Title-Collision of Past and Present
Summary-There are some new bladers in town and they're not here to play. They're on a hunt to get revenge. What will happen as the G Revolution learn about Kai's unforgivable past with these new bladers?
RayxOC, MaxxOC, DaichixOC, KennyxOC, TysonxHillary, KaixOC
Yuki Minato
Height-5' 6"
Hair-Long straight navy blue hair with baby blue highlights and hair in front like Judy Tate's (Max's mom) but slightly longer
Eyes-Big, pearly baby purple that tend to show emotion
Style-Baby pink skirt with white tank top, hot pink jacket, white/pink hat on backwards and white/pink sneakers
Attitude-Warm, caring, nice, kind, but very cold and harsh to strangers for unknown reasons.
Beyblade-Blood red Bitbeast- Kiama (flaming cheetah) Attack-Blazing Paw
Mika Lee
Height- 5' 5"
Hair- Super long (right below butt) straight red (cherry colored) hair that curls at ends
Eyes- Deep mahogany eyes that are always lost in thought
Style-Skintight denim jeans and tight tank tops and sneakers
Attitude-Warm, caring, energetic but get on her bad side and she can be mean and harsh
Beyblade-Dark Blue Bitbeast-Gassuri (angel) Attack-Heavenly Mist
Lin Ketari
Height- 4' 11"
Hair-Wavy, shiny, shoulder length jet black hair
Eyes-Light Blue filled with enthusiasm
Style-Short skirts and embroidered long or short sleeve shirts with knee high jet black boots
Attitude-Hyper, fun, playful, always in a good mood and rarely gets upset
Beyblade-Pink Bitbeast-Mequil (dolphin) Attack-Bubble Cannon
Kimi Chan
Height-5' 1"
Hair- curly aqua colored with baby pink highlights
Eyes- deep pink, mischievous
Attitude- always pulling pranks, evil in a fun way, energetic
Beyblade-yellow Bitbeast-Denzi (dog) Attack- Storm of Tranquility
Mel Kira
Height- 5' 2"
Hair- mid length (middle of back) semi wavy green hair
Eyes-silver, full of wisdom and knowledge, glasses like Emily's
Style-3/4 length sleeve shirt (plain) with a semi long (a little below knee) skirt or khakis
Attitude-genius, computer whiz, great at designing/fixing/etc. beyblades, carries around a laptop with info on everyone and everything to do with beyblading
Beyblade-orange Bitbeast-Dirri (steed) Attack- Horseshoe Kick
This is my first ficcie ever so I apologize if it's really bad in the beginning. I'm hoping it will get better as it progresses.
Disclaimer-I do not own Beyblade.
Chapter 1- Painful Memories
FlashbackNormal POV
"Hey girls! Come on! Let's go play at the park!" an enthusiastic 5 year old Yuki Minato pulled her 4 closest friends, 5 year old Mika Lee, 4 year old Mel Kira, 4 year old Kimi Chan, and 4 year old Lin Ketari eagerly to the park to play. As they were skipping around playing, chatting, and just having fun, they noticed a two tone hair colored boy with shining purple eyes practicing with his beyblade. (A/N: Kai has purple eyes in season 3 right?)
"Ooh, I wonder why he's all by himself?" Mika had always cared about other people, even if they were complete strangers. "I think we should go introduce ourselves!" Everyone agreed and they headed towards the lonesome yet quite happy boy.
"Hey there!" all of the girls greeted the boy in unison as he caught his blade and turned around to see them. When he turned around, he had a sincere smile on his face and blue tiger stripes painted onto his face. He looked at them quizzically cocking an eyebrow, but soon smiled and introduced himself to the girls.
"Hey, I'm Kai Hiwatari. Who are all of you?" Kai greeted them in a hyper and very kind manner and instantly all of the girls took a liking to him. He especially caught the attention of a certain blue haired girl who introduced herself and her friends to Kai.
"My name is Yuki, and these are best friends in the whole world, Mika, Lin, Mel, and Kimi." Yuki pointed to each of the other girls as she said their name then took a beyblade out of her jacket's pocket. "We noticed you were beyblading, so I was just wondering if you would like a beybattle." she asked hopefully.
