Sequel came out with this, look for it, is called, Payback, small introductory chapter, enjoy!

I realize people are trying to get why I threw in the whole India Pakistan Conspiracy, that will get answered in this chapter, but a lot more details in the sequel. The conspiracy and Iqbal's mission doesn't really play a factor in the plot, it is a side show, it is the conflict between Iqbal and Guardian which is what the conspiracy brings, so the conspiracy ends this chapter and the real conflict between Iqbal and Guardian will appear. Pretty much therivalry was to introduce Iqbal in style, so don't take it too seriously. Their rivalry isn't fueled by justjealousy, but by beliefs and history and bad blood between the two, ENJOY

(Special emphasis on grammar this chapter, enjoy)

Enjoy this last chapter and don't forget to leave your thoughts

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans or anything else in this story


"So, you bastards want to die tonight?" Jinx said with a vicious grin as she led her team forward.

"Seems you got rid of the ice girl for some slut," Fireteen said with a small grin. Looking at Rocker who was getting enraged.

"Big words, for a weak little bitch!" Rocker yelled in anger as she launched a devastating sonic attack sending Fireteen against a wall in pain.

"Got me," Fireteen said weakly as she struggled to get up. Robin and Darkness turned around, seeing Fireteen was okay, they charged forward.

Robin didn't get far; Jinx used a hex blast while Rocket rammed him hard against the wall, near the still recovering Fireteen.

Darkness made a force field, halting Gizmo's missile attack and used a street pole to bash Mammoth in the head. Darkness almost had Gizmo over powered, but Rocker's sonic power shot through the shield sending Darkness into a wall.

"So, who wants to die first?" Jinx said as she approached the three Titans who were still clearing their heads and were wondering where Guardian was. They had been taken out in under a minute; they were simply outnumbered against an enemy who wanted to kill them.


Guardian had left the West Wing of the embassy after causing enough noise to attract all of security, and after seeing security enter the area he left and snuck into the East Wing. He entered the room and noticed Iqbal picking up a disk which obviously carried the information he needed to make his mission a success. Iqbal turned around and smiled at Guardian, "Got it," he whispered.

Guardian nodded simply and then heard the security clearance door swing open outside the room. Guardian looked at the now surprised Iqbal who quickly hid into the shadows of the dark room. Guardian had taken out the power in that room as well. Guardian also followed Iqbal's lead and he too hid in a dark corner of the ceiling, floating.

Taj entered the room with a smile on his face, "Oh Iqbal, I know you are in here! Come out come out, the act is done!" the spy killer said with a laugh. Taj walked slowly into the room and continued, "You almost got me, but I knew you wouldn't trip all those security traps even if they managed to get you, but sadly that idiot chief of security didn't believe me. So here I am, me and my gun to settle this old score we have," Taj said as he stopped in the middle of the room studying it. He sensed someone else was in the room but didn't know where.

Iqbal, got out of his hiding spot and crept behind the unsuspecting Taj who continued to call to him. Guardian watched in horror as Iqbal pulled out a silenced pistol and without hesitation lifted it and pulled the trigger.

He cut off Taj in mid sentence, the piercing sound of the gun was heard and then Taj fell forward. His eyes still open from the shock. He fell hard on his face and Iqbal stood right behind him, his gun aimed at the back of his dead enemy, and smoke coming out of the barrel.

Guardian came down from his hiding place and angrily hissed, "Why the hell did you shoot him for!" he was completely shocked at Iqbal's ruthless execution, at his lack of mercy.

"He had it coming," Iqbal said as he flipped the dead man over and began flipping through Taj's pockets, looking for something.

"No one deserves to die like this, no matter what they did," Guardian said, still in anger.

"That is actually funny, considering you also ruthlessly killed three men yourself," Iqbal said with an edge as he continued to search through the body frantically.

"That was a lot more serious, what did he do to you?" Guardian said, gritting his teeth, Iqbal was opening old wounds, that had only begun to heal.

"He killed my partner the same way I killed him, he made a dozen widows and two dozen orphans," Iqbal tried to explain. He finally found the pictures and picked them up, folding them so Guardian couldn't see them.

Guardians caught on and in a lightning move disarmed Iqbal and grabbed the photographs and looked through them. As he looked through his anger increased. "You lying bastard! You killed him so he didn't give these pictures out and ruin your reputation!" Guardian growled loudly, not caring for secrecy anymore.

"It's true, he killed him, those pictures were just part of the feud," Iqbal tried to explain to the now enraged Titan.

"A feud?" Guardian asked.

"Yes, we have a feud," Iqbal continued to explain.

"You know the rules of a feud don't you?" Guardian began his attack.

"Of course I know the rules!" Iqbal yelled, knowing security was on its way and he was wasting time.

"So you broke the rules?" Guardian said as he walked towards Iqbal.

"What?" Iqbal asked.

"The only way to settle a feud is through a duel or a deal, what you did was a murder and you have broken the rules and have dishonored your name," Guardian accused.

