Disclaimer: Not mine except new characters

A/N : My first attempt ,sorry if it seems twisted.

Who loves the teacher?

Chapter One: Manticore Nightmares

Alec was lying on his bed in TC; it was 2 weeks since the siege at Jam Pony. His wounds were healed and he had been working with Max and the gang to bring some sort of order to TC. They were still surrounded but no moves had been made by the ordinaries yet! It had been a long day checking supplies and working out what they needed and how they were going to get them.

OC and Sketchy had already left, but were keeping in contact. Sketchy was doing some good stories about the transgenics trying to calm the ordinaries, but White still had the upper hand in that.

Logan was working hard not only as Eyes Only but also helping in TC with their computers and info. He might be an ordinary but he was the best hacker around, although Luke was learning fast and Alec was better than anyone knew.

Alec had left Max, Mole and Joshua in the control room; Logan had already left TC for the night. Alec was tired and needed some space.

He didn't want to sleep, that's when the nightmares began. Ever since the siege at Jam Pony memories of Manticore were invading his dreams, not just Rachael but other things as well.

He was in psy-ops tied to the chair another session finished, but he felt like he was about to die his throat felt so dry and his head ached. Why did they want to know what he knew about the escapees, he knew nothing? It wasn't like they mixed across groups, he just didn't understand.

A woman entered the room, she was in her thirties and looked pretty but she was wearing a white coat, that could only mean one thing. He shuddered.

"Here 494 take a sip, you're dehydrated." She whispered, so quietly only a transgenic would hear. He hesitated. "Go on its just water, even if they don't care I won't let them kill you. Sandeman would kill me if I did. I'll stay around and protect you when I can, but try and keep out of trouble. Just don't tell anyone that I've been here." Then she left.

Soon after the white coats had come back and a little man with glasses said, "So he's still alive, better take him back to his cell then. I really thought this one wouldn't make it. "

She'd always come through for him whenever he'd been taken to psy-ops, he even reckoned that she must have influenced them after the Berrisford operation. He'd known of others terminated for doing much less wrong.


He awoke with a start, why was he dreaming of her, she must be in her 40's now. Sandeman, she knew Sandeman. But why would she know Sandeman and why would Sandeman kill her if she let 494 die.

Alec got up slowly, his head spinning with the questions that were popping into his head. He needed to eat, but he also needed to find Joshua.

After breakfast in the canteen he went to look for Joshua. 'Control centre' he thought, strolling across from the canteen.

Max and Mole were studying some plans, Dix and Luke at the computers. "Anyone seen Joshua," asked Alec.

"I think he's gone for a rest," called Max, "What do you want him for?"

"Hey, can't a guy want to hang out with the Big Fella?" Alec replied with a grin.

"I got no problem with that, but you were looking far too serious for that. Are you alright?" asked Max.

The grin back on his face, Alec replied, "Max, you know I'm always alright. See you later."

"Don't forget the meeting at 10:00, we gotta plan this raid."

"Yeah, I'll be back, just don't nag." With that Alec left the control centre to continue his search for Joshua.


Alec found Joshua in his TC room. It was sparse but provided a resting place and a few comforts. Alec noticed that Joshua had been collecting books. As he knocked Joshua looked up from the one he was reading, "Hi medium fella, what's up?"

Alec didn't know where to begin, "Hi Big Fella could we go for a walk, I need to ask you some things."

Joshua was concerned this didn't sound like Alec, far too serious, something must have happened. Joshua put down his book and got up, "Sure Alec, but is everything OK. Has Little Fella been busting you again?"

"No, Max and I are fine, everything is fine here," Alec laughed. "But I need to talk and I don't want anyone else to know," he added very seriously.

They walked for quite a while is silence.

"Where are we going Alec," asked Joshua worried about his friend's silence.

"Somewhere quiet, where we won't be overheard or observed," Alec replied as they entered one of the buildings on the edge of TC.


It was a typical lab with broken glass and rubbish lying around. "Looks like some stuff might be salvageable, wonder why we haven't been here yet?" said Alec absent minded.

"Because we're right on the edge of TC, if they decided to break in we would be sitting targets," replied Joshua, with less naivety than usual.

