I watched as Sesshomaru stood, stoic and awesome in his glory over the small decline at his feet that gave way to Naraku's castle.

"Are we moving in soon?" I asked and he gave a small nod, looking back at Rin and Shippo, a flicker of worry shooting through his ochre orbs before he peered at me.

"And you insist on coming with me to get in my way?" he inquired and I smirked, clenching my bow tightly in my hand;

"Of course- though I won't be in your way." Sesshomaru rolled his eyes and his eyebrow twitched before I swung my foot back, and kicked him in the shin. I laughed outright when he stared down at me, his mouth ever so slightly agape and his eyes growing angrier as I laughed more.

"What...?" he couldn't finish his question because I screeched louder with laughter and Rin and Shippo stared in confusion at us. I finally calmed down and wiped the tears from my eyes before grinning up at Sesshomaru.

"My apologies for kicking you, Lord Sesshomaru, but I was only trying to get some emotion from you. And when I succeeded, your face was just...hilarious, dare I say," I giggled some more before coughing. I looked up at him before the right corner of his mouth curled minutely into a tiny lopsided smile,

"I'm glad you find my face amusing. Now if you're done laughing, how is your foot?" he looked down to my foot and I grimaced- of course he'd notice that I hurt myself in trying to hurt him.

"My foot is completely fine, because I used the sandal to kick you," I sighed in disappointment, still trying to hide my pain from his piercing stare; "Of course you'd feel nothing from a kick by a mere human such as myself." I crossed my arms and trudged over to the small camp, checking the fish that I had speared to the ground near the fire. "Dinner's ready," I murmured and the children were quickly at my side, shaking with excitement- they hadn't eaten anything properly since the morning. Sesshomaru glided over and took his share before turning to watch the castle some more, eating in silence.

"This is delicious, Mama!" Rin chirped and I smiled down at her,

"Good to hear, darling," I pat her head before looking around; "Where's Jaken?" I heard Sesshomaru scoff and I looked to him, raising a brow in question.

"Jaken usually disappears when a battle is in sight. You'll get used to it," he looked over his shoulder and I noticed a ghost of a smile on his face, and I grinned myself.

"I'm sure I understand. He is just a small toad, after all," I chuckled and Sesshomaru nodded before looking back to the castle.

When midnight had arrived Sesshomaru finally moved; he glared to the west and I looked as well, not seeing anything,

"What is it?" I asked and he snarled,

"The half-breed is here." I gasped and stood, running to Sesshomaru's side, and I gripped his tail, silently revelling in its silken texture. Sesshomaru stared down at me, "What are you doing?"

"Forgive me, Lord Sesshomaru, but he will want to take me back," I whispered and he raised a perfect brow.

"You do not wish to go back?"

"N-no, actually I don't. Well, I'd like to still be friends with everyone, but I can't take Inuyasha anymore. He's broken my heart too many times for me to love him still," I explained and Sesshomaru listened before nodding. He stepped half-way in front of me, his arm sticking out slightly as if to block me from view.

"Mama? What's wrong?" Rin and Shippo appeared at my feet and I smiled sadly down at them;

"Inuyasha's coming." Shippo's emerald orbs widened and I pursed my lips, "Shippo, you don't have to stay, you know that. You are always allowed to go between us," I smiled and Shippo nodded before taking Rin's hand as she clung to my pant leg. I soon heard them, and saw Kirara first, her paws and tail flaming in the night sky. Then I saw him, his crimson haori bounding towards us, up and down as he jumped with his silver mane billowing behind him.

"Kagome!" he yelled, finally coming to a stop, 15 feet away from us; I grimaced as he looked right at me and I hid my face in Sesshomaru's tail, noting in the back of my mind how wonderful it smelled.

"The woman is of no concern of yours anymore," Sesshomaru boomed and Inuyasha glared at his brother, unsheathing Tetsusaiga and I gasped in horror as it transformed into the large fang.

"Please don't fight, Lord Sesshomaru! I don't want anyone hurt," I begged and he glanced down at me before pulling me forward slightly. I yelped as he made me face Inuyasha before he lightly placed his arm across my shoulders, "Lord S-Sesshomaru?" I stuttered but he ignored me. Inuyasha growled, the Tetsusaiga shaking with his anger and I watched as Sango and Miroku stood behind him, their eyes filled with fear and worry for me.

"Kagome, give this up already!" Inuyasha demanded and I scowled, gripping Sesshomaru's sleeve, since his tail was behind him;

"As if. There's nothing to give up, Inuyasha- except you," I felt my heart pang in regret when hurt flashed across his face, before anger returned.