"Sure! Why not? I was getting pretty bored blading by myself. Hopefully you'll be a good challenge to me." As Kai responded, he took out his Dranzer and he and Yuki got ready to launch their blades into the dish.
"3, 2, 1, Let It Rip!" The others began cheering as the two blades landed in the dish and began their attack.
"Go! Kiama! You can do it! Tear your opponent to shreds!...No offense, Kai..."Yuki began to urge her blade on but still treaded with caution trying to leave a good impression on Kai.
"None Taken...Now Dranzer! Attack!" Kai launched his final attack which caused both blades to fly out of the dish at the same time and land next to their rightful owners who were now sitting on the ground in utter disbelief while the others stood shocked. This was the first time for either Kai or Yuki to not win a beybattle.
"That was awesome Yuki! You're such a great beyblader! Almost as good as me!" Kai complimented his new friend happily.
"Th-thanks Kai..." Yuki began blushing a slight shade of pink as Kai complimented her, but only the other girls noticed and they exchanged sly looks.
"Hey Guys! Why don't we all go get some candy and ice-cream and just hangout for the rest of the day?" an already hyper Lin asked her friends. They exchanged nervous glances wondering if they should let her have more sugar than she already had, but before they could answer, Kai answered for them.
"That sounds great! I know this really cool place not to far from here. Wanna race Yuki?"
"Um...Sure Kai..." and with that Kai and Yuki began to race each other to the ice-cream parlor with the others not to far behind trying to catch up.
When they got to the parlor, they were all exhausted but they simply smiled at each other and ordered their ice-cream. Mika got chocolate chip cookie dough, Mel got cookies n' cream, Kimi got strawberry, Yuki and Kai got a mix of chocolate and vanilla, and Lin got super deluxe fudge mixed with triple chocolate, rainbow jimmies, fudge, and whip cream. When they finished their ice-cream, they all decided to head down to Kai's house because he wanted them to meet his parents and because he had this huge playroom filled with toys and games to play with.
"Come on, my house is this way...don't worry, my parents will love you...it's gonna be great..."Kai just kept rambling on but Yuki found herself not listening and just staring at him.
'Why do I feel like this? I've known Kai for what? 3-4 hours? And I feel all nervous around him. It's driving me nuts!' Yuki couldn't help but wonder why she was feeling this way about the young Russian boy that had just recently become her friend, but before she could think anymore about it, they arrived at the Hiwatari home. The girls' jaws just dropped in complete awe.
"This is your house!" Mel quickly took out her laptop and began recording images of the house.
"Yep. This is my nice, cozy, little home" Kai stated happily.
"LITTLE!"All of the girls yelled. Kai sweatdropped at their reaction.
"Ok, I guess 'little' was a bit of an understatement-"Kai began, but he was cut off by Mika.
"Kai! You live in a mansion!" and that was the truth. The Hiwatari home was the absolute biggest house the girls would see in their lives.
Still in complete shock, they followed Kai into the house only to have their breaths taken away at the beautiful sight. There was a huge hall in the entrance with marble floors and white stone walls. In the center was a huge spiral staircase and a gorgeous chandelier hung above it.
"Hello Kai dear." Kai's mother came out and greeted her son, then turned her head to the 5 completely dazed girls." And who may all of you be?" she politely asked.
"Mom, these are my friends Mika, Lin, Mel, Kimi-" he pointed to each of the girls ah he said their name,"-and Yuki" he began to blush a slight shade of pink as he pointed to Yuki, but he quickly turned his head away hoping no one noticed. He was too late though, because everyone but his mother and Yuki saw and they exchanged some sly looks. After that, they met Kai's father and had some fun.
2 weeks later
"Hey Kai!" The 5 girls greeted him as they walked into his familiar room, but they saw a sad looking boy packing a small bag instead of the usually happy/hyper friend they called Kai. He turned to them with a very solemn look on his face.
"Hey-do you all remember when I told you about my Grandfather Voltaire?" all of the girls slowly nodded their heads remembering how Kai once told them that he was an evil mastermind seeking world domination. "Well, I've decided that I'm going to join him at Biovolt." The girls all looked shocked and Yuki was the first one to speak.
"But why Kai?"
"Because I have to..."
