Ravenna: Here's the next chapter

Review Responses:

chibikuro rose-sama: thank you, its ok, sorry that it took me so long to update, school is evil, it drained my creative juices.

Anonymous: Ok ok, im updating. dont hurt me!

VermillionMorana:Aw... yeah, fluff is good, fluff is our friend. His dad, in that chapter, doesnt know about it, but afterwards, he doesnt mind, he just wants Netto to be happy.Thanks for letting me know about the change, i was wondering about that. heres the update, i hope that i can write a good lemon.thanks for the advice.

Jadej.j: Thanks,i'll tryto live up to everyones hopes.

lunasun72: blush hehehehe... thanks.what would you say?yeah, netto/enzan fluff and stuff rocksbelieve me, i understand, i am being forced to read this really horrible book, and its draining all of my creativity. update when you can, im sure that itll be worth it.

Disclaimer: No own, no sue, simple ne?



Blues looked out at Enzan, his face full of concern. Enzan wasn't usually so pensive. He just stared out the window, watching the world around him without ever seeing it.

"Enzan-sama? Is something wrong?"

Enzan didn't seem to hear him, but his expression got darker, so Blues tried again.

"Enzan-sama? ENZAN-SAMA!" At Blues' shout, Enzan finally started out of his contemplative state. "Enzan-sama, is something wrong?"

"No, Blues, there's nothing wrong. I'm just thinking about stuff." Blues could tell that Enzan was lying.

"Is this "stuff" really so interesting that I have to call you three times just to get your attention?"

"Oh yeah, it's something that you should really study up on."

"I have no time to "study stuff"." Enzan smirked at Blues' flat statement.

"Yeah, I'm sure you don't, since you're always studying Rock."

Blues' face turned the color of his armor. "Yes, well with the amount of time that you spend thinking about Netto-san I'm surprised that you have time to work, much less scrutinize other things."

Blues laughed as his operator's face turned the same color as his own. He knew now that Enzan would now leave him alone about his very interesting relationship with the small blue Navi.

Enzan stood up and walked up to his suitcase. Inside were enough clothes for the duration of the trip, some picture of Netto and himself, some with the two and their friend Laika, and a very special photo album. It was of the trip to Italy that he and Netto had taken the year before, for the summer.

The CEO flipped through the pictures. Images of their time in Rome, Venice, Milan, Genoa, Naples, San Marino, Sicily, and the Vatican City filled the screen.


16-year-old Netto bounced off the plane, excited to finally be in Italy. He and Enzan had been planning this vacation for months in anticipation of the summer. It was their second summer as a couple and they had wanted to spend it on a trip. It was a long trip, but the two enjoyed the traveling together, since normally Enzan traveled only for business and Netto waited for him to return to Den Tech. This trip had nothing to do with IPC or anything related to it.

17-year-old Enzan walked more sedately off the plane than his overexcited companion, not that he blamed Netto. The younger man was not one to willingly sit still for a long period of time.

To calm the younger down, Enzan walked up behind him and snatched him into a tight embrace. "There's no need for you to waste all of your energy on the first day, we'll be here for the whole summer. You have plenty of time to get excited, wear yourself and me out, rest and then repeat the cycle."

As always, being in Enzan's arms made the whole world disappear and made both very glad that they had taken Enzan's private plane. If there had been any other passengers, they would have had a long wait to get off.

Finally, a loud voice yelled "Will you two please get a room?"

Enzan and Netto laughed at walked out of the airport and to the limo waiting for them. As they passed through the capitol, Rome, the scenery turned to things like the Coliseum and huge cathedrals.

They went to the hotel, up to their room and settled in. Being somewhat mature young men, they figured that they could handle sleeping in the same room.

They changed into more comfortable clothes to wear when walking around: shorts, a tee-shirt and sneakers. They walked down the sidewalk, just checking out the sights.

Netto stared in awe. "Wow, I've never seen anything like this."

"Seeing as how this is your first time to Europe, I'm not that surprised. There are things like this all over the place here." Enzan smiled and wrapped his arm around Netto's waist.

This, however, created a small problem. People stared at them, as if they had done something wrong. Enzan noticed this and figured out what the problem was. They had a problem with Enzan and Netto, two young men, being in a romantic relationship. This realization did nothing but make Enzan tighten his hold and glare at the onlookers. If they had a problem with Enzan touching Netto in a less than platonic sense, then that was their problem; he had no tolerance for closed-minded people.

