Ravenna: Hey everybody! I know that this isnt my usual type of thing, but im kinda stumped on I dont wanna go, so im taking a break from that, and writing this instead. This is a Rockman fic, my first, and it may have a lemon in one of the chapters (also my first time writing one so be kind please). It will be told from 4 different POVs: Netto, Enzan, Rockman and Blues along with a prologue. Let me know what you think please!

And here we go!

Two young men, half a world apart from eachother, were daydreaming, while being watched by two more people, even though if you looked in their rooms, you would only see 1 person each in each.

The night's stillness was almost unnatural. Due to the intense heat, almost nothing moved, and there was no breeze to push away the warmth. In a large, inviting room, sitting on the window seat, sat a young man with deep chocolate eyes and matching hair, stared up at the full moon. He wore only a pair of shorts, as an attempt at trying to stay cool. Looking at him from his computer was a small blue AI creation called a Net Navigator, or Net Navi for short.

"Netto-kun, you really should go to bed or you'll be too tired to go out with your friends later."

"I hate to tell you this, Rockman, but it's so hot here that it's almost impossible to sleep. And besides, I have too many things on my mind for me to sleep." And with that comment, the boy, Hikari Netto, went back to looking at the moon.

Half way across the world, sitting on the balcony of his hotel room, another young man, this one with seemingly cold blue eyes and hair that was two toned, the top half a powdery white, and black underneith, watched as the world around him hurried along.

"Hey Blues?"

"Yes, Enzan-sama?"

"Why do humans rush around like this? I know I'm guilty of doing so, but it seems so pointless to me now."

" I dont know, Enzan-sama, it is something that has confused me as well."

Seeing that his Navi was not going to be able to help him, Ijuuin Enzan continued to ponder this concept, then let his mind wander to more interesting topics, namely a young brunette waiting for him back home.

Next time: Netto remembers a sleep over part held at Enzan's house...

Ok, kinda short I know, but this is a prologue and I kinda want to keep it short. read and review please! Free plushies of fave Rockman bishies for everyone who reviews.