"What's going on?" Sakura said as she walked up to the training ground that Kakashi had assigned them to go to for the week. It was a scorching hot day, and the sun was shining its brightest even though it was early in the morning. Sasuke was standing against a tree like the heat wasn't affecting him, but at closer inspection, there were beads of sweat dripping down his face. Naruto was sitting on the ground trying to fan his face with his jacket.
" Were trying not to dieeee!" Naruto whined he lay back on the grass, giving up on trying to fan himself.
"Hn." Sasuke agreed with Naruto, (one of the rare times.) he squinted his eyes and tried to see if Kakashi was anywhere in sight.
It was the first time this week Kakashi had actually called to meet them. He had something important to tell them, but he hadn't told them because it had gotten to a good part in his Icha Icha Paradise and he had completely forgotten about them. That's Kakashi for you. And as usual he was late.
"Hey guys!" Kakashi appeared looking happier than usual.
"YOUR LATE!" both Naruto and Sakura yelled. It had been there usual greeting for way too long.
"Sorry about that, I was watering my garden and lost track of time!" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"YOU LIER!" All of them yelled, yes all of them, even Sasuke. Sakura had given up in him a month ago; I guess she finally realized that he was never going to come around. Sasuke though, was becoming a little more sociable, talking to people a little more often and even being a little more appreciative of his blond teammate. Even though, Naruto still got on his nerves sometimes.
"Well anyways," Kakashi began, "The Hokage has decided to let you guys off for about two weeks for a vacation, it's going to be at a beach resort and we even get free food! Sounds fun, doesn't it?" he was smiling very big, and he looked very excited. Naruto was the first to respond.
" Yeah! Free food! All you can eat buffets! RAMAN!" he was running around in circles now, and Sakura and Sasuke were staring at him dumbfounded. How could he run around in this heat?
"I knew you'd like it!" Kakashi said smiling, as he turned to face the two other shinobi's, " so, what about you two?" They both turned to each other shrugged and turned back to Kakashi.
"Sure" they both said in unison.
Sakura, though she seemed calm and collected on the outside, was partying on the inside; Inner Sakura was jumping up and down and screaming. YES! I've been waiting soooo long for my long deserved vacation! ' Then Sakura realized something, "Kakashi-sensei?"
"Hm?" he said looking at her curiously.
"Are the other cells going to be there too?"
"Nothing gets past you Sakura," he said smiling, "and yes, the other cells are coming, even Gai's cell is coming! And of course, Gai, myself and the other Jounin are coming,"
"Is the Hokage herself coming?"
"I think so, I even believe that Jiraya-sama is coming to."
"EW! That pervert is coming!" Naruto exclaimed, scooting back in disgust.
"Naruto! He's your sensei!" Kakashi responded, "well, so am I so, I guess it doesn't matter, well anyways, I'll see you guys tomorrow at 2 at the main street, okay bye!" And with that he disappeared into a cloud of smoke.
Sasuke got up from his tree and walked
up beside his two teammates,
"See ya." and he walked
"Do you think he's excited about the trip?" Naruto asked, Sakura just shook her head.
A kunai zoomed past Neji's head, as he got ready to use his Kaiten, Tenten then launched a volley of kunai at the Hyuuga protégé. Using his Kaiten he spun around and released his chakra so his teammates attack was evaded. Then Tenten stopped, whipping the sweat off her face.
"Lets take a 5 minute break," He quickly nodded and sat down in front of a tree. She sat down next to him and stretched her legs. "You're doing really well lately," she said smiling as she rotated her shoulder to check if it was broken.
"Hn." Was his unemotional answer.
"Your happier than usual," she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
"You're doing better too." She was now completely surprised, Neji never complements anyone. She held back a gasp, and turned to him. He was staring at her with such force that she thought that she would fall backwards. Then all of a sudden…
"NEJI! TENTEN!" Lee was running towards them with his arms flailing, with Gai trailing behind him, his smile as big as his student.
"What is it Lee?" Tenten asked, a small blush on her cheeks from the stare Neji gave her. She has been realizing that over the years they had been growing closer to each other, not only as teammates but also as friends.
"WERE GOING ON VACATION!" he yelled, now jumping up and down in front of them. Gai put a hand on his shoulder.
"Lee, Lee, Lee, The vacation is not until tomorrow, calm down, let your fires of youth rest until the new day!" He did his nice guy pose, and his teeth went 'ping', his student though, became overwhelmed with happiness and started to cry.
They hugged, crying in each other's arms, while Gai's two other students sweatdroped, both thinking along the lines of, 'they never stop…' and ' its so revolting…'
Neji broke the silence. "so, when and where are we meeting?"
