True Love for a Vampire

Chapter 26:

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or Harry Potter.

Well Thanks to all you guys who loved this story you are all amazing I don't know how many times I have told you all that but I really do mean it you guys are great. Thanks for the reviews. I am going to let you read without to much rambling this time so on with the story.

Serenity was standing near the back doors of the Great Hall. Seto had Left to 'go do something' and she was waiting for eleven o'clock. She looked at her wristwatch and saw that it was twenty to eleven and decided to head to the to the big oak tree. She grabbed her clock from the coat rack near the front and went outside.

There was a thick layer of snow on the ground that made it hard to walk and the air was freezing. She snuggled into her cloak for warmth and kept walking.

When she arrived at the tree Seto wasn't there but another man. He was dressed in all black. A long trench coat covered most of his body and she could see a silver cross hung on a thin silver chain.

"Who are you?" Serenity asked as she approached the man.

"You don't remember me? I'm crushed." He said mockingly shaking his head causing his shaggy black hair to fly around.

"Should I?" Serenity asked trying to place the slightly familiar face.

"No," He replied, "but just for your information my name is Damian."

'Damian? Why does that sound vaguely familiar?' Serenity asked herself.

Out of nowhere Damian lunged at Serenity, a dagger in his hand. The pleasant chat seemed to be over and I fight had taken its place.

Serenity managed to, just barley doge the attack. She grabbed a thin blade out of her cloak. It was meant to be used as a throwing blade but was just as good when used as a dagger or knife.

She took a quick step back and planted her feet in a fighting stance. With the hand that was not holding her blade she undid her cloak and let it fall to the ground. She could move more swiftly without the extra weight.

Damian attacked again, this time coming at her from the side.

Serenity leaned to the side causing Damian to miss again but as he passed her she cut open his side.

"First blood." She Declared.

Serenity was trained in a small underground fighting club called Burgundy. When competitions were held the first person to draw blood three times from their opponent won. She knew full well that this was most likely a death match but she also knew how to kill an opponent in three strikes.

"This isn't Burgundy pet." Damian responded coming at her again.

Serenity tried to dodge but was to slow. Damian sliced her right solder open. She would now have to fight with her left hand.

She decided that the defensive was not her cup of tea and went in for an attack on Damian. She lunged at him aiming for his thought she slashed but he vanished. She spun around quickly scanning her surroundings trying to figure out where on earth he might have gone. And then out of nowhere. Damian pounced on her forcing her to the ground.

"I told you pet, this isn't Burgundy." He growled and then lowered his lips to her neck.

Serenity went extremely tense fear running though her. She could not fight back she was pinned. All of the sudden she heard a small poop sound and pain rushed to her neck and she struggled to get away. Her struggling only made the pain worse.

Serenity began to loose her strength. Her mined began to slip into a place of total calm. She felt as though she was laying on a hammock under a big tree on a hot summers day, The hammock rocking gently back and forth. Everything just peacefully slid away until. A sharp pain snapped her back to reality.

She tried to sit up but was much to weak to lift her own weight. She saw Damian kneeling next to her, an evil smirk on his face.

"I will just leave you here for Seto. By the time he realizes you are missing you should be dead." He said the words as if they were supposed to make Serenity feel better.

He smirked at her one last time and then vanished.

Mean wile inside Seto walked up the stairs to the platform that was being used as a stage that night. The music stopped and Seto took the microphone from the stand. He cleared his thought.

"Hello everyone." He said trying very hard not to sound nervous, "Serenity, would you please come up to the stage with me?" He asked scanning the crowd of kids for her.

"Serenity left about fifteen minutes ago. She said you asked her to meet you under the oak tree." Mai told Seto from the dance floor.

Seto dropped the microphone and ran out the back doors. He had an idea of who would have impersonated him and asked Serenity to meet them under the tree.

As Seto approached the oak tree he saw Serenity laying on the soft white snow without her cloak on. As he got closer he noticed that the snow next to her neck and shoulder was bloodstained.

He fell to his knees next to her and propped up her head. She was barley conscious.

"Seto?" Serenity asked her voice shaking from weakness and the cold.

"Yes," Seto replied taking off his coat and wrapping it around her, "It's me. Don't worry everything will be fine."

After saying this he realized that she had been drained of most of her blood. There was only two things he could do. First he could take her back to the school and take the chance that they could get her the blood she needed to live before she died or, second, he could give her his blood. Her blood was taken by a vampire so if she drank his she would become a vampire as well.

Without hesitating for a second Seto took the blade laying next to Serenity's left hand and slit his wrist. He then let the blood drip into Serenity's mouth.

The liquid was sweet and refreshing to Serenity all the pain in her body began to dull and was overcome by a need to take the blood. She reached up and pulled Seto's wrist to her lips.

After letting Serenity drink enough blood to sustain her he pulled his wrist away. It healed over in a matter of seconds and her pulled Serenity into a hug holding her close to him knowing that any second a great pain was going to flow over Serenity as her mortal self would die and her immortal self would be born.

Sure enough Serenity winced her entire body going tense and then she began to cry. She clawed at Seto's chest trying to grab onto his shirt so she could hold onto something.

After about five minutes Serenity's body went limp. Seto picked her up gently and transported them both into his dorm room. He laid her on the bed covering her with a blanket.

A few hours latter she awoke. Seto was laying on the bed next to her. She looked at him trying to clear her mine of the haze that that presently occupied it.

"Welcome to the night." Seto said and then bent down and kissed her Gently on the lips.

Serenity wrapped her arms around Seto's neck and continued to kiss him not wanting the moment to end.

The End

WOOT, this is the first story I have ever finished. I am so proud of myself. I never thought that I was even capable of finishing a story. I almost hate for it to be the end though. Well I hope it was a good last chapter.

Oh, well I am at the ending comments I have to make a disclaimer. I got the thing about the Burgundy fighting club out of a book called Midnight Predator by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (I think that is how her name is spelled anyways), I think the club was called something else in the book but it was the same basic idea and it is where I got the three blood rule from.

Well I hope you all R&R I want to know what you think of the first last chapter I have ever written. I love everyone who reviewed and all those who were very supportive wile I wrote the story. I love you all.

My new story will probably be up either tomorrow or sometime next week. It is called A Story Without A Title, not because I couldn't think of a title but because it works as I title for this story. Well I hope you all read it to.

Love to all of you and Good Evening random vampiric accent