Pairings: Eventually Yami x Bakura x Marik (Yamishipping), and Malik x Yuugi x Ryou (Hikarishipping)

Summary: As their luck would have it, an ease-dropping student spying on the yami's and hikari's talking, discover that three of Domino High's 'students' aren't human, and are 3000 year old spirits of a Pharaoh, Tomb Robber and Tomb Keeper. What's worse, they got the entire thing on tape and turn it in as their 'project'. So naturally a teacher finds out, who alerts the government. So now the yami's are on the run! From who? The cops, the government, just about everyone.

Disclaimer: Well since it's says "Disclaimer" I obviously don't claim to own it.

Warnings: We're talking violence, strong language, adult content...and Random Insanity

Conspiracy Theory

A random student who shall remain un-named sighed as he walked down the halls of Domino High. Said student had just gotten bitched at by his teacher because he hadn't turned in his project. He was doing a report on paranormal things, like spirits or ghosts, and he was suppose to make a video supporting his 'views and beliefs' as the teacher had put it.

Now how was he suppose to make a video on the paranormal? Could spirits even be caught on film? Sure, people had claimed to see ghosts in pictures, but what were HIS chances of finding something?

As he made his way around to the back of the school, deciding to skip his next class, he froze. He heard voices, and not just any voices. One he distinctly knew to be Bakura, and the other Marik. They were the two most feared people in school. Sometimes he even wondered if they were human, it was rumored that some people disappeared mysteriously after pissing one of them off.

As he made his way closer, he heard a softer voice. Glancing around the corner of the building, he saw 6 people. He knew who all of them were, because they were all in his next class, which he was skipping. Ryou, Bakura, Malik, Marik, Yuugi and Yami. In his opinion they were all pretty freaky.

He grinned as he got an idea. He could probably get some nice blackmail right now! So he quietly turned his video camera on, and carefully pointed it in their direction, hoping this wouldn't be a waste of film.

When all 6 of them left, the Random Student grinned and hugged his camera. He had the perfect footage for his project!

Next Day; Last Class:

Somehow Marik and Bakura's desks ended up pushed together, and Marik's hand had found it's way down Bakura's pants. Yami, though he would never admit it, was quite aroused by the muffled sounds Bakura was making, muffled because Marik's hand was over his mouth. And since his desk was right next to theirs, he could hear them rather clearly.

"Alright class, since some of our student can't seem to turn things in on time, the last project will be presented today." The teacher announced, and the Random Student made his way to the front of the class.

"I did my project on the Paranormal; like spirits and stuff..." And for the next half an hour the students proceeded to fall asleep as he read his report. It wasn't until the lights turned out, and the TV was turned on did he have the classes attention.

"This video is proof that spirits really do exist!" He announced, which quickly got Ryou, Bakura, Malik, Marik Yuugi and Yami's attention, because the yami's we're spirits themselves, and the hikari's lived with said spirit's.

The movie started and Ryou, Bakura, Malik, Marik Yuugi and Yami all gasped. It was THEM! Just yesterday! Bakura, Marik and Yami jumped up and started running to the TV, yelling and screaming.

"Yami, Bakura, Marik! Sit down this instant!" The teacher yelled.

"You can't see this tape!" Marik screeched.

"Why not?"

"Because! We're on it!"


"He taped us without our consent, Mrs." Yami said, trying to calm down.

"Is that true?" The teacher looked over at the Random Student, who nodded meekly, "Well, there's nothing we can do about it now... so sit down or go to the office!"

"But!-" They all started.

"NOW!" The teacher screeched, and they silently sat back down, glancing at their hikari's, who were frozen where they sat.

Everyone's attention turned back to the movie.

In the video, Bakura narrowed his eyes at his Ryou, "Hikari, are you some sort of masochist? Did you like getting the shit beaten out of you every day of your life?"

Ryou sighed, "Yami, you know that's not what I mean! I'm just saying you didn't have to send them to the Shadow Realm! You could have just beat them up or something!"

Bakura rolled his eyes, "Fine, I'll go drag their carcasses out of the Shadow Realm later... probably already dead though..." He mumbled.

Ryou narrowed his eyes, "No, you will get them out of the Shadow Realm now, please." Ryou then proceeded to use his most lethal weapon, the puppy dog eyes.

Bakura stared at his hikari for a whole 5 seconds, before he caved, "Fine hikari. You know I spoil you." That earned him a few snickers from the others, before the Millennium Ring glowed and he vanished.

All the students, and even the teacher, gasped, and Bakura sunk lower in his seat, wishing to be anywhere but where he was now.

Back to the video, Marik was sitting on the ground, twirling the Millennium Rod in his hand, "You know Ryou, you really should have let him get them out later, he's going to be a bitch for the rest of the day now. Getting in and out of the Shadow Realm isn't exactly a walk through the park..."

"Well it's the Tomb Robber's fault for sending them there in the first place." Yami mumbled.

Marik glared, "Shut it Pharaoh."

Yami glowered at him, "Exactly, I am Pharaoh, Tomb Keeper, learn your place."

It was Malik's turn to make a comment, "You mean back in your dirty ass Tomb?"

