
I ask this question

over and

over again.

Why was I

chosen for this

this pain

and suffering

Why was I

to hold the


fox demon

Why was I

made fun of

hated, scolded

and beaten

Why did I

have to have

that bastard

on my team?

Why did I

have to have

a fake crush

on an unlikeable girl

Why did I

have to be

so stupid

and naive?

Why could I

not see the

truth that

is in her

Why did I

try to save

that bastard,

his brother's shadow

Why did I

have to leave

to be away

from her

Why was I

so shy

that three years

would not let me tell

Why did that

snake and Bastard

attack us

on that day

Why did I

have to trip

on the stump

of that one tree

Why did she

run to me

and try

to protect me?

Why did that

Bastard have to

laugh while

she fell down

Why did I

use the nine-tails

to kill them

too late

Why was there

a crimson lake

surrounding her

as she looked at me

Why did my tears

mix with that same lake

as I watched

her slowly fade away

"Why Hinata, why?" "Because I...love...you...Naruto..." "I love you too Hinata. Hinata? Hinata...HINATA!"

Why Hinata

Why, oh why

oh why

did you have to die?