"Let's hope they don't decide to try now," Alec answered with a grin. Then the smile slipped as Alec began his story. "Joshua you know more about Sandeman and Manticore than any of us and I need some information. I don't if it will help, but I've got to find out why this is bugging me now."

"Hey Alec slow down, what is it?"

"I've been having dreams about a woman.."

Joshua interrupted, "That not normal, for you?"

Alec laughed, he loved the way Joshua could do that, Joshua was still so innocent. "Yeah, maybe, but this woman was at Manticore and was one of the lab techs. She saved my life in there, more than once when I was in psy-ops or the infirmary."

He paused and looked at Joshua hoping he would understand where this was going, but Joshua just looked back at him.

Alec sighed, "Joshua, after the 09 escape I was taken to psy-ops, after one session I was left there tied to the chair and my mouth was burning. I thought I was going to die when this woman came in wearing a white coat. My first thoughts were that this was it, I was going to die. Then she offered me some water and told me that Sandeman would kill her if she let me die. She promised to help me whenever she could and I believe she kept her word, but I never knew who she was."

"Issy," said Joshua.

"Issy, who's Issy and what kind of name is that?" said Alec

"Issy was created by father, she was special."

"Created by Sandeman, but when, how? She must be 20 years older than the rest of us and looked perfectly human." Alec was shocked by this revelation, Josuha looked so different but he wasn't that much older. How could someone be that old and still a transgenic.

"Issy was the very first, father created her before he came to Manticore but his notes were destroyed, so he had to start again. He also wanted her to blend in as an assistant, to monitor his work. She has data based up here," said Joshua pointing to his head.

"Why did Sandeman want her working at Manticore and why did he want her to save me, lots of others died and she didn't save them."

"I not know everything, but sometimes she would talk to me after father left. It was dangerous for her; she brought food."

"But what did she tell you, I need to know," Alec was sounding agitated.

A noise disturbed them. "So this is where you two are hiding," said Max as she entered the room. "The meeting was at 10:00," looking at her watch, "it is now 11:00 and we need you're asses in the control room pronto." It was only then she noticed the effect of her entrance.

Joshua was looking embarrassed and Alec looked like he could kill her. "Hey guys have I walked into something going on between you."

"No but you're timing sucks," sneered Alec. Who knew when he'd be able to get Joshua alone again to find out more and until he did he knew he would remain distracted (something that could prove fatal for a soldier or thief). How much had Max overheard, he didn't want her knowing anything not yet.


As they walked over to the control room Max was wondering how to ask Joshua about what she'd overheard without letting Alec know. Who were they talking about and why didn't Alec want her to know, after all she couldn't be one of Alec's bed buddies that wouldn't have caused that reaction and he seemed so distracted at the moment. She wanted the cocky, self-assured Alec back, she was worried about him and that didn't bode well for any raids.


Despite Alec's concerns about himself, the raid went without a hitch and he managed to get away from the control centre without being noticed to find Joshua again.

"Hi Josh, can we continue our story, but not here," Alec asked quietly when he found Joshua in the canteen.

"Sure Alec, but where, Max found us last time."

"I've been thinking about the basement in that block," Alec pointed to a building.

"But Alec that's right under everyone's feet."

"Yeah, but no-one goes down there and who looks for someone hiding under their feet. Plus those stairs echo, so no-ones gonna creep up on us."

They headed out of the canteen keeping an eye open to see if they were being followed and took the back stairs to the basement.


Max had seen Alec slip away that evening. She guessed he would be looking for Joshua. She decided to slip away as well and go snooping.

She climbed to the roof to see where Alec went. Sure enough he was coming out of the canteen with Joshua, but why was he entering that block. It was the infirmary was but neither of them was hurt.

She decided to follow.


"You been down here before Alec?" asked Joshua.

"Sometimes when I want some peace, sometimes for a workout," Was the reply. "Spill the beans Joshua I want to know more about this Issy and her connection to father."

"What beans, no beans here?" asked a puzzled Josuha.

"Sorry just an expression, I need to know everything you know?" apologised Alec.

