Just when you all thought it was over… It was. This is just a chapter where, to make you feel better, I am giving an alternate ending. This ending is not canon and so I am not making it an official part of the story. (Yell at Jo, not me!)
By the way this chappie gets a little hott and will definitely require a rating change! ;)


They touched down and Hermione's knees gave. She wobbled a little before the dusk changed to night in front of her eyes. When she collapsed, Ron caught her.

He sank to the ground, her head in his lap. He brushed a lock of hair off her cheek with his thumb. She looked so weak, so helpless. He couldn't help feeling that it was somehow wrong. Hermione who had faced everything he had (with the notable exceptions in second year. The spiders!) and was so full of life was lying here more frail than when she had been petrified. He would have pondered her weakness longer, but her eyes fluttered open.

She looked around for a moment before what had happened dawned on her. She stared into his big blue eyes smiling faintly. "My hero." Her hand reached up and stroked his cheek. He bent his head down and she met him. Their lips brushed sweetly and then connected, moving in sync. Ron took her hand from his hair and traced circles on her thumb with his. Their mouths separated. They gazed into each other's eyes; Hermione innocently and Ron with a mischievous grin.

" I love you, Hermione, for so long. I've liked you since the first time I saw you on the train. I've adored you since you said, 'wingardium leviosa'. I have fancied you since we saw the shrieking shack. And I've loved you since- since I thought I'd lost you fourth year."

Hermione leaned up, planted a tender kiss on his blushing cheek, and whispered, "I love you, too," before she kissed his lips again.

Her free arm looped over his shoulder and pulled him towards her. Ron shifted her legs and turned himself over her. They laid together in the cool grass. Ron snaked sweet kisses down her neck and over the collarbone exposed by her tank top. Her fingers roamed his back shortly before coming around and feeling his defined Quidditch-toned abs. Ron's kisses localized and he began to suck passionately on the crease where Hermione's neck and shoulder met. Hermione moaned softly.

As he continued, she took his hand and placed it on her breast. He was slightly surprised and looked up to her face. She nodded and he kissed her hard on the mouth as his hand worked her chest lovingly.

A twig snapped and the pair looked over Ron's shoulder. Standing there was Ginny. She smiled and they stood up quickly, blushing and wiping themselves off as if "nothing had happened".

(They Lived Happily Ever After)

---- The end ----

I almost wanted to go farther, but I felt that would be too untrue to the characters and a little creepy. I'm sorry it's short, but it wasn't supposed to exist at all so be happy! lol. Please Review! It makes me happy and I want to know if you liked it and if this is the "type" of fic I should or shouldn't be writing. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!