"Fuck you, you and all those other bastards back home, still following the traditions of your great grandparents, this is the modern world, a world of diplomacy, and law, not vigilante justice or deals," Iqbal said as he pulled out his backup gun and aimed it at Guardian's chest.

"What are you doing?" Guardian asked, he knew he would get shot if he tried anything.

"What? Breaking more tribal laws? Laws that aren't even real. What rule am I breaking now? Oh yeah, the little rule about killing a man you made a deal with, or a man of your tribe!" Iqbal revealed the truth to Guardian.

"Your part of my tribe? That means we are-"

"Cousins, yes we are related," Iqbal cut Guardian off. "So "brother" if you want what I promised you, give me the pictures, pretend this never happened, and we can go our separate ways, you save this city and I become a hero. We will never see each other again, I promise just give me the damn pictures! I am running out of time, don't make me shoot you!" Iqbal was now pleading. He didn't want to kill Guardian who Darkness liked so much.

"Deal is off, I don't want your dirty money, neither does anyone on this team," Guardian replied thumping his chest telling Iqbal exactly where to shoot.

Iqbal, caught off guard by Guardian's reaction, hesitated; he really didn't want to shoot. However, suddenly, before he could make a decision, voices were heard down the hallway and Iqbal grunted, "Shit," as he escaped through a window in the hallway. Guardian, knew he couldn't get spotted so couldn't follow him, so Guardian escaped through a vent. It was a very uncomfortable escape.

When Guardian reached the outside of the embassy he realized he still held the pictures and he had lost his team's only chance to get Hartwell in one move. However, Guardian didn't regret his decision or defiance, he had one more stop to go before returning to the Tower and pick up his communicator. He had left it back home before leaving. However, Iqbal saying he was his cousin was really bothering Guardian. "Uncle told me about all my relatives and cousins? Could he be the son of Isthaq Uncle?" Guardian thought as he flew to the Pakistani Embassy.


Boss Isaac arrived with his entourage and found Jim and his crew was all ready there. They were the same number of gangsters on both sides and they stared at each other with distrust, disdain, almost challenging the other side to make a move.

Isaac saw Jim and was a little shocked at how young Jim really was and how he had managed to get these gangsters to obey his every command. However, Isaac felt he was in control considering he was with Hartwell and he knew how these meetings went and how to negotiate.

"Mr. Isaac I assume?" Jim said as he shook Isaac's hand.

"Jim?" Isaac responded gravely.

"The one and only!" Jim said cheerfully.

"So, since you are here we have a deal?" Isaac asked.

"I have a counter deal," Jim responded.

Isaac sighed, this usually happened, "We made our terms, no compromising," Isaac stated.

Jim laughed, "This ain't no compromise, I hand you the Titans in the place of your choosing, and I guarantee I can make sure they die," Jim said his smile growing.

"Guarantee?" Isaac said, "Kid's very confident," Isaac thought. Isaac's top officers were looking at each other, not really believing Jim. But Jim's charisma already got Isaac.

"Yep, this time tomorrow, give me the men and guns, they will be dead," Jim continued, getting irritated at Isaac's useless questions.

"No tricks?" Isaac asked.

"Maybe one," Jim said simply as he lit a cigarette.

That was a signal, from the roof, five snipers shot, Isaac clutched his heart, and four of the lead men were also given mortal wounds. Jim's men quickly grabbed there guns and unloaded on the shocked and overwhelmed gangsters that had fifteen minutes earlier been employed by the man bleeding to death on the ground in front of them. They had no chance. Within ten minutes the small battle was over and Isaac along with his entire organization was dead.

Jim threw the cigarette on the ground and looked at his men and smiled, "Good work boys, tomorrow we take Isaac's ground and then with the Titans move to another part of town. But remember, our first goal is to secure the North Side," Jim explained to his men who grinned like wolves.


Jinx was smiling menacingly at the three Titans still struggling to get up. Jinx had been charging her hex blast for the past fifteen minutes, making it so powerful; it would kill any of the Titans who would get hit by it. To ensure the Titans stayed in place while she was charging, the other HIVE members would kick, hit, or blast the Titans back down whenever they attempted to get up. The three Titans were bruised and battered and were all wondering where Guardian was.

"So, who will die first?" Jinx asked them.

Robin just glared, his lip bleeding, Fireteen didn't dare try to use her fire, or else Rocker would get her again, and Rocket's last attack had made Darkness so dizzy she couldn't concentrate her powers.

"I think the red haired whore should go first," Rocker said while smirking at Fireteen.

"I guess the red head will go first," Jinx said as she turned to Fireteen.

"TITANS, GET OUT!" Robin yelled as he threw half a dozen smoke bombs. The HIVE was blinded and with the advantage, Robin and Fireteen flew away while Darkness teleported to safety in the Tower. For the second straight times, the Titans were forced to retreat in defeat.


