Hey everyone, who's reading this! This is my first fanfic, so go easy.

Disclaimer- I do not own Inuyasha.



Chapter one-Meeting

It was a wonderful day for Kagome Higurashi, she was moving to a new city with her family, and was going to start collage soon. At the moment she was sitting in the passenger side of her mom's car staring out the window. Her Grandpa had passed away six months ago, and her mother (in my story we call her Mrs. H) was still acting like a zombie around everyone. Kagome looked over at her mom and sighed. She had taken the death pretty bad. Kagome saw pain in her mothers eyes ever since then. Kagome could tell, her life was never going to be the same once the death sunk in to her mom.

"Mom," Kagome started with a smile even though she knew it would go unrecognized "Are we almost there?"

"Yes, Kagome." Mrs. H said coldly.

"Ok." Was all Kagome said before turning back to the window. Then she saw the new house. It was big, bigger than their last house, and blue. Painted blue on the outside so it matched the sky.

Mrs. H parked the car in the driveway and opened her door. Kagome watched as her mom walked to the front door and opened it. Kagome soon got out as well and walked in. It would be at least another hour before their stuff arrived. So Kagome would take that time to look around. But first she had to pick her room. Sota her little brother was asleep and that gave her the chance to pick out of the rooms. She walked into the house and was shocked. It was bigger than it looked, even though it already looked big.

Kagome walked up the stairs and was met with a long hallway. The walls were painted a light yellow and it looked a little faded. Kagome opened one of the doors to see it was a library. The walls were covered in shelves that had books on them. She closed the door and walked further down the hall. She came to the end and opened the door. Right then she knew this was going to be her room. It was quite large and homey. The walls were a dark purple, and the hard wood floors went well with it. She walked across the room to the window to see she had a balcony that looked into a room of her neighbors house. She glared into the room, and noticed a boy laying on the bed. He had white hair that was spread all around him and cute little dog ears on top of his head. (Guess who! And demons are common in this story) She walked back into her new room and shut her doors that lead to the balcony. She went to the private bathroom and was taken back. Everything was a light green. And BIG! A big tub and separate shower. Kagome walked back into her room and did a little jig. Then she put the back pack she had on down to claim the room and ran downstairs,

"Mom, I picked my room!" Kagome said happily.

"That's great honey. Why don't you go look around in the backyard, it's huge.

"Ok." Kagome said walking out the front door, since she didn't know of another way.

She rounded the corner and was met with a huge backyard. It had a swimming pool and deck as well as a tennis court. She walked over to the pool and looked down at her reflection. Her black hair was blowing around her and her brown eyes held pride. She looked up and was met with amber eyes staring at her.

"C...Can I help you?" Kagome asked taking a step back.

"Your my neighbor?" The boy asked. Then in downed on her that that was the guy she had seem from her balcony.

"I guess." Kagome said smiling. She looked back into the boys eyes and stared. They were beautiful, and held curiosity. "My names Kagome by the way." Kagome said sticking out her hand.

"Inuyasha." The boy said shaking her hand back.

"Nice to meet you Inuyasha." Kagome said as they let go of each others hands. Then she took in what he was wearing. He had a white shirt on and black dress pants on.

"Same." Inuyasha said crossing his arm and looking down at Kagome. 'She sure does look pretty for a new comer.' Inuyasha thought watching as the wind blew through Kagome's hair, bringing her sent to his nose. 'Cherry blossom and vanilla' Inuyasha thought sucking in more air to saver the sent.

"Listen my stuff just got here, so I better go unpack. I'll most likely see you later." Kagome said turning around and jogging to her house and disappearing around the corner.

"She just left." Inuyasha said frowning. 'She seems nice, maybe I should stop by later and ask them to come for dinner. Brother would like that.' Inuyasha though walking back over to his house and stepping inside.


"Kagome you two boxes are already in your room along with the furniture." Mrs. H said to Kagome as she ran upstairs. She ran down the hall and opened her room door. Inside, it was filled with boxes. (her mom said two but it was a joke...) Kagome walked over to where the movers had put her bed. (They are in Japan, but well no one acts like it ok) Kagome frowned and pushed the bed with all her strength, to try and get the bed over to the wall so that the bed would be facing the bathroom. But alas it was no use. It was to heavy, the frame being made out of wood and plus the mattress was already on there too. She just leaned back and sighed. 'I'm never going to move this thing. I need, someone with power. Inuyasha, he looked strong I'll ask him.' Kagome thought jumping up. She ran over to her balcony and opened the doors. She walked over to the edge and peered into what she assumed was Inuyasha's room.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled slightly, he hands around her mouth to try and get the sound to reach him. She could see him laying on his bed. She looked closer to see he was reading. "Inuyasha!" She yelled a bit louder, and it worked. She saw his ears perk up and him turn his head in her direction. Then a smile played across his face as he stood up and walked onto his balcony.