Yuki gulped and looked around at the others who slowly nodded their heads. "Then we're coming with you" Kai looked unsure of this but soon reluctantly agreed. They packed their bags and left a note for Kai's parents at the main entrance. It read:
Dear Mom and Dad:
I have decided to join Grandfather Voltaire at Biovolt for reasons of my own. Reasons of which I cannot speak. My friends Yuki, Mika, Lin, Mel, and Kimi have decided to come with me even though I did not initially want to bring them along. Please call their parents to let them know. I will miss you and I hope that one day you can forgive me for leaving. I love you.
With that they headed out. Once they reached Biovolt, they met Boris who 'trained' them and beat them whenever anything went wrong. Over the course of one year, Voltaire and Boris had totally changed Kai from the warm, sweet, hyper person the girls once knew to the cold, heartless, emotionless person they now saw.
One day, Voltaire gave Boris orders who in exchange gave orders to Kai. The orders were to use his Dranzer and set fir to the homes of his old friends, killing their parents. He did not hesitate. By this time (about a year after the girls first met Kai) Kai had already turned on them. When the girls found out what happened, Yuki angrily stormed over to Voltaire's office with the others close behind.
"You-you madman! You had out parents murdered and you set it up to seem like a coincidental accident!" by this time Yuki was finding it harder and harder to control her tears. Small droplets of water began to escape her eyes.
"Very perceptive of you..." Voltaire said coolly.
"How could you!" Tears were now flowing down the faces of all 5 girls with ease.
"Ahh, but it wasn't I who set the fire to the houses..."
"Then who was it!"
"It was me." All of the girls turned their heads to see a figure emerge from the shadows. He had been standing there the whole time just watching. Then the girls realized who it was...It was Kai! This shocked all 5 of them.
"You-you backstabbing jerk! You betrayed us! How could you!" Yuki was practically screaming at Kai, but she stopped when she noticed he was smirking.
"It was easy...you were weak...all of you...I have no time for weaklings like you!"
"But why or families Kai? Why?"
It was Voltaire who answered. "They were the ones most dear to you"
"You-Your a sick bastard!" Mika yelled finally making her entrance.
"Ya!" all of the girls began agreeing with their friend.
"We're getting the hell out of here and there is nothing you can do about it!" Yuki began to run away with her friends close behind. They were being chased by several dozen guards and they were being attacked with beyblades, guns, and knives. They were also being drenched by the rain. They ran into the forest as fast as they could.
"Stop! Let them go! There's no way they can survive anyways..." The guards obeyed Voltaire's orders and ended their chase, but the girls kept running. They ran through the forest and collapsed on the street tattered, torn, and bleeding.
They awoke in the hospital and looked around to see if they could find any clues as to how they got there. The last thing any of them remembered was being chased and collapsing on the street.
"Don't worry girls"
"Everything will be alright. We filed for adoption and Voltaire will never touch you girls again."
The girls heard two voices, a man and a woman. They had heard these voices before but were too shocked to realize who they were. Yuki was the first to speak.
"Mr. and Mrs...Hiwatari!"
"Yes, dear" Mr. and Mrs. Hiwatari walked over to the girls and explained everything. How they found the girls unconscious on the street, brought them to the hospital, filed for adoption, and were now the legal guardians of all 5 of the girls.
"Don't worry...everything will be alright...just get some rest..."
End of FlashbackAbout 10 or so years laterYuki's POV
"Ahh!" I awoke with a start, gasping for air. I was now 16 and today was Mika's 16th birthday. Mika looked at me worried.
"Are you alright, Boss?" After we left Biovolt about 10 years ago, we formed a beyblading team called The Purity Bladers, and my whole team called me Boss because I'm the leader.
"Ya...I'm fine...It's just a bad dream..."
"More like a nightmare..." the others had woken up and were heading toward me and Mika.
"What was it this time?" Lin eyes me suspiciously; at this early in the morning she hadn't had any sugar so she wasn't hyper...yet.
"I just remembered some bad memories...about Kai..."
"Oh..."all of the girls looked around nervously as they remembered the 'memories' I was referring to.
"Don't worry girls." I said "I promise we'll track him down and make him pay for what he did to us. We'll get our revenge..." My eyes began to look very dangerous as I bitterly thought about Kai. The one person, no scratch that, the one thing, he doesn't deserve to be a person, that I hate above all else.