A/n: Hi! My friend and I decided this was an excellent idea for a fic, and it would earn me plenty reviews. I agreed. I thought it out carefully with her assistance and decided that it was best. I hope all you guys enjoy "Romantic Antics" starring everyone's favorite teacher Hatake Kakashi. Please don't forget that I don't own Naruto.

Prologue-Men Are Bastards

It had been another challenge. Another one. Damn him. Always behind him. Going on with his stupid competitions. Damn him. Well…not this time.

Kakashi simply nodded. What was he to do? There was no other way to avoid Gai. NO OTHER WAY. It was sad…oh God.

"Okay...uh...hm…AH HA! I've figured it out! I…um…wait…" Gai, Asuma and Kakashi sat in a bar. It was late. They were bored. Great…

"Gai, I really have to go." Kakashi lied.

"Go where?"

"…Hokage-sama summoned me."

Gai eyeballed him. "You lying bastard You've been sitting in this bar with us for the last two hours. Besides, I'll make it quick."

"You said that ten minutes ago." Asuma told him.

"Did I?"

"…" Kakashi had no words.

"Why don't you speak to that blonde over by the counter?"

"What am I suppose to say?"

"Whatever you think is best. It's a test of our social skills. Well?" Kakashi looked over to Asuma. In his mind he hoped he'd figure out he wished for his assistance. Asuma smiled.

"I think that's a great idea." Asuma told him. Kakashi frowned. (A/n: Not you could see it.)

"So go on." Gai forwarded.

"I'm going." Kakashi headed towards the blonde. He thought to himself why he was doing it in the first place. 'If only to get rid of Gai...why not?' He stopped and decided to make fun out of it. Why…? He didn't know. He was bored. He took out a piece of paper (A/n: Only God knows where from) and a pen. He quickly scribbled something and then proceeded to head towards the woman. 'This should be good.'

"Excuse me miss." He had gently tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hm?" She turned her head and blinked her bright green eyes at him. "Yes?"

Kakashi was silent for a while. The girl before him was stunning. Her shoulder length hair shaped her face perfectly. Her lips were as pink as bubblegum and shone because of her lip-gloss. He could smell its scent; Strawberry. He liked strawberries. "You dropped this." He got out of his trance and handed her the paper.

"Huh?" She took it from him and read it aloud. "Will you go out with me?"

"Oh! But I don't know you that well!" Kakashi responded.

"What!" She crumpled the paper and threw it to the floor. "How dare you?"

"Now please miss, don't be offended. It's just…I can't accept your offer when I barely know you."

"You misunderstand me!" She shouted.

"Now, now. It's okay. I get this a lot."

"You…OH YOU---"

"Now I must be going. But, thanks for your kind offer. I'll call you when I'm free." Kakashi smiled and then turned to walked away. He stood there, for a moment, counting in his head.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" She screamed. People began to stare, and the bartender looked to her strangely. He knew women all too well.

"No need for such crude language." He said to her. "That isn't very lady like." He said with a ring. He then turned his head and smiled.

"You're such a bastard…men like you are bastards." She said through gritted teeth.

"Come on now, maybe if you weren't so impolite I would have accepted your offer." Kakashi walked away feeling some victory over the woman. She had a short fuse and he just caused her to explode. As he approached the table with Gai and Asuma he turned around to catch the kunai she had just thrown. "See…such rude behavior. I told you I won't go out with you if you act like that."

"Fight me." She challenged him.

"Now I don't want to hurt you." He walked up to her and handed her back her weapon. "You're too pretty." He smiled. The blonde girl blushed and snatched her kunai back. She stormed out the bar and Kakashi waved to his comrades.

"Why?" Gai asked Asuma.

"I dunno he's your rival." Asuma told him. He took up his beer and smiled to Gai. "But that was funny."

"I guess so…but he failed the set goal…hm...HE LOST THE CHALLENGE! YOSH!" Gai jumped up and did his 'nice guy pose'. The shame Asuma felt that moment was unbearable. He needed to stop hanging out with these guys.

'I'm too old for humiliation.' He thought.

Kakashi stood there and a slight feeling of guilt touched him. He was just goofing. He had no real intention to hurt the girl. 'Oh well. What's done is done.'

"Kakashi you owe me a drink!" Gai called.

"Yeah…" He headed to the two and sat down. He called over the waiter and ordered another round of beer.

"Kakashi, that was mean." Gai told him.

"Funny, but mean." Asuma nodded.

"You said to say what I felt was best."

"But you hurt her feelings. Precious youth shouldn't be harassed by old men." Gai frowned.

"I hardly think myself old."

"You're going to be thirty. You old." Asuma looked at him.

"And you? I don't need to hear that from you."

"Hey...I'm old with a woman. I'm set for life."

"But I thought you and Kurenai broke up." Gai asked.

"On and off. She knows she can't do with me. I'm her man."

"You mean old man." Gai said to him and took his bottle away. "The drink is going to your head."

"Whatever." The three adults laughed and greeted Iruka he entered the bar.

"Hey, I just saw an angry girl outside on my way in. Kakashi-sensei, what did you do?" Iruka placed his hands on his hips and frowned.

"Why do you assume it was me?" He asked.

"Because it always is."

"…Oh…right…" The three men stared to their comrade and lowered their heads.

A/n: HEY! PLAEASE REVIEW DAMN IT! I BEG YOU! Oh please check out my friend Mystic Vash's Naruto fic. Later dayz.