"You just don't get it, Star! If I don't find him now-" Robin's yell was cut short as the Tameranian snapped back.

"Then he will appear on his own! If you do not find him right this instant, he will not disappear into nothingness! You are always so worried about protecting the city but who will protect the city if you fall apart?" Starfire had never shouted out of anything but pure joy in the Tower before, and the sound of her voice was followed only by silence. Her eyes had flashed in her anger to the point where she was forced to turn away. Her long ruby hair flew behind her as she spun and made her way out of the main room.

"Where are you going?" Cyborg inquired, softly. Starfire replied, in a tone they had never heard before,

"Out. I am going out. Do not 'wait up'." As she padded out of the Tower, the Titans sat, awestruck. Raven's book had fallen out of her grasp and her eyes had widened slightly. Beast Boy sat on the couch, his Gamestation controller forgotten on the floor, mouth and eyes wide open in shock. Cyborg seemed to be taking it the best, and he muttered as she left, "Be careful."

Robin stood in the middle of the room, where he had been yelling at her only a moment before, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape. As the Titans attempted to collect themselves, only the soft words of Beast Boy were heard.

"Well…didn't see that coming…"

Raven frowned as she opened her eyes.

"I can't find her anywhere. Maybe she picked up the trick while we meditated, or it might be how angry she was, but she's cloaking herself. I have no clue where she is." The other Titans shook their heads in disbelief as Cyborg attempted one last time to find her with a tracker. Starfire had taken her communicator but it was shut off-and the surge of energy that came with her anger had shorted out the tracking device. She was now, officially, a needle in one giant freakin' haystack.

"I can't believe she exploded like that. And she didn't even bother to fly away…" Beast Boy was confused, but Raven waved her hand as if to push the possibility away with one swipe.

"Starfire has to channel the joy of flight to fly, and she was just too pissed to do it. It doesn't narrow the search area though; there's no telling how far she got on foot." Cyborg nodded as he shut the tracker into his arm again.

"She'll be in Jump City, but it's a big area, and Tameranians run hella' fast. To tell the truth, with the mood she's in, I'm more afraid for any mugger out there than for her." The three silently nodded as Robin stood, finally. He had been quiet the whole time, as if in a daze. When he turned and headed to the elevator without a sound the others stood silently. Beast boy spoke first.

"What, are you gonna bail on us, too?" The Boy Wonder didn't turn to face his friends as he replied.

"I'm not coming back without her." And with that he stepped into the elevator, pressed the button to the garage, leaving the three to hear his R-Cycle roar off into the distance.