"Hey Kagome, what's up?" Inuyasha asked leaning on the railing.

"You really strong right?" Kagome asked, they were so closer together you didn't need to yell.

"I guess, yeah why?" Inuyasha asked raising an eyebrow.

"I need you to help me with something. It will only take a few seconds." Kagome said putting her hands together and bringing them under her chin. In a begging pose.

"Ok." Inuyasha said. Then he jumped over onto her balcony. Now he stood in front of her. Kagome blushed slightly and turned away. She walked into her room fallowed by Inuyasha. Inuyasha right away saw his task. Moving her bed. He sighed and walked over to it. "Where do you want it?" Inuyasha asked trying not to sound annoyed.

"On this wall." Kagome said pointing. Inuyasha, without even breaking a sweat moved her bed. 'That's looks better' Kagome thought not paying attention to Inuyasha who was currently staring at Kagome.

'Kagome looks really good. Almost beautiful. What am I saying she just moved here! She starting collage. That means she wont be staying long, soon she move to where ever it is she going to school. I have to find out where' Inuyasha thought still looking at Kagome who was now staring at him.

"Thank-you for your help." Kagome said with a smile.

"Anytime, but since we'll be neighbors we should get to know each other." Inuyasha said rubbing the back of his neck. "Where you going to school?" he finally managed to ask.

"Oh, I'm only living here for the summer. Then I'm off to Takena University." Kagome said looking down at her feet.

"Are you serious! I'm going there too! We'll have loads of fu...homework once we start." Inuyasha said crossing his arm.

"I see." Kagome said giggling at the slip up Inuyasha just had. "Well thanks again for the help. As a token of my appreciation will you join me and my family for dinner? As a reword." Kagome said smiling up at Inuyasha who wasn't that far away from where she herself stood.

"I guess. It's just my brother wanted to meet the new neighbors. So as my reword, join me for dinner at my place. Just you. Then when the time comes, we'll be over for dinner." Inuyasha said smiling and unfolding his arms.

"I suppose that could be arranged." Kagome said tapping her chin with her index finger.

"Good, because at tonight's ball I'm required to have a date. And that will be you." Inuyasha said with a smirk. Kagome at the moment was in shock. He had just asked her to be his date for a ball. "So will you go with me?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yeah, but I don't have anything to wear. And you need to ask my mom first. I don't know if she has plans." Kagome said looking down at her bare feet.

"Oh, I see. Well how about we go ask her right now." Inuyasha said grabbing Kagome's hand and opening her bed room door. They stepped out into the hallway and Inuyasha walked to the stairs. Then he ran down them, Kagome being dragged behind him. 'Does she not want to go? Or is she really concerned about her mother?' They walked into the kitchen to see Kagome's mom cooking over a hot stove.

"Mom?" Kagome said, Inuyasha was still holding onto her hand.

"Yes Kagome?" Mrs. H asked with a sigh.

"Inuyasha wants me to have dinner with him." Kagome said blushing when she felt Inuyasha squeeze her hand.

"Ok, do whatever you want. You are 19 now. But make sure to be safe." Mrs. H said not even looking up.

'why doesn't she want to meet me? Shouldn't she want to know who Kagome's going out with?" Inuyasha thought looking at Mrs. H with a raised eyebrow.

"Mom, don't you want to meet him?" Kagome asked, thinking the same thing apparently.

"I suppose if you want me to." Mrs. H said turning around and looking at Kagome with a sour look.

"I'm Inuyasha Taka." Inuyasha said with a small smirk that faded when Mrs. H turned back around without saying anything.

"Mom!" Kagome said stepping forward.

"What, I've met him. What more do you want?" Mrs. H asked turning around and glaring at Kagome.

"But mom, it's rude not to introduce yourself." Kagome said turning around and walking away with Inuyasha lagging behind her.


Kagome had dragged Inuyasha outside and they were currently sitting by the pool. Kagome had her knees up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha, about my mom." Kagome said looking at Inuyasha.

"It's ok. So you want to go to my house to get ready?" Inuyasha asked. His amber eyes searching Kagome's brown ones with interest . Inuyasha then leaned over so that his nose was touching Kagome's.

'Why is he leaning so close to me? Is he going me something?' Kagome thought blushing when she felt their noses touch.

"Inu...Inuyasha what are you doing?" Kagome asked, she was turning new shades of red.