"Before I continue, why do you want to know now?"

Alec looked at Joshua, did he really want to know about Alec's sordid past. Well here goes. "This woman didn't only save my life, but when they decided to put me on the breeding programme she was my tutor. I never understood that, all the other guys had prostitutes, but I got her. Admittedly she was dressed more like a tart but I knew it was her before she told me. She said I shouldn't be contaminated yet. Never understood that until you said father created her"

Joshua put his arm around Alec, "So the 'I'm alright' is just for show." Alec shrugged. "Always thought it was," said the big guy. "Issy was created by father as his assistant before he came to Manticore. He thought he needed someone he could trust and control to get things done. She was told all the important information about his creations, this she had to store as a sort of walking database. She once told me that father had several X5 with special features which needed preserving and that one seemed determined to get himself killed or terminated," he paused and looked at Alec.

Alec smiled, all the worry which had been etching his face seemed to disappear in that instance, "I suppose that must have been me," he said with a laugh.

Just then he heard a noise.


Max had been trying to creep down the stairs so quietly, but after she heard what Joshua said about this woman and Alec's reply, she missed her footing and stood on some glass.

"Who's there?" shouted Alec, more than a little annoyed. Every time they seemed to be getting somewhere someone had to spoil it. If this continued he'd never get to the bottom of the dreams.

Max came out of the shadows, looking slightly embarrassed, "Just trying to find out why you two are sneaking around again."

"More like poking your nose in someone else's business again," replied Alec angrily.

Joshua put his arm around Alec again to calm him down, "Hey little fella, we just talking," he said to Max.

"From what I overheard you know someone who could explain what's been going on with me, so why didn't you say before?"

"Sorry Max, I didn't know 'til Alec asked questions this morning." Joshua hung his head as he replied.

"That's alright, but why didn't you invite me to this session?"

Joshua looked at Alec. "Because as you probably heard this is about something personal to me, not you. Why do you have to be Lady Jesus and everything relate only to you?" Alec spat back.

"For your information I didn't hear anything that personal and if this person has information that can help us understand this bitch I want to find her as much as you." Max snapped back.

"Who said I want to find her?"

"Sorry I thought these secret sessions were because you wanted to do something stupid on your own."

Alec thought, 'What do I want, peace of mind. To find her? To understand why she's haunting me.' He collapsed, this was just too much, Max didn't want him in her life, didn't trust him and now couldn't stay away when he needed it most. Gently Josuha sat down so Alec could sit on the floor.

Max came over and sat next to Alec, Joshua was still holding him. At that moment Max realised that Alec looked like a frightened boy, more like Ben confused and frightened. What was going on inside his head and why wasn't he telling her. She was more worried and needed him to know she was there for him, "Alec I've always watched your back, when you haven't been watching mine. Let me help, TC needs you as much as it needs me. I can't let you fall apart, what's wrong."

Alec closed his eyes, and it was all back the times in psy-ops, the pain, the questions, the noise, the fear and the person who spoke in his head and told him he would be alright. There she was in his cell dressed like a tart and saying she wanted him to know the finer arts of making love because one day he would need them. How did she know what was going to happen and where was she now. He opened his eyes and realised that both Max and Joshua were holding him, tears were running down his face and he was shaking uncontrollably (but not like the seizures).

Max turned to Joshua and said softly, "Tell us more about her."

Alec didn't argue he needed to know and Max wouldn't stay away now, besides he didn't have the strength to argue. "You'd better start at the beginning for Max," he said, still not trying to free himself from their hugs, for once needing the support of his friends (the Manticore persona gone completely).

"Issy was the very first, father created her before he came to Manticore but his notes were destroyed, so he had to start again. He also wanted her to blend in as an assistant, to monitor his work. She has data based up here," he pointed to his head. "I not know everything, but sometimes she would talk to me after father left. It was dangerous for her, she brought food," he continued. "Father thought he needed someone he could trust and control to get things done. She was told all the important information about his creations, this she had to store, a database. She once told me that father had several X5 with special features which needed preserving.."

"That's where I came in," Max interrupted. "So what was special about them and where might we find them, and what more does she know.."
