
Shalestonewolf: hi, Shalestonewolf here for her first fan fic. Just so you know this fan fic. Is kind of a separate part of a fic. My friend (dragonelf8) is doing called Knights. It's the journey of one of 'Ryu Kami's' friends, first, into the world of Wolf's rain. I might have her go into a different world but I'm not decided yet. K, that's enough from me.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the shows in this story except those I create.


Kuragari Burakku woke up in a panic. She had been sleeping just fine... but something had awoken her. She looked over at the clock on her bedside table. 5:00 am. She looked at it in disbeleif. Kuragari, or Kura as her friends called her, never woke up before 9:30 on Saturdays. At seventeen years old and in highschool, she took every chance she could to sleep in. Why had she woke herself up 4 and a half hours early?

She had a really weird feeling... like something bad had happened. Kura shook her head and got up. She would never be able to go back to sleep. She made her way downstairs to the kitchen, trying not to wake her parents. Kura wasn't always an only child. She once had a little brother... but he died several years back.

Kura tried to shake the odd feeling that she had with no sucess. Something was wrong, and she had a hunch something had happened to one of her best friends, Ryu. Kura bit her lip and looked at the clock again. It was early... but... she had to know. She picked up the phone and dialed. It wasn't long before Ashura, one of Ryu's older brothers, answered the phone. Ryu was the middle child along with her twin brother, Kamui, both at age seventeen. Ashura was the third oldest at 21.

"Hello?" He sounded wide-awake suprisingly enough, and anxious.

"Ashura? Hi, It's Kura," she responded in a forced, light-hearted tone.

"Oh, Kura... hi... uhhh, this isn't a good time," he said in a strained tone.

"Why? What's wrong?" Kura asked, twisting the phone cord furiously.

"Ryu and Kamui havegone missing. The police are here..." he answered. Kura didn't respond for a long moment.

"Missing? When?" She managed to sqeak into the reciever.

"Ryuat about noon two days ago. The teachers called saying she hadn't come back from lunch off campus," he sounded rushed. Kura and Ryu went to different schools, so she wouldn't have known this. "Kamui went out to look for her last night and he never came home."

"Well... uhh... I'll let you go and be with your family," Kura said. Ashura said a quick goodbye and hung up.

Kura put down the phone with a shaking hand. Ryu and Kamui were missing? What could've happened to them? Kura ran up to her room and quickly dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans. Her mom came out of her room, sleep in her eyes, while Kura was pulling her long brownhair into a quick ponytail.

"Kura? What are you doing? It's 5:30 in the morning!" She said in an angry tone.

"Ryu and Kamui are missing, i just got off the phone with her brother, Ashura," She explained rapidly. "I'm going to go drive around and look for them. They've got to be somewhere."

Kura ran downstairs past her mother's blank stare, pulled on her worn black tennis shoes,grabbed her keys, and ran out to her blue jeep. She started it up and headed out into the dawn to find her friends.

three hours later

Kura paced the sidewalk just skirting a local park. She'd had no luck so far,and when she called Ashura again an hour ago, the police hadn't found any trace of the twins. Kura had a strange feeling that no matter how hard they looked, they wouldn't find Ryu or Kamui… at least… not in this world.

'Kura, you're nuts,' she told herself for the millionth time. 'There is no way that she could be in a different world! You read too many comics!Just keep looking, you'll find her.'

Kura continued pacing the sidewalk. She scanned the park with her blue eyes, absently hooking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She'd thoroughly searched all over the city and now didn't know where to go.

'Ryu, where are you?' she thought desperately.

Suddenly, as she turned, Kura tripped and fell towards the pavement. But, to her shock, she didn't stop falling. The ground simply split right before her eyes, swallowing her whole and closing behind her, and yet, she kept falling. There was no way to tell how long she fell through the darkness, but eventually, she hit the hard, cold ground with a thud that sent stars into her eyes.

Kura moaned and sat up, rubbing her head. She looked around to see where the hell she was. It was dark, but she could tell she was in some kind of forest. The moon shone overhead, casting a blue light on the land around her.

"O…k. This definitely isn't normal," she said aloud to herself.

"Not for mortals from your realm, I suppose," A voice said from behind her.

Kura jumped at the unexpected response. She sprang to her feet and whirled to face the strange voice. A man in black stood calmly before her, his right eye fixed on her face. His left eye was concealed in shadows. He had shoulder length blue hair.

"Welcome Kuragari Burakku," he said in a deep, almost rumbling voice.

"How do you know my name?" Kura demanded. Her hands shook, whether from fear or nerves she couldn't tell. He smiled slightly, the corners of his mouth turning up.

"I know a lot more than that," he said. Kura backed up slightly. Something told her this man wasn't here to help her.

"What do you want?" she asked, struggling to keep her voice level.

"Why… only to help you find you're friend and her brother," he answered. Kura didn't like the way he said that.

"You know where Ryu is?" she asked.

"Oh, yes, I know where she is. And you… you're going to help me destroy her," he told her. That's when Kura saw it. The moonlight reflected in his left eye to reveal it wasn't that of a human, but that of a wolf.

"Darcia…" she breathed, going rigid. He was a character from wolf's rain, the cartoon she and her friends watched all the time. "It... can't be."

"Oh, I'm afraid it's quiet real miss Burakku," he answered. Darcia advanced slowly, his wolf eye flashing maliciously. Kura could only stare blankly. As Darcia reached a hand toward her, a loud crashing came from the brush beside Kura.

A large gray wolf sprang from the trees and attacked Darcia. He managed to avoid the wolf's fangs and claws, and the animal landed protectively in front of Kura. The wolf flashed a glance at Kura and a male voice erupted in her head.

"Kura, RUN!" it yelled. Kura stared as she realized the wolf had talked to her. He growled loudly.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE! RUN!" he yelled again. This time, Kura didn't hesitate she whirled around and ran as fast as she could through the woods. She heard the wolf fighting from behind her, until at last, the sounds faded into the night.

Kura stopped, breathing hard, as soon as she exited the forest. She tried to make sense of what was happening. Kura was startled by a man running out of the trees and taking her arm. She screamed and tried to pull away.

"It's ok, it's ok! I helped you back there, I'm the wolf!" he said quickly, in the same voice that had been in her mind. Kura calmed down and took a couple deep breaths.

"You all right?" he asked kindly. Kura nodded slightly. "Good. My name is Kage."

He was about half-a-foot taller than her and he had shaggy, shoulder-length black hair. His eyes were gentle and the brightestgreen she'd ever seen, set into a tan, and handsome, face. He wore a simpleblack shirt, blue sweatpants, andgray tennis-shoes.

"I'm... Kura," she managed to say. "What's going on?"

"I don't have time to explain," he started. "Darshia is most likely pursuing us. I'm going to take to someplace quiet where you can rest and I'll try to explain things. All right?"

Kura nodded. Kage took her arm and the headed off into the dark landscape.

Shalestonewolf: Who is Kage? Will Kura ever find out what happened to Ryu? Will you actually read this far? Who knows! Find out in the next chapter. Oh! Btw, I'd love reviews, Thx!