Netto looked up, completely unaware of why his boyfriend had suddenly tensed up, was able to feel that tension very clearly.

"Enzan? What's wrong" Netto rubbed the arm that was wrapped firmly around him, trying to get the other to loosen up.

"It's nothing, Netto, I'll explain it later."

With that, the two continued to stroll down the streets, looking at what the city had to offer.


After they had both started to get hungry, they headed back to the hotel to change and go out to dinner.

Enzan openly stared at Netto. Dressed in a soft powder blue silk shirt and blue-green pants, he certainly presented a sight worthy of staring at.

Netto did a fair amount of staring also. Enzan had decided to dress in a red shirt and black linen pants, definitely worth a second look.

After a nice dinner they returned to their room and crashed, worn out from the long flight and the day of sight seeing.


The next morning, both of them woke up, ate breakfast, and got into the car that they had rented for the duration of their trip.

Enzan plugged Blues into the navigation system and asked him to get the most direct route to Naples. After getting the correct directions, Enzan started driving. After about two hours, Netto took over driving.

They kept trading off, seeing all the little towns along the way. They spent a few days in Naples, then sailed to the island of Sicily, staying there, enjoying the sun and beaches.

Refreshed from the relaxing stay on in Sicily, they went back to Naples, and then went up to San Marino, staying there for a few days, then on to Venice.

After that, they went to Milan, Genoa, Tuscany and Siena, staying a few days in each place. Finally they headed back to Rome, checking the city out some more, and getting permission to go to the tiny country that was in the middle of Rome: the Vatican City.

Having gotten permission, they crossed into the minuscule nation. First stop: the huge cathedral in the center of the city, where the pope lived.

Once finished with their last stop on the trip, they returned to the hotel where they had stayed at the beginning of the summer. Exhausted, they collapsed onto the beds and were out within seconds.


The next morning, the young men boarded the private jet back to Japan, back home. They had tons of souvenirs from the trip for Netto's friends to look at. Proof, Netto said, that they had been to all the places they said.

On the plane, they cuddled up in one of the larger seats and reminisced about the trip.


"Remember when we got lost on the way to San Marino? You got so frustrated because you couldn't figure out which turn off it was, even though Rockman and Blues told you which one to take and we ended up going on the wrong one." Enzan laughed as he pictured the look that had been on Netto's face.

"Oh, shut up. It's not like I did it on purpose." Netto pouted, closing his chocolaty eyes and looking away, for all the world a little child.

Enzan just smiled and pulled Netto closer. Being closer made Netto melt like ice in the summer sun.

The rest of the trip was filled with idle talk about various things, like new projects that Enzan was working on.


Blues watched as the album came to an end and Enzan's expression got darker. He opened an IM program on his PET and looked for Netto, hoping that he was online.

"Enzan-sama, Netto-san is online, would you like to talk to him?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I want to talk to him."

Blues just ignored the outburst and messaged Netto.

Net Blaze: Hey Netto, you there?

Rock Light: Yeah I'm here, what's up?

Net Blaze: Nothing much, just sitting back, relaxing, thinking back on old memories.

Rock Light: Yeah, me too. I miss you sooo much! When are you coming home?

Net Blaze: Soon, this stupid company business is really starting to getting very annoying, it's taking away the time that I get to spend with you.

Rock Light: Aww, I feel so loved.

Net Blaze: And you should, since you are. Yawn

Rock Light: You ok? That yawn seemed like a hint there.

Net Blaze: Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired, just got back from a meeting that was long and tedious.

Rock Light: Well, when you get home I'll make sure that it's made all better. wink

Net Blaze: Hmmmm, I think I'll arrange for the next flight out of here, and then I'll take you up on that.

Rock Light: Looking forward to it.

Net Blaze: Ok, I'll talk to you when I get back.

Rock Light: Ok, see you soon. LOVE YOU!

Net Blaze: Love you too.

Net Blaze has logged out

Even as they finished their conversation, Blues was arranging for Enzan to get a flight home.


Ravenna: Wow, did that take forever to write! But awesomely enough, my Creative Writing teacher said it was okay for me to write fan fiction as part of my classwork. 

Raven: Okay people, next chapter is Enzan's then there's and epilogue and that'll be the end of that.