"You actually choose him over me?" he sounded incredulous and I gulped, nodding and turning so that my front was pressed flush against Sesshomaru's side and I fisted his hakama.

"Yes," I replied confidently and Inuyasha dropped Tetsusaiga to the ground, growling and Sesshomaru cracked his knuckles, his poisonous fangs glistening; "No!"

"Do not worry, I won't fight unless it is to defend myself," Sesshomaru soothed me and I sighed in relief, my grip on his hakama tightening. Inuyasha growled and he charged forward, Tetsusaiga left in the ground- no doubt in order to not harm me. Sesshomaru pulled my shoulders back, flipping me down onto my back and jumped over me, effectively getting me and the children out of the way. I screamed as Inuyasha soared over us and I scrunched my eyes shut before Shippo was lightly tapping my cheek,

"Kagome, get up! We'll get trampled if we stay here!" I stood, grabbing the children's hands and rushed towards Sango and Miroku, who were watching the brothers. When I reached their side I turned to look too and groaned; Inuyasha was throwing swing after swing and Sesshomaru was dodging them with ease, an annoyed expression on his face.

"Kagome!" Sango grabbed me around the shoulders and hugged me tightly and I smiled into her kimono, hugging her back; "Welcome back," she enthused and I frowned, pulling away.

"You're wrong, Sango, I'm not back. I travel with Sesshomaru now," I stepped back and almost cried at how hurt Sango looked;

"Why?" she whispered and I shook my head before turning to the fight. I suddenly remembered something, and screamed,

"INUYASHA, SIT!" at the top of my lungs. Inuyasha yelled as he slammed face first into the ground and Sesshomaru side stepped him, staring down at his position in amusement. I ran over to the brothers and kicked Inuyasha, "You idiot! Why do you always have to pick a fight?!" I yelled and Inuyasha slowly picked himself up off the ground, groaning in pain as he shook the small bits of rubble from his body.

"Kagome...?" he stared blurrily up at me and I frowned,


"Why are you with that bastard?" he hissed and I rolled my eyes, taking a step back to be closer to Sesshomaru; I felt his tail brush my hand and felt myself blush.

"Wh-what does it matter you, anyways?" I huffed, crossing my arms and turning my head defiantly, "At least I don't have to worry about Sesshomaru disappearing in the middle of the night with a dead woman," I growled before I could stop myself, and gasped. I turned my head slowly to look at Sesshomaru, who watched me in confusion, an eyebrow cocked; I sighed, looking back at Inuyasha. "Not that it would matter anyways..."

"Kagome, what the hell are you talking about? Are you saying you like this guy?!" Inuyasha demanded incredulously and he pointed a clawed finger at Sesshomaru, who growled at the rude gesture. I felt my cheeks burn and I stomped my foot,

"I-I never said that! Stop assuming everything and SHUT UP!" I screamed and Inuyasha's ears flattened themselves against his skull as I panted for breath.

"Kagome, could you at least give us an explanation?" Sango cut in; she and the monk had ventured closer, and they each wore worried expressions and I sighed, not wanting to hurt them.

"There isn't much of a reason, other than I'm attached to Rin- I'm her mother figure now, so what can I do?" I whispered, and as if on cue, Rin popped up beside me, clutching my hakama pant leg and I patted her head, stroking the small side pony she always adorned.

"So you don't...hate us?" Sango questioned and I felt my heart clench and I quickly shook my head,

"No, of course not Sango! I love you all, you're my best friends, my family, even! And I miss you very much! But...I'm needed here, with Rin. And God knows I could use a break from Inuyasha once in a while," I glared at the still sitting hanyou and he blinked innocently at me;

"Wha...?" Sesshomaru stepped forward at that moment and Rin turned to him, running and hiding behind him and I smiled while Shippo perched himself on my shoulder.

"If we could cut the useless chatting for a moment, I would like to ask if you know where you are?" Sesshomaru inquired and Sango and Miroku shrugged after looking at one another, and Inuyasha stood, glaring at his elder brother.

"Like it matters! All I was doin' was following Kagome's scent! But now since that was apparently pointless, we'll be on our way," he glared at me once more before turning to leave;

"If you care to know, we are currently standing in Naraku's front yard." Inuyasha immediately froze and turned to stare at Sesshomaru, who smirked before pointing behind us and Inuyasha rushed forward. He caught sight of the castle and sniffed the air before an evil grin spread across his face,

"So we are." I rolled my eyes before looking to Sango and Miroku, who were also looking excited- and afraid, of course.

