widening, Kurama rushed to the demon's side just as the vomiting attack seemed to subside slightly Hiei coughed the last of it out of his mouth, taking great gulps of air. Seizing a few tissues, Kurama gently wiped Hiei's mouth and flushed the mess before them as Hiei sat back, still breathing heavily.
"Are you sick?" Kurama asked gently after a moment, placing one hand on the fire demon's forehead and the other on his own, comparing their temperatures. Hiei didn't seem any hotter or colder then usual, and he shook his head at Kurama's question.
"No," he muttered though he still looked slightly green. "No, I'm not sick."
"Then what—?" Kurama was interrupted as Hiei suddenly lunged forward again, filling the porcelain bowl once more. Kurama rubbed his back and tried to sooth him as best he could.
"I—I don't know…what it is," Hiei answered shakily as he pulled back once more, flushing the bowl. He sat there silently for a moment, panting and closing his eyes, obviously trying to calm his rebelling stomach. Kurama continued to stroke his back, staring at him worriedly. Finally, his crimson orbs cracked opened cautiously again and he seemed to relax slightly.
"Feel better?" Kurama ventured to ask, his hand stilling.
"No," Hiei smirked at him wryly, the green tint having faded from his skin, "but I think this nauseous feeling will remain just a feeling for a little while at least." Smiling, Kurama helped his lover to a stand and, taking a cup from the sink, offered him a glass of water to rinse his mouth out. Hiei accepted, replacing the cup when he was through and flicking the light off as Kurama steered him towards the bedroom.
Hiei was more then grateful to climb back into the warm bed once more. Who knew vomiting at three in the morning could leave a person so exhausted? Shedding the bathrobe and following the fire demon under the covers, Kurama enveloped the ailing demon in a warm, gentle hug.
"If you're not sick," he murmured after a while, "then what is it? Did you eat something that had gone bad maybe?" Hiei gave a tired sigh and rolled in Kurama's embrace so that his back was to the fox.
"Fox…I don't know…go to sleep," Hiei muttered groggily. His tone obviously meant for Kurama to drop it, but he just couldn't.
"Hiei…" he began again.
"Fox!" Hiei interjected, pulling the covers around him tighter and making the point clear that he intended to sleep, not talk. Kurama sighed in defeat and tightened his arms slightly, burying his nose in soft raven spikes and inhaling deeply. He froze. There was something there, weak and hidden deep behind Hiei's usual smells of smoke and pine, but still definitely there. He sniffed again and Hiei grumbled for the fox to stop smelling him. There it was again. A pheromone that Hiei should not have been giving off…at least, Kurama didn't think he should be anyway. Then again, Hiei's family was rather…peculiar in that area.
"Hiei?" Kurama whispered in his ear. "Just one question, then I'll let you sleep. I promise," he added hastily when Hiei growled to show that he was growing irritated. Hiei didn't answer for a moment and then sighed.
"What?" the muffled grumble was spoken into the pillow.
"I know that the Koorime can reproduce asexually, but what about male Koorime? Can they reproduce as well?" Kurama asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. Hiei's head rose slightly from the pillow. He turned to face Kurama, the look in his eyes not so much annoyed as incredulous.
"What the hell are you asking me that for?" he asked, watching Kurama carefully. Kurama smiled, feigning innocent curiosity.
"Oh, no reason. I just wondered." Hiei continued to stare for a minute or so more before he turned his back on Kurama once more, mumbling about crazy foxes.
"Are you going to answer the question?" Kurama prompted after a moment's silence. Hiei would have yelled at him for making him answer such a stupid question when he could be sleeping, but now his curiosity was burning bright and he was no longer even remotely tired. After a long pause he finally answered "I assume not."
"Assume?" Kurama repeated. Hiei heaved another sigh and turned so that he lay on his back, the ceiling in full view and Kurama just visible out of the corner of his eye.
"Yes, assume," Hiei replied, still wondering why Kurama was so interested. Couldn't these questions wait until day, or at the very least dawn? "I am the only male Koorime I know—from what I know the only one alive—and I have never reproduced, and therefore I assume I can't. Happy now?" Kurama smiled and gave him a 'thank you' kiss on the cheek, which merely cause Hiei to 'Hn' and roll over once more.
'There's a first time for everything,' Kurama thought, chuckling inwards as he wrapped his arms around the moody half-Koorime once more, letting his hands caress the flat, well muscled stomach.
And so it starts. Gomen it's rather short. I know Kurama is usually the pregnant one in these fics, simply because he seems the more feminine of the two, so I thought I'd change things up. n.n I hope you enjoyed it and please leave a review. Oh, and on a totally unrelated note, the new Harry Potter book kicks ass! If you haven't read it yet get hold of it soon, it rocks! Ja.