'Sup? Scarlet here. -- well, that was kind of obvious.
Anyhow, most of you probably noticed I NEVER finished anything I start.
That bums me, too.
Well, this story has ground to a screeching halt. I'm sorry -- that's the way it's gotta be.
I'll be deleted it within one or two months...but not until I re-make it.
Yup, it'll be the same storyline, drama, and mild mild humor. (I'm not very funny, actually. I'm sorry.)
Same couples...even though Symphonia has lost its crazed, fangirl status with me.
Especially Kraine.
Raine + Regal?
A possibility in the next story, actually. I'm sorry. KratosRaine seems a bit...dull to me...after lusting after the couple to become official. But that lust has kinda dwindled away, now.
SO, ANYWAYS, this extra chapter is just to inform you, a new, possibly better, Roadtrip Rampage will take this RR's place, in shiny plastic and a new lemon scent.
And, of course, more Kratos barf. In vivid detail.