"We were planning on attacking soon. Will you guys want to help?" I asked and Sango smiled at me, hugging me once more;

"Of course we will, it's what we've been living for, for so long. Naraku's death. But why would you seek to go in with just the two of you? Kagome, you wouldn't stand a chance!" I glared at her and Sesshomaru smirked,

"I tried to tell her that, but she insisted that she wasn't as useless as I thought her to be," I glared at him, winding my foot back to kick him in the shin again, only this time I gathered my miko powers and swathed my foot in them, and I grinned when a shock crossed Sesshomaru's smug face.

"How was that one?" I asked, my hands on my hips confidently, and Sesshomaru frowned at me,

"I'll admit it was better than the last one. I actually felt it that time."

"Oh admit it, it hurt, didn't it?!" I demanded triumphantly but before he could answer Inuyasha cut in.

"What the hell are two going on about?! And all lovey dovey like this!" he growled and I once again felt my face heat and I turned away from Sesshomaru, who turned his head away from me a fraction.

"N-nothing! And we're not lovey dovey, you idiot, I was just proving to him that I have some powers of my own," I hissed before stomping off to our camp, plopping down to warm my hands in front of the fire. Sango soon joined me, holding her hands up to the flame and we sat together in companionship before the others all settled around as well- except for Sesshomaru, who stood watching again.

"Mama, are these your friends?" Rin asked, climbing into my lap and I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her close to my body and nodded.

"Yes, this is Sango, Miroku and Inuyasha- Inuyasha is Lord Sesshomaru's younger half-brother," I informed her, being sure to add the 'half' so as not to get myself completely killed. Inuyasha growled,

"Do you have to tell her that part? And why're you callin' him Lord for anyhow?" I smirked, looking to see that Sesshomaru had been watching over his shoulder, a small grin on his face and I called to him,

"Why don't you join us, Lord Sesshomaru?" I grinned inwardly when Inuyasha growled, obviously noticing how I continued to call his brother Lord. Sesshomaru sighed but glided over, coming to a stop on the opposite side of me than Sango, and sat himself down, crossing his legs much like Inuyasha did.

"Lord Sesshomaru, I'm tired," Rin whined as she crawled from my lap to Sesshomaru's, and she curled up there, quickly falling asleep while the others watched in fascination. Sesshomaru smiled down at Rin, the anger and cold mask gone for a moment as he gazed at her innocent face, and I felt my cheeks heat with many emotions; shyness, happiness, and most troubling of all- jealousy. I frowned as I looked away, catching Sango's eye, and she smiled, nudging me with her foot; I rolled my eyes and decided to finally answer Inuyasha.

"And for your information, Inuyasha, I call him Lord because he is a Lord. Isn't that obvious?" I smirked when Inuyasha scowled, his ears twitching in annoyance;

"But he ain't your lord, so it doesn't matter," he argued and I scowled back at him, feeling myself blush yet again.

"Clearly he is, since I travel with him and live off of him." I looked to Sesshomaru, who was again staring at me in interest and smiled, "Right, Lord Sesshomaru?" He smirked,

"Of course. I suppose I could name you my concubine, then you'll have a perfect excuse to do so," his eyes widened minutely when he realized what he had said, and a hint of pink dusted across his nose before he looked away. I lifted my shaking hands to my burning cheeks, trying futilely to cool them down and Sango giggled.

"That sounds nice," she whispered to me and I shoved her gently- she and I both knew that he could hear her.

"Keh, whatever. When're we gonna storm the castle?" Inuyasha cut in, trying to ignore the bruises to his ego- he was slowly losing Kagome to his bastard of a brother;

"Dawn should be good, and give the humans some time to rest," Sesshomaru suggested. We all agreed, though I bristled slightly at the jab at us humans, but ignored it. I went to lie down on the hard ground, but something soft tickled my hand and I looked up to see Sesshomaru sitting against a tree beside me; his tail was unfurled, and he silently offered it as a pillow. I blushed crimson, whispering a thank you before cuddling myself into his warm, soft tail; the scent from earlier filled my nose and I sighed in content;

"Good night," I whispered to everyone, and despite my anxiety about the coming battle, I was soon asleep.

Done! Geez, it's so hard making Inuyasha look like a bad guy- I love him so much! And my gosh, I had a huge scare right as I was finishing this chapter. I somehow high-lighted everything and hit s at the same time, and it was all deleted and replaced with a single s and I was like :O and started hyperventilating. So I closed Word without saving, and because I have a habit of saving frequently, I only ended up losing a few sentences; so here's a tip- ALWAYS SAVE FREQUENTLY WHEN WRITING. I almost killed myself D; lol. R&R please!