"Oh, right!" Lee broke away from his sensei and ran up to Neji and stood right in his face. Neji just stood there waiting for an answer. "2 AT THE MAIN STREET!" he screamed, then he whispered, "also, bring your bathing suit, we don't want you missing Tenten in a bikini, now do we?" Neji immediately started blushing, he had never seen Tenten in any girl clothes, and he wondered what she looked like, but more importantly, when did Lee start talking about stuff like this! Neji was about to ask him what he meant, when Tenten tapped him on his back, he spun around to see his smiling teammate.
"Okay, well I'm going home to pack guys, sooooo, see ya tomorrow!" she then waved bye and ran in the direction of her house.
Lee started snickering, something he never does. Neji turned back to Lee who had just started to roll on the ground laughing.
"Ahaha, you should have, ahahaha, seen your face!" Lee was practically crying now. Neji just glared at him. How dare he make fun of the Hyuuga Neji! But Neji did nothing, he just turned on his heel and left, leaving Lee alone to laugh with his sensei.
"Gawd she's so loud, how troublesome." Shikamaru continued walking at the same pace he had been, 'why walk any faster?' he thought to himself. Lately he had been enjoying himself, watching clouds, playing Go, but that had all changed when Ino called him a few days ago telling him that their sensei wanted to tell them something. Then he kept running into her, on the street, at the market, and he found it very troublesome. Her loud obnoxious voice, her bossy attitude, he hated it all, but he found it nice that he could put up with it now. Now they were walking to the Konoha Bridge so that Asuma could tell them some pointless information. How troublesome.
"Thank you Ino, but Shikamaru will be fine at his own pace." Asuma said as he put a hand on his students shoulder. She just sighed and looked at her feet. Shikamaru then walked up next to her.
"Okay Asuma-sensei, what did you want to tell us?"
"Yeah! Its lunchtime!" Choji added as he popped a chip in his mouth. Asuma sighed, his students are never going to change.
"Okay, the Hokage wants you guys to go on a vacation to relax and well, become more sociable. So I want you guy to have fun," he paused for a moment to see their reactions. Shikamaru was sighing and grumbling, Choji was still eating, but you could tell he was excited because he figured that there would be free food there, and Ino had stars in her eyes. You could tell that she was deciding what to wear, and how much fun she was going to have, then he continued, " We meet at the main gate at 2 tomorrow, so be packed and ready, got it?"
They all answered. "Yes sensei!"
"Okay then, dismissed!" And they all disappeared in clouds of smoke.
"Hey Kurenai!" Kiba called as she walked up to the group of genin standing around a tree. Kiba was waving and Akamaru was running around his feet, Hinata, the Hyuuga princess, was fidgeting nervously, and Shino was well, being Shino.
"Hey guys." She said smiling as she walked up to her students. "Well anyways, what I wanted to tell you, was that, um, the Hokage wants you guys to take a few weeks off, well, for a vacation…"for some reason her voice was shaky, half because she knew her students liked to train and she thought that they might be mad, and half because, well, she was nervous herself, because she was going. She was actually surprised when Kiba and Akamaru started jumping up and down, yipping and hooting. Hinata actually looked happy and stopped fidgeting. Shino, well, if you looked really hard, then you would see his eyes shinning behind his dark sunglasses.
"What else! I mean, where are we meeting!" Kiba was standing right in front of her, his eyes blazing and his fists clenched. Kiba was defiantly excited now.
Kurenai sighed, she should have known, why did she even worry? "Well, we are to meet at the main gate at 2 tomorrow, I want you to pact appropriate clothes for a beach, so swim wear and sunscreen, and Kiba if you want to bring an inner tube for Akamaru, you can."
"Thanks Kurenai! Come'on Akamaru lets go get ready!" They both run home, Akamaru barking and Kiba cheering.
"W-well, thank you Kurenai-sensei, I'm going t-to go home n-now, s-so I'll see you tomorrow. B-bye!" Hinata walks away waving, and Kurenai waves back. Then she turns to her bug addicted student.
"So, Shino, are you excited about the vacation?"
" Well, yes, I have some things I have to take care of on this trip, important things, and no, they have nothing to do with bugs." She smiled, he really can read her mind. He turned from her and left.
"Muhahahaha!" Tsuande slammed her sake on the table and looked at the two shinobi standing in front of her. "Isn't this the best idea in the world! HA! Those genin won't know what hit them! Jiraya! Did the Jounin inform their students of the trip?"
The old pervert stepped forward, "Yeah, they already did, but Tsuande, did you remind the Jounin to tell their female students to bring bikinis? I mean we don't want to waste their bodies during this trip, now do we?" he was hit hard with the sake bottle.
"The girls will wear what they want, now Shizune, I want you to make sure that the hotel is ready for us, I don't want them being surprised that a bunch of teens are running around. Now go! I want to be alone to celebrate!"
"Ai!" And they disappear in a cloud of smoke, while the Hokage, now alone, smiles evilly. This is going to be a weird vacation….