Moshi Moshi! This new fanfic is FMA only. Characters do not belong to me…damn! This is rated M+ due to the hints of hentai and maybe a few lemon scenes muahahaha. I only support EdxWinry & RoyxRiz! No Yaoi what so ever. Sorry. I also came up with a new pairing, AlxRose. They both love children its soo Kawaii! Character POV's. Ok well I just wanted to warn ya'll…lemons…hentai…EdxWinry…RoyxRiza…and AlxRose…enjoy.
If ya'll don't like hentai/lemons then don't read, its not my fault that you scar your eyes for life! R&R.
Returnable Memories
no connection to the story, it's the name of Edo-kun's image song he sings
Winry's POV –
"Grandma, when will you get back? You know I hate being alone!" I followed Pinako around the house complaining.
"I'll be back in about two weeks…you'll be fine. Edward and Al are coming down to visit. It's their vacation back in Central anyways." Pinako finished collecting her belongings. WHAT! ED WILL BE HERE…ALONE WITH ME!
"You can't be serious…but you aren't going to be here! I'll be stuck with the guys by myself!" I yelled as Pinako walked out of the door.
"Come now! Not a lot will happen in the two weeks I'm gone. Now remember to care for Den!" and with that she closed the door. I didn't move I just stood there like a fool. I let out a long sigh. Well I guess I could take a break from automail and have a snack.
I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I pulled out some strawberry yogurt! I love strawberries. As I closed the fridge door, Ed was standing there. Shit.
"ED! You scared me." I got out my wrench and bonked his head. Al was behind him. Al just giggled.
"HEY! WHY'D YOU DO THAT?" Ed yelled. I just laughed. He's cute when he gets angry.
"Like I said, you scared me. (small laugh). So your spending your vacation here with me?" I looked at him with a sly expression. I loved teasing him.
"Yeah. And Auntie, right?..." he asked with the most scared expression. Hehe!
"Actually she'll be gone for two weeks. So its just Al, you, and me." I sat down at the table.
"Where is she going?" Al asked as his armor clunked as he sat down.
"She didn't tell me." I started wondering myself. Ed sat across from me, his usual spot.
"This is going to be fun" I heard him whisper that. I looked at him.
"How so?" what was that shrimp planning?
"How so, what?" argh!
"Nothing…" I started eating my nutrious (sp) snack.
Edward's POV –
Did she hear me? Oh well. I felt my heart start beating faster. The way she started eating her snack…uh…wow…AHH snap out of it Ed!
Winry looked at me as if I went crazy. "Ed, something wrong?" maybe…
"No nothing!" I shook my head.
"Brother. Stop shaking you head or it'll fall off!" Al giggled.
"Shutup!" I looked at him with my famous 'I'm going to kill you' glare. Muahaha.
"Brother? Why are you blushing so hard!" Al asked in his sly voice. Al! Crap.
"Blushing? Ed blushing?" Winry started giggling. I stood up and grabbed my bags from the door.
"I'm gonna put our bags up in our usual room." I started up the stairs when Winry told me.
"Ed, Pinako had to move one the beds so now you and Al have separate rooms." Oh really now…
"Oh…" I didn't say anything.
"The rooms have your alls name on them" Winry continued licking the spoon as she stuck it in between her lips…
"Oh…o…k…" I ran up the steps.
Winry's POV –
"What's gotten into Ed?" I asked Al. I put the spoon in the yogurt container and pushed it aside.
"…well…I'm not sure he wants you to know." Al answered.
"Why the hell not? Why can't I know?" I leaned back in my chair.
"Because…" argh!
"Spit it out!" I'm starting to get annoyed. ("spit it out" is an insider with my friends…just think about it)
"(sigh) Ed…well…he…lo...loves…you" Al stuttered. Oh my…
"You gotta be kidding me?" Actually I was hoping it was the truth.
"No I'm not kidding. Well? Do you feel the same?" Yea I do…
"Yea of course I do." I could tell Al was smiling even though the armor covers it up.
"Tell brother! Or I will!" Al got excited.
"Tell me what?" I looked at Ed coming down the stairs.
"That Winry…" Al started to say but I threw my wrench at him. Ed looked at me with a confused face.
"Nothing nothing. It's nothing hahahaha." I laugh when I get nervous…I cant help it.
"You sure?" Ed raised an eyebrow…kawaii…
"Yea! I'm sure!" I jumped up and walked into my automail workroom. "Ed! I need a look at your arm and leg to see if it still functions properly!" I yelled.
"Yea yea I'm coming!" he yelled back. He and Al came into the room.
"I'll be outside, I need to practice some fighting skills…see you later" Al left the room.
Al's POV –
I sure do hope she tells him!
Edward's POV –
(sigh) "Now sit." Winry pointed at the chair.
"I know…" I sat down and put my automail arm on the rest, same with my leg. Winry was in front of me going through cabinets for her tools. She has a nice a…she interrupted my thoughts.
"So…Al told me something interesting." She knelt beside my arm and pulled up my sleeve.
"Oh yea? Like what?" I hope he didn't tell her…
"That you…oh nevermind." She tightened a few bolts and screws.
"No, tell me!" I hate it when she plays these games with me!
"That you love someone." Oh shit.
"WHAT? Who did he say I…" she pulled my sleeve back down and looked up at me.
"Me" she said in a low voice.
"…" my mouth dropped. I cant believe he told. He's gonna get it now!
"Do you?" she slid over to my leg and started feeling the automail to see if anything was loose.
"Um…I uh…yea…its true I do…I do love you…" I was planning on telling her anyways.
She giggled. "Oh…well I have to confess something too." She slid her hands over my inner thigh. I flinched. What was she doing…she continued to feel that area…she perfectly knew I had no automail there!
"I love you too." She slid her hands over my chest while coming up off the floor. Uh…
"Winry? ...What are you doing?" I stuttered.
"Watch and find out" she giggled.
"But Al…"
"Al…he knows." And with that she claimed my lips. I felt my eyes widen and close. I wrapped my arms around her waist. Her hands slid over my cheeks to around my neck. Our lips parted and we stared into each others eyes.