A/N: crashetburn- Palex definately is an interesting couple. Jay will continue to be an ass, but Spinner might come around. Or at least start being suggestive about some sort of threesome. You know Spinner, he's not very good at being mean to people who can actually fight back.

seanny22- I think Paige is a very likely character to become curious about girls, just because of her rape and everything. That might turn her off to guys, which is kind of the angle I like to play.
xcrazibabbi69x- I think you're my most loyal...can I say fan? You review all my stories, and you've reviewed every chapter on here. About Paige making the first move, I thought it would only be right. Alex felt she could have been imagining things, as Paige is a huge flirt. Besides, I thought it would be hotter if Paige made the first move. I mean come on!
And a special thanks to skater4u, tribaltaisan, and Sstep for reviewing.

I woke up that morning feeling oddly motivated. It was way early, and I was the only one in the house awake. I put my energy to use, making breakfast for everyone. Paige dragged herself down the stairs, sniffing the air. Taking one look at her, I laughed. Her hair was all messed up and she was wearing hello kitty pajamas.

"Morning sunshine," I greeted, walking towards her and giving her a tight hug.

"Pancakes. You're making pancakes. Jesus Christ, Alex, marry me now!" Paige joked, planting a kiss on my lips. I winked at her, returning to the breakfast I was so diligently making. It wasn't long before everyone in the Michalchuk house was awake.

Everyone was fed, and we headed off to school.

The day wasn't all too bad, I had a test or two but nothing too difficult. I was looking forward to my visit with Ms. Suave.

This time I sat and talked about Paige, while the counselor just listened, smiling.

"So I think I used to dislike her just because she was something unknown. Something different I didn't understand. But I understand now she's no different from me. She's amazing, and I love her." The bell rang, and I gathered up my stuff, eager to find Paige at her locker.

We went to get ice cream after school, as promised by Paige. She got a mint chocolate chip cone and I got a superman one. Only reason I like that kind is because it's rainbow. After some intense haggling, we managed to get rainbow sprinkles. Satisfied, Paige and I drove to the park and sat there, eating our ice cream and thinking. It was quite relaxing.
"Hey, isn't your birthday in a couple of days?" I asked Paige, raising a brow.
"Uh, yeah. Big seventeen. Let me tell you!" She answered sarcastically, leaning over onto my shoulder and twirling some of my hair around her finger.

"Hmm.." I considered. A surprise party was definately in order.

The next few days consisted of careful party planning, invitations, and everything. Paige's parents agreed to stay for the party and then leave for the afterparty. This was definately going to be a blowout. A surprise 'shindig', if you will.

It was the day of her party, and I was setting up everything. We sent Paige out to get a few random things from the store, and when we heard her car pull into the driveway, we all got into our hiding places. Paige fumbled with the lock, and opened the door. We all jumped out, shouted "Surprise!", and you should have SEEN the look on that girl's face. I think I should probably surprise her more. I ran towards my girlfriend, giving her a friendly hug and turning around to face the people.

"Let the party begin!" I announced.

Immediately the fun began. We ate until we couldn't eat anymore, and we watched Paige open up her presents. Craig and his friends had made her a special CD of their band. We popped that in, and played musical chairs, much to my disdain. The game actually wasn't that bad, and I didn't lose. We played Twister and some other crazy games and then Paige's parents left. Some drinking started, some smoking, all the usual things. But I knew Paige wasn't much into that, so we decided to lay down for a quiet time by ourselves. We cuddled in her bedroom and watched a scary movie. Actually, Paige and I were both on the verge of sleep when Ashley burst into the room.

"Aww," I heard her say. "Girls, get up. We're playing spin the bottle." I gave Paige a look and grabbed her hand as we headed into the living room.

Lots of kissing went on and there was lots of tension in the room. I, of course, got to kiss Paige. There were several hoots and hollers, and when I looked over to see who it was, I saw Spinner. It probably wasn't a good idea to invite him, but he would have crashed anyway. Oh well, more presents for Paige.

The night went well, but Paige and I were tired. We sent pretty much everyone home, aside from Ellie and Ashley, who were asleep on the couch. Paige and I slid into bed, closing our eyes, thankful for some time alone. We talked for a few hours, about nothing and everything. We told childhood stories and all that good stuff. I was holding her hand in mine when we fell asleep.

That morning, we slept in until about noon. It was Saturday, and when we finally got up, our friends had left and we figured we'd go to the arcade. I hadn't been to an arcade in such a long time. We blew so much money, I'm not even sure how much. I played so many games, and got a ton of those little ticket things. We ended up trading them in for this stuffed pink piggy thing. Paige was happy about it anyway. I never saw the point for those types of things. They just sit there and gather dust.

Paige and I had been spending a lot of time together...and I couldn't say I minded. We decided that next summer, we would go on a road trip. We weren't really sure where we'd go, but that didn't matter. I haven't felt this way in a long time. This complete feeling is definitely something I could get used to.

A/N: I'm already working out ideas for the sequel in my head. It will take place in the next summer, during Alex & Paige's road trip, and will be in Paige's POV (Point of View). Look for that sometime soon! Thanks for all the reviews.