We were sent far into the country side, away from everything and anything we knew. The houses grew farther and farther apart, until miles of endless forest separated us from any type of civilization. Blanche amused my sisters with fairy tales, of magical castles and generous fairies. I watched out the side of the carriage at the gathering clouds. Sighing I retreated my head.

"It's going to rain." I stated matter of factly. Blanche nodded and I closed the blind just rain drops began to bounce off the roof. I leaned back and listened to the steady beat of the rain falling, like hands beating on a drum.

I must have fallen asleep. When I awoke the rain had quieted. I opened the blind and looked out into the drizzling mists. A small, dilapidated town spread out in front of us. The horse trotted through the muddy streets as we passed through the town and down an obscure path, overgrown with weeds and wildflowers. At the end of the path sat a small, one room cottage. The carriage stopped at the door of the cottage, and Blanche, Oriel, Estelle and I picked up our bags and carried them into the house.

Our upbringing from that point forward was quiet and secluded. We grew familiar with the townspeople, all of whom were generous and lively. Oriel grew fond of the one of the young lads of the village and they often disappeared for hours, to come back red faced and smiling. I found work at the small inn at the edge of town, where travelers would stop to rest and tell stories of the outside world. It was here we learned any news from the outside world.

Many years passed before we heard any word from my father. It came in the form of a hurried letter and only spoke on missing us and hoping to have us return home soon. Perhaps he had forgotten we were not longer young girls of eight and six. The twins had grown into fine young women, just about to celebrate their 17th year. I was 19 and yearned to learn of what was truly happening in the city.

Another year passed before we heard from our father once more, again in the form of a hurried letter. It spoke of returning to us soon, as soon as he finished some specific business in the city.

It was the last time we ever heard from him.

I'm sorry this is so aweful! I just needed to start writing and break my stupid writers block and I just kinda picked a story to restart. Maybe if I can get a more solid plot for this story I will rewrite it, at the very least, rewrite this chapter.