"Pushing you into the pool." Inuyasha said in a whisper.

"What!" Kagome said harshly. Then Inuyasha grabbed her sides and pulled her up so they were standing. He then brought her up to eye level meaning , Kagome was a few inched off the ground.

"I said I'm going to push you in the pool." Inuyasha said again with a smile crossing his face and he put his arms out so that Kagome was above the water.

"Inuyasha! Don't you dare! If you drop me in that water! You would be the biggest jerk ever!" Kagome said glaring at Inuyasha who was currently laughing.

"Well Kagome, you need to cool down." Inuyasha said letting go of Kagome.

She fell into the water. The cold water seeping threw her blue t-shirt and black sorts. She opened her eyes and looked up threw the water to see Inuyasha laughing. That's when an idea hit her. She was after all the best swimmer you could ask for. Kagome went under further. Then she closed her eyes. After a few minutes she was still at the bottom. (there's this weird trick you can do that makes you not flout. That's what she's doing.) She opened her eyes a little and looked up to see Inuyasha looking down at her. She closed her eyes and again and concentrated on holding her breath a little longer. Then she herd a slash above her and smiled. Then she felt two strong arms puller her to them, and swim up. She sucked in some water for an act. Then she then felt the warm air on her face and her body being pulled out of the water. She still didn't breath, and her plan was sure to work.

"Come on Kagome breath!" She herd Inuyasha yell. She then felt his hand gently push on her chest. "God! Kagome breath!" Inuyasha yelled then she felt them. His lips over hers and air being blown into her mouth. She didn't cough up the water just yet. "Kagome if you die on me I'll kill you!" Inuyasha yelled pushing on her chest again.

'Hard to believe he's half demon! Should he be able to tell I'm still alive. Unless he's not thinking like that.' Kagome thought as she felt his lips on hers again. This time they didn't push air into her mouth. It was a real kiss! Towards the end more air entered her mouth, and Inuyasha pulled away. Then she let the water run out of her mouth and coughing.

"Kagome! Your alive!" Inuyasha yelled pulling Kagome into an embrace. She stroked her hair with his hand. "Kagome I'm so sorry! I didn't mean you to drown." Inuyasha said pulling back to see Kagome's eyes filled with shame and a bit of joy.

"Inuyasha I wasn't really drowning. I was just pretending. I thought you would be able to smell that." Kagome said looking down, not noticing their position. Currently Kagome was in Inuyasha's lap and he was hugging her.

"You weren't?" Inuyasha asked.

"No silly. I'm one of the best swimmers ever." Kagome said rubbing her wet hair.

"You tricked me? Just so I would kiss you! Didn't you!" Inuyasha said dropping Kagome as he stood up.

"No! Your the one who for real kissed me. Then you blew air in my mouth to cover it up! I felt it!" Kagome said pointing up at Inuyasha from her spot on the ground.

"I did not!" Inuyasha said blushing cherry red.

"Yes you did!" Kagome said standing up.

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did Not!"

"Did TO!"

"DID NOT!" Inuyasha yelled right in Kagome's face really loud.

"Fine, so you think I'm not good enough to kiss! Your the biggest jerk ever!" Kagome said turning her back on him and letting a few tears fall.

"That's not what I meant!" Inuyasha said looking at her back. He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." Inuyasha said spinning Kagome around to face him. "It's just...well." then he pulled Kagome to him and kissed her. 'We just met and it feels like I've known her forever.' Inuyasha thought as he claimed Kagome's lips for his own. Then they broke apart for air.

"Inuyasha...we just met!" Kagome said blushing.

"Let's just keep this to ourselves and pretend it never happened! And lets just be friends. Okay?" Inuyasha said letting go of Kagome.

"Okay." Kagome said hiding her blush with her bangs.

"Now off to my place to get ready for the ball. And sorry again for pushing you in the pool." Inuyasha said as he walked Kagome over to his house.

"Sorry I denied wanting to kiss you. Well it was only a little urge." Kagome said no believing what just came out of her mouth.

"Ok. Well here's my house." Inuyasha said opening the front door. Kagome was taken back by the size. They walked into the living room to find dresses layed out in a all sizes. Waiting for Inuyasha's date to pick.

"Kagome this is Mya, your personal make-up lady. And she'll help you out with your dress. I'll see you in an hour." Inuyasha said leaving Kagome with Mya and walking up a spiral stair case.

I know it's not that long and sorry about the cliff hanger. I would like to thank my friends for MAKING me post this story. Please Review. I'll be updating sometime this week. But I would like to get a least 5 reviews before I do.

Samurai Fish