Gah...I swore to myself that I wasn't going to write poetry about avatar...Whelp, I was wrong...xD
I wrote a poem one day during some literature class in camp this summer, and...Uhm, wanted to post it? Okies, that's lame...

My friends that I roleplay with saw it, and thought it was awesome. And seeing as it was about Avatar, I wanted to put it up here then...

Just to let you all know, tis all about Zuko! Gah, and teh last line better be true! (Note: As in, teaching Aang Firebending...xD Hey, a girl can dream right? Besides, it probably is going to happen...Atleast, that's what I think)

So, without any further rambling from me, readeth!

Oh yeah, and a Disclaimer...I do not own Avatar...or Zuko...>>;

Those amber eyes,
that show so much pain.
Past unknown,
but filled with flame.

To seek affection,
of father, from son.
They may drive away,
his only loved one.

With no honor,
only one hope;
Many may expect him,
to sit and mope

With amber eyes,
filled with pain.
Only a scar to hint,
a past filled with flame.

A single soul walks,
along a path.
A father may face his wrath.