Kima: stares Ummm. There's a bunch of legal stuff I need to do... I don't own Chrono Crusade... This story partially belongs to my sister... And... Yeah... This is my first fic, so please don't murder me... Please Enjoy...

He watched her mend his shirt, her face set in a concentrated frown. "Azmaria?" He fidgeted with the hem to his pants, sinking a little lower in his crouching position. "I'm sorry Azmaria."

Azmaria looked up and flashed him a bright smile. "You just need to be a little more careful. Those baskets grab hold of your clothes quite easily. Happens all the time." She turned back to her project, still smiling.

"But it's the third time today… I'm really sorry…"

Az sighed and set the white shirt and needle in her lap. "Joshua," she smiled at him again, this time in a soothing manner, "it's okay. I don't mind, just be a bit more careful next time. You can't do everything perfectly. I'm not mad or anything."

He suddenly gave out a relieved breath and straitened up. Az turned back to her sewing, after giving him one more reassuring glance. She was always so happy, he thought to himself. She never got mad at him, not like Sister Kate did. He didn't know why he'd been so scared, he should've known better. Though, she did lecture him quite a bit. He paused in his thoughts to glance around the room. It was small, with a desk and a bed, and small closet for his clothes. On the desk a pile of books sat; books that Azmaria had picked up for him in the city. His fingers itched to take one up, but he knew better. He had work to do.

"Here! Done!" Az held up the newly sewn up shirt pointing out the spot where he'd ripped it. "See? You can barely see it now!" She beamed at her handy work. She'd gotten a lot better at it. He was accident prone, and that usually ended up with ripped and torn clothes, much to Sister Kate's disapproval. She'd lecture him on how to do things properly, and then she'd complain to Azmaria that he was just as bad as his sister had been. Az just mended his clothing. At first, the stitches had been big and messy, now you could barely see them.

"Wow, you've gotten really good at that."

Az blushed and smiled sheepishly. "I've had a lot of practice over the last five years." She handed him the shirt and he quickly put it on.

"Thank you," he said quietly as he buttoned the collar. Az stood up from the desk chair.

"Um, Joshua, one more thing. As you get back to your chores, I'd suggest avoiding Sister Kate… She still hasn't gotten over the whole flower incident."

Joshua winced at the recent memory. The nun had been so enraged that she'd chased him around with a broom as she screeched unholy words at him. That's what happens when you destroy the Head Nuns favorite flowerbed. It had been a complete accident. He'd been carrying a rather heavy load of flour when he slipped in a puddle. He had tried not to fall, he really did. Sometimes, he thought she yelled at him just to yell. As much as it irritated him, he nodded. He'd only avoid the sister since Azmaria asked him to.

"I'll be back later. So, please try to avoid any more rips and tears, at least until I get back. Sister Claire asked me to head into the city to get some supplies." Azmaria smiled a hint of laughter in her eyes. "She says that we need more flour."

Joshua laughed a little. "Okay then. No rips or tears? Then I'll be sure to get some cuts and bruises."

Azmaria laughed lightly, gave him a quick wave and exited the room. He sighed. Back to chores.

She ran as fast as she could. She didn't care where she went or what it was that was chasing her, but she was scared. She felt too weak to fight, so she had to run. Run as far away as her legs could carry her. She skidded around corners, dodging people and inanimate objets with uncanny ease. Nothing would get in her way, not while she was running. Not while she was fleeing.

Finally, the young one began to slow down, fatigue taking its toll on her small body. It was a human body, after all. She couldn't go around on the mortal realm in her true form. She slid against a wall, sliding slowly to the ground. She felt for sure that they would catch her this time. What was she going to do? She didn't know her way around this place like she did Pandemonium. This wasn't her home. She wanted to go home. This wasn't fair! Stupid mortals! Trying to control her, summoning her by force. It wasn't fair! It wasn't fair…

She hugged her knees to her chest and buried her face in them. She was tired, scared and alone. What was she going to do? Not only was she in poor condition and lost, she was an easy target for any other devil who decided to pop up. How was she going to get out of this mess? She didn't know how to get back home. She sniffed and started to cry. It wasn't fair!

She stared out at the street for a long time, jumping at almost every sound. But then she heard something. A voice; a voice so soft and sweet. Each note from the song it sang vibrated softly in the air. It made her feel safe. She wanted it. Quickly, she jumped to her feet. It was close, so close. With much effort, she forced herself not to rush. It could be a trick to get her out. She wouldn't be caught that easily. So, she made her way to the sound at a hastened pace. The voice got louder and louder. It was so close; she could almost touch it.

She peeked around the corner of a building, finding the source of the beautiful voice. A tall young woman, loading bags into a car, sang as she worked. She was pretty, and gave off a safe aura. The small devil almost purred at its warmth. She wanted to stay close to it. She waited until the young woman turned to the storekeeper, a stout man who'd been helping her, and ran. Neither noticed as she bounded up and quickly jumped into the back of the small car. She was safe for now, the pretty lady wouldn't hurt her, she was sure of it.

"Thank you!" the girl said cheerfully.

"I was a little surprised to see that you came alone this time, Sister Azmaria. You usually have someone with you."

So the pretty lady had a name. Azmaria.

"He was busy today. But, thank you for all the help. See you soon!" the front seat shifted as Azmaria got into the car. There was a soft click and the door was closed. She would be safe with this Azmaria. Or, at least until they reached her destination.

Kima: OO This is confusing. but, I hope you all enjoyed what I've written. I'll post more sometime soon, since my sister is forcing me to write.

Dark Magician Girl Aeris: I'm not forcing, I'm encouraging.

Kima: Okay, if you say so. Any hoot, I like to see anyone's opinions, since I'm unsure about the whole story thing. Post soon!