Robin slammed his fist against the table, "Why can't we beat those guys!" he yelled.

"Guardian wasn't there," Fireteen observed, since they got back Robin was kicking himself.

"He isn't here either," Darkness observed.

"And his communicator is here also," Robin pointed out.

"Where could he be?" Fireteen asked.

"Forget him, it wouldn't have made a difference, we would have lost either way, we need someone else," Robin said as he slumped to his chair.

"A fifth Titan?" Darkness asked.

Robin nodded gravely.

"Who?" Fireteen asked.

"Terra," Darkness said quietly.

"Terra?" Robin asked in surprise.

"Who's Terra?" Fireteen asked confused.

"She was a Titan, but betrayed the team. However, in the end she redeemed herself and sacrificed herself to save the city. She is that statue with the missing engraving in the old city," Darkness quickly summed up.

"If no one else could find a cure, what makes you so certain you can?" Robin asked.

"The cure was found four years ago, but it was decided it would be best to wake her only if she was needed, she was still a teenage girl and to comeback with her childhood crush married and in a different world would be really hard. However, now she is needed, and she will have a purpose," Darkness explained.

"Tell your mom and then do it," Robin ordered as he walked out of the room.

"Robin actually ordered you?" Fireteen pointed out dumbfounded.

"He really is ticked," Darkness replied dryly as she went to her room to call her mother.


"Mr. Guardian, the nation is forever in your debt for what you and Iqbal have done tonight," the ambassador said as he shook hands warmly with Guardian who had just entered the embassy and had simply asked to see the ambassador. He didn't have to wait and was quickly ushered into the room with no delays.

"Thank you, but I do have concern about what Iqbal does with our nation's money," Guardian began.

"What do you mean?" the ambassador asked with a smile, still with a warm look.

Guardian sighed and pulled out the pictures and gave it to the ambassador. "Don't get me wrong, Iqbal is a great agent, but he cares more about his image than the mission. He killed a man to get these photos, and I was able to take them from him, he was so desperate to get them back he almost killed me himself," Guardian explained.

"What?" the ambassador's smiling face was replaced with a serious look. As he flipped through the pictures his face became slightly more angry looking.

"It seems that Iqbal is spending our nation's money on expensive dinners and for wowing girls," Guardian observed.

"And he killed a man for these pictures?" the ambassador asked.

"He did," Guardian replied.

"A very serious matter, very serious indeed," the ambassador said quietly as he slowly moved through the pictures. "How could he? Does he not know the code of honor? The tribal laws?" the ambassador said to no one in particular.

"I hope this may help you," Guardian said as he bowed to take his leave.

"Yes, thank you, we will do what is just on this issue," the ambassador said as he stood up to shake Guardian's hand and say good bye.


"Isaac is dead? He is dead?" he repeated, shocked by the report the police chief was giving him, the new chief.

"Yes sir, gunned down with his inner circle," the chief replied. The chief was stout, bull-dog faced, tough man, who obeyed Hartwell's every command.

"Damn it, who is in charge of the North Side now?" he asked.

"Now, this Jim guy is," the chief answered.

"I guess I will have to deal with him," Hartwell said as he dismissed the chief from his office.


Guardian arrived to see the banged up Titans with smiles on there faces, "What's the good news? And why the hell do you guys look like you were in a fight or something?" Guardian asked.

Had Guardian come an hour earlier he would have confronted a sad scene and would have faced a lot of heat for not showing up, however none of the Titans cared and just smiled at him when he came in.

"My mom, she is having another baby," Darkness said with a small grin.

"Congratulations," Guardian replied with his own small grin, he removed his mask when he entered the room.

"Another member to the ex-Titans family!" Robin said as he clasped Guardian's shoulder.

"Yeah, Raven should be visiting next week or something like that!" Fireteen said excitedly.


"To think I tried to be just like you, to fit in, but Dad was right," a man said as he looked at the Titans in the Tower with his binoculars.

"Boss, what do you want us to do?" Jinx asked as she watched with her new boss.

"Patience, next week we strike, and we strike right where it hurts," Iqbal said with a grin as he stared ahead, the wind making his hair dance in the wind along with the other HIVE members.

A new feud had begun and only one of the combatants would win, either the disgruntled ex-spy or the Teen Titan known as Guardian.

This story is finished, and will be continued right in the next story, so start reading that, it came out with this chapter. Little summery of new story, Iqbal loses his job because of Guardian's actions and is out for revenge. The two cousins will explore each others pasts and discover how closely related they really are... (no they aren't brothers) WHILE Hartwell and Jim prepare for war, Raven comes for a visit and will work with Darkness to try to revive Terra; next story will be action filled and emotional

This was a successful story, and quite long, glad you guys stuck around through it all, thanks to all those who read and special thanks to all who reviewed:

Overactive Mind

Dark Wolf 021


Dragoon of the Moon





Wow, I had a lot of fun, and a lot of ideas and good drama for the sequel, so stick with it, don't forget, its called Payback