I dont own tokyo mew mew
A Horrid Ending
Last chapter
Kish look around the police covered day care center as he saw Betty talking to one of the officers as she looked over spotting him.
"Kish!!" cried Betty holding tissue to her eyes as the officer moved his hand from Kish's chest
"Excuse me my children go here, I have to find out what's going on" said Kish trying to calm his panicking nerves down as he searched the area for the twins, his hair began to stand on ends as the officer spoke of the situation.
"You the victims father, I see, then come with me I need identification on the twins" said the officer as he lifted up the caution tapes letting Kish through.
"V-Victims!!! You mean…" Kish screamed at the officer panicking.
"I'm sorry sir but your twins…"((Moments later inside the ambulance))
"Are you sure these are…" the officer's sentence was cut short at Ichigo's loud cry.
"Yes!!...that's them" Ichigo's cry went silent as her body violently twitched with a cry.
Her hand gently caressed the cold pale cheeks of the twins as Ichigo furiously buried her face in Kish's chest. Kish wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight as tears trailed down his face.
"How could something like this happen to out babies?" Ichigo softly cried running her fingers through Suki's slightly tangled hair.
"They were only one year old" cried Ichigo rubbing Yuki's slightly trimmed hair.
Kish stood up leaving the ambulance as he rubbed his temples in stress. "I can't believe this happened…if…if only I wasn't late…AUGH!!" Kish mumbled to himself as he stomped around the street passing the cops with frustration.
"Damn it!!!" Kish screamed as he slammed his fist into a tree causing it to fall to the ground loudly.
((Hours later at midnight))
"Their skin was so pale, their hair so thin…I…" Ichigo rubbed her palms as she paced about the room.
"Ichigo come to bed please…I need you" called Kish, knocking Ichigo out of her horrid trance.
She slowly walked to the bed slipping in beside Kish as his arms slowly snaked around her, pulling her to him.
"We'll get through this…I promise to make it better my kitten" Kish gentle whispered combing his fingers through her hair. Kish continued to calm Ichigo down slowly as anger filled his body with hate as he drifted asleep.
"Huh?" Kish eyes shot open to the lit up baby monitor that still laid by his and Ichigo's bed. Kish's eyes peered at the clock that read 1:45am as a loud shuffling noise erupted again from the baby monitor as Kish hopped out of the bed rushing to Suki's and Yuki's room.
Kish's cry and big smile of hope faded as his eyes fell upon the source of the noise.
Ichigo sat in the center of the pink and green mat with toys and clothes surrounding her.
"T-today was supposed…" Ichigo's sniffling crying tears stopped her sentence as Kish notice the presents surrounding the two cribs. Kish's body fell limp against the door as he ran his fingers through his hair gripping at the ends, as he realized what Ichigo was trying to say.
"…T-their…b…birth…day" Kish's Heart struggle to speak those words, he then collapsed onto the floor in tears. Those tears Ichigo and Kish shed seemed to last for hours as the whole house seemed to go silent around them.
The flashing lights of the clock flashed 3:30am, it flicked as if time has stopped and was frozen. Wind blew into the dark room, making the curtain dangling in front of the window lifting into the air.
Heart breaking sounds of pleasure echoed through out the room as shadows danced on the walls of the depress couple.
Ichigo's panting, heated the air as Kish's arms wrapped around her side and his hands pressed against her back, cradling her.
Kish lifted her nude thin body pressing it against his own as he rocked his body into hers thrusting into her.
Ichigo arched her back into Kish's palms as he dug his nails into her, slowly thrusting inside Ichigo once again making her gasp for air.
"Suki... (gasp)…Yuki…my…" Tears started to form in the corner of Kish's eyes just seeing the look on her face made Kish feel like his heart was slowly being eaten away.
Kish pressed his lips gently against Ichigo's lips as he continued to slide his cock in and out of her trying to make her feel pleasure instead of pain, trying to see her smile once again even if it's only for a split second. Kish gave one last quick thrust into Ichigo's heart broken body as he cummed.
Ichigo laid there in silence as if in a daze or as if she had died inside.
"I just want to be left alone please"
Those words pierced Kish's heart as he pulled out of her and rose off her body, laying his slightly tired body against the cold sheets of the untouched covers. Ichigo rolled to the side tucking her hands under her head
Minutes passed as Kish continued to stare at Ichigo's bare and slightly red back.
"The more I watch you my kitten, the more I feel you slipping away" Kish's painfully whispered to himself as he recklessly drifted to sleep.
Uneasy days continued to pass and so did the horrid sleepless nights.
((At the Funeral))
The light warm breeze blew through the calming day, causing the grass to dance side to side. Family's and friends dressed in black stood around two coffins. All heads were bowed around it as one by one, flowers were placed upon it.
"We are gathered her today because of the death of…" the priest voice faded inside the ears of the crowd. Tears drizzled onto the grass as the crowd faded around the center couple.
"Sorry Ichigo…"
"Sorry Kish…"
Each person that passed said the same thing, as they patted the couples back and hugged their frail dying bodies. The sun then set as the couple continued to stand there looking at the small new dirt piles, where the coffins once laid at.
"L-lets go home Ichigo" Kish's arm laid across her shoulder as he held her close. Ichigo slowly closed her puffy red eyes as she walked away slowly to the car.
A title unsaid
For the beaten hearts
Both trampled with pain
For the drifting souls
That have lost their names
Two angles fly
For the heavens above
Once was alive
But was stolen
Just as it began to sprung
Tattered clothes
Torn to shreds
Written songs
Never heard or read
Beaten bodies
No longer alive
I end this poem
And live my dreadful life
Authors note
Please review, don't flame me too bad okay guys, if you do you'll really regret it, give me lots of reviews please and maybe I'll give you a special treat.