Yami was about to reply to that, but Marik said, a bit louder then necessary, "Hey Yuugi, don't you ever get tired of being the Pharaoh's pet? You could come join Me, Bakura and Malik in all our rebelling glory!"

"He's not my pet! He's the other half of my soul!" Yami snapped.

"Could've fooled me," Marik smirked, and grabbed Yuugi's arm, pulling him into his lap, "Something as cute as this couldn't possibly be part of your soul Pharaoh..."

Malik glared at his yami and pulled Yuugi away from him, and into his own lap, "Hand's off, he's ours..." Malik growled, pulling Ryou into the other side of his lap, "Go screw Bakura, or better yet, have a threesome with him and the Pharaoh."

Marik grinned, "That doesn't sound like a bad idea..."

Yami's eyes widened, "WHAT?"

"I was talking about the screwing Bakura part..." Marik said, "I'm mean, come on, he's evil, I'm evil, I'm a sadist and a masochist, he's a sadist and a masochist...Perfect match!.. Ra, I'd love to get him in bed...",Marik continued going on about his fantasies and failed to notice that Bakura had returned, dumping the unconscious bodies to the side, and also ignored Yami's comment about how a Tomb Robber and a Tomb Keeper couldn't possibly be a perfect match.

Bakura glanced over at Marik, who was glaring daggers at the TV, "Perfect match huh?" He said in an amused tone, despite their situation.

Marik smirked, "Oh you know it.."

On the video, Bakura raised an eyebrow, "What's he talking about?"

"You." Malik, Ryou, Yuugi and Yami all said at the same time.

Bakura's eyes widened as he listened more closely to what Marik was saying, "-he'd look even better with blood covering that deliciously pale skin of his, writhing underneath me..."

Some of the students where whispering things by that point.

Video; "Marik! I didn't know you still felt that way!" He smirked when Marik stopped and his eyes grew twice their normal size. But he quickly regained composure and smirked up at Bakura.

"Oh you don't know hat half of it. Care to find out?" Marik licked his lips at Bakura, who plopped down in his lap.

"Ohh... remember that time we had wild hot sex in the Pharaoh's bed chambers?"

They thought they heard the teacher gag after that comment.

Video; Yami's gasped, "You two freaks had sex on MY bed? Have you NO respect at ALL?"

They both gave him a look that answered his question, but Marik had to comment anyways, "Oh please, you were a lousy pharaoh... I think Priest Set would have made a better one..."

"Oh!" Bakura suddenly said, "Remember the time in the Palace dungeons? When you came to break me out? Oh that was great..."

Marik smirked at the memory, "Oh yeah, you were chained to the wall, still covered in blood from being whipped... such a naughty boy you were... though the guards didn't punish you enough..."

"You took care of that though..." Bakura whispered, wrapping his arms around Marik neck and pulling him into a painfully forceful kiss.

"Ra, you two are sick..."Yami muttered.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing that..." Both Yuugi and Malik said at the same time, while Yami and Ryou gave them both horrified looks.

"You gotta admit Yami, that's pretty hot.." Yuugi mumbled, Yami starred, "Ok, I'll shut up now..." He sighed.

"My hikari...has been corrupted... It's all your hikari's fault Marik!" Yami growled.

Marik pulled away from Bakura and raised an eyebrow at Yami, "Why my hikari's fault? Why not Bakura's?"

Yami sighed exasperatingly and pointed at Ryou, "He's too innocent to corrupt anyone!" They all turned to Ryou, who had this sickeningly cute confused look on his face.

"Your right." They all, minus Yami and Ryou, said.

"I'm bored..." Bakura muttered, then noticed a squirrel watching them. He growled, "It's that fucking squirrel again!" Bakura yelled, pulling out a card from his pocket and his ring started to glow, "Man Eater Bug!" Said monster appeared, "I know it's not a man, but eat it anyways dammit!" Said monster ate the squirrel, then disappeared, "Ha! I showed that furry little bitch!"

There was a collection of gasps as the student and the teacher saw the man-eater bug appear and devour the squirrel.

Video; "The squirrel did nothing to you Bakura, that was very immature." Yami reprimanded.

Bakura snorted, "Like I care. And for your information, Oh Great Son of Ra, It was looking at me."

"I don't see why...not much to look at." Yami retorted. All three yami's, like the respectable and mature yami's they are, started growling at each other, and the ring, rod and puzzle started to glow.

Each of the hikari's started to try and calm their respective yami. All of which ignored their respective hikari's, but before things could get too out of hand, the yami's disappeared in a flash, each being pulled into their item by their hikari to avoid the impending shadow game.

Ryou sighed, "Why us?"

"Destiny. And life, life's a bitch, cause if it were a slut, It'd be easy." Malik said.

"I guess that's what happens when you have the 3000 year old spirits of a Pharaoh, Tomb Robber and Tomb Keeper as the other halves of you soul." Yuugi mumbled.

"Oh My! It seems we've missed the rest of school.." Ryou commented as the bell that signaling school was out rung, and Yuugi and Malik shrugged.

And then the screen went blank. There was a long moment of silence before everyone turned to stare wide-eyed at the three Yami's. Said yami's only had two word's to say.

Oh. Shit.