Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters and I never will.
A/N: I know, I know. A bunch of fluff . This is my first fanfiction I've put on here. Your support and critiques would be much appreciated!
Against all Odds
Kagome sat on her bed, crying into her hands and wondering what had happened in her life to make her suffer so. She threw herself into her pillow and cried harder than she had ever before. Her hands gripped the sheets fiercely. As she cried, all she could think about was Inuyasha. His boyish face, beautiful golden eyes filled with life and fire, his heart beating the same rhythm with hers.
But all of this, she remembered reluctantly, was all gone and would be gone forever. Inuyasha wouldn't come back for her this time. He wasn't going to appear in her window to question her or to comfort her in his awkward way. He had banished her, and when she had come back to return with the jewels she had found him with that whore Kikyo. She couldn't stand Kikyo! If she could have, she would have killed her herself!
Meanwhile, Inuyasha tossed and turned in his bed, tears drifting down unfamiliar trails on his face, and woke up screaming her name "KAGOME!" He had broken out in a cold sweat, remembering the heartbreaking look Kagome had on her face when she saw Kikyo and him together. If only she had let him explain what had happened! He sat up and put his head in his hands, so broken up that there were more tears flooding down his face.
Shippou made his way over to Inuyasha and just rested one of his little hands on his arm, knowing that even if he missed Kagome, Inuyasha probably missed her more. Shippou noticed that all Inuyasha did was turn away from him. He didn't even growl at him!
Inuyasha could think of nothing but Kagome and what he had done to her. Kagome was so sweet, so accepting! She had always stayed with him no matter what. She was so beautiful with her long black hair, and those deep, trusting grey eyes. Trust for him. He was almost positive that he'd never find any woman as good for him ever again. Any friend as good as Kagome was.
Shippou looked up at Inuyasha and asked "Inuyasha? I miss Kagome. Do you?" He let Inuyasha see his innocent look so he didn't pommel him. Inuyasha just kind of made a little noise of unhappiness "Feh… Sure I miss her"
Shippou made a sound like whining, and then piped up hoping the disgruntled hanyou wouldn't hurt him "Inuyasha, why don't you go get her? I miss Kagome!" He was about to start wailing when he saw the look of painful sadness on Inuyasha's face. Inuyasha stood up and whipped his eyes "I… I can't… She hates me, she has to. After what I did to her." He looked down then headed out the door, pulling on his fire-rat harato, to go sit in a tree, depressed.
Weeks later Kagome emerged from the well again for the first time. She had a few tracks of new tears swimming down her cheeks. Even if she didn't want him to notice her coming, Inuyasha was there within minutes.
Inuyasha took her up in his arms without a second thought, and let tears slowly come down his face. He buried his face into her shoulder, still hugging her as close as he could as he murmured "Kagome… Don't ever leave me again. Please don't, I promise I didn't want Kikyo to kiss me! I… I don't love her. I love… I love you!" Kagome's tense manor instantly dissolved as she threw her arms around him too, burying her own face in the opening of his harato and crying.
Inuyasha blushed and pulled away from her for a moment, looking her over. She looked so different, but as beautiful as she had always been. He also noticed, even before he looked her over that she was skinnier and had filled out more in some places. Kagome looked more beautiful than innocent. No longer did she have full, babyish cheeks, but a more defined, graceful face.
But none of that mattered. All that he cared about was that his Kagome had come back. He wrapped her up in his arms and whispered into her ear softly "Kagome. My Kagome. I missed you… So much… I thought I would die! I need you!" Though he'd never say these sort of things on a regular basis, he would do or say anything to get Kagome to stay with him.
Kagome still had her face buried in his chest and hadn't said anything yet. Until that moment when she looked up into his eyes and let a watery smile show "I… I never know how much I loved you until I saw you with…" she choked a bit on her words and couldn't manage to get anymore out. She looked up at him, tears leaking down her cheeks again.
Inuyasha kissed her eyelids and whipped away her tears, one protective arm around her as he looked ahead, unseeing "I didn't think you'd come back. I thought I'd never be able to see you again! Never be able to smell you, to feel you, to hear you! I don't ever want you out of my sight again!" He voiced these last words with such passion that a slight growl could be heard faintly on the edge of them.
Kagome took a deep breath and pressed her forehead against the base of his neck as she got out "I have no where else to go… I didn't think I'd run into you, didn't think you cared about me. Everything is gone in my time. Nothing but ruin, war, death and sadness. I left it and my… family to find if I could do something to help them." At that moment Inuyasha understood what was different with her.
Kagome had lost her innocence, her carefree ways. She had the stench of blood, fire and destruction to her. Not only that, but she carried hidden weapons and wore different clothes. Inuyasha cried into her hair "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you Kagome! I had no idea! What have those bastards done to you?"
Grey eyes darted up to his face, but they looked worried instead of trusting "Inuyasha, it isn't your fault, or theirs. It's his fault. A modern day Naraku. The only thing I've been able to save of myself was my heart, my soul, a partially my body. Many else have lost these. Through all of this your memory has gotten me through."
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter to my first fanfic! If you like it, I'll add more! dancing around with her guitar Just for this, I will invent a song just for this chapter! lol.. umm... not really.