A/n: Hey, everyone. This is the first fic I've decided to post.

Summary: Mysteriously over the summer, Draco and Harry have become friends. Who's to fill the void of Draco's enemy? Who better than a witch that no one even noticed was there… DracoOC

Rating: T for langauge

Note: It starts out kind of in the POV of Ron in order to introduce the story. As of 7-16-05, this is A/U!

Hate's just a word

Chapter ONE: Friends and Enemies

Ron stared from afar as the two boys talked. Changes had been made while he was away. Changes that he hadn't been apart of. Although, he wished he was. He felt betrayed, but didn't know what to do. There was nothing he could do, but accept the facts. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were...friends. Nothing could come from this except for chaos.

Ron felt betrayed. There were now three of them boys. Harry, Ron, and Draco. Harry liked Ron and Draco. Ron liked Harry. Draco liked Harry. And...Ron, well Ron, loathed Draco. It wasn't exactly a great fit. Not like Harry wanted it to be. While Draco had to refrain from insulting Ron while they were around each other, he was still the same Malfoy. And Ron still hated him.

Hermione came behind Ron and followed his gaze to Harry and Malfoy.

"Oh," She said, quietly. Hermione wasn't too happy with the change either. But unlike Ron, she tried her hardest to deal with it. At least, Malfoy wasn't calling her mudblood anymore. That was a plus. The Slytherins had no problem for Malfoy was their king and did anything he wanted to. They worshipped him and anything he did was all right.

"It's kind of hard to believe..." Hermione observed.

"Kind of?" Ron asked, sharply. Hermione ignored him and went on.

"Last year Malfoy was threatening to kill him for putting his father in jail. And now they're best buds."

"Do you think he could be under the Imperious Curse?" Ron asked, suddenly. Hermione sighed.

"Honestly, Ron. Right in front of Dumbledore's eyes? I'm sure Harry would have resisted it. It can't be that strong if it's coming from Malfoy," Hermione pointed out. Ron shrugged. He would believe anything except for Harry befriended Malfoy with his own free will. He would believe anything BUT that. It was impossible. Except it was happening in front of his own eyes.

Harry noticed Ron's stare and looked over. Ron quickly turned away and pretended to start a conversation with Hermione. He sighed.

"I know you feel betrayed Ron..."

"Yeah, I do feel betrayed," Ron said, interrupting Hermione. "But you don't understand. Are you obsessed with his looks too Hermione? Decided to join his fan club, eh? You wouldn't understand unless you were a guy and happened to be named Ron."

"Ron..." Hermione said. Ron walked off and back to the Gryffindor Tower. School had started just yesterday. And then he found out. School would be different from now on. Everything would. He approached the Fat Lady portrait.

"Bobertism," Ron said. The portrait swung open and he walked into the common room. Everyone was in the Great Hall enjoying dinner except for a few, who were sitting in the common room. Dean Thomas was busy fixing something by the fire. And there was a girl who was reading a book. Ron needed to get his mind off his problem. And only one thing could do that. Wizard's Chess. Ron set it up on a table and sat down.

"Anybody interested in playing Wizard's Chess?" Ron asked aloud to those few people who were in the common room at the time.

"I will," said the girl reading the book. She put her book aside and walked over to Ron. She sat down across from him. It was Lindsay Caldwell. She was the same age as Ron and in his year. She arrived 2nd year. She didn't really have friends. She was quiet, and when she spoke it was either to answer a question or some sarcastic remark.

"Okay," Ron agreed. "You can go first."

Lindsay nodded and ordered her pawn forward. And so they got into a deep chess game.

"Why aren't you at dinner?" Ron asked her, trying to start a conversation.

"I don't know," She replied with a shrug. "Not really hungry, I suppose. You?"

"Just avoiding people..." Ron replied. Lindsay nodded.

"Excuse me for knowing, but...you mean...Harry and Malfoy, right?" She said. Ron stared at her. How did she know?


"Being quiet and unnoticeable let's you hear a lot of certain things," She explained. "It's a big thing anyway. Quite noticeable. They used to be worst enemies. I wonder how this happened."

"So do I..." Ron muttered. Ron looked up at Lindsay. "Are you in his fan club, too? Malfoy's, I mean. Are you?"

"Personally, I'd rather die," Lindsay said, moving another piece. "Sure, he's changed appearance-wise. Everyone's noticed that, unfortunately. Now all the girl's are obsessed with him. I wish they would shut up, already. He has a foul personality."

"Exactly," Ron said. "What is Harry doing with someone like that?"

"Who knows. I would think he would be too busy since Lord Vol—you-know-who is on the loose..."

"If you only knew the whole thing..." Ron said. "Checkmate."

"What! Checkmate?" She asked. She stared down at the chessboard. "Ugh! Fine, you win this time, but not next time. I'll get my revenge. We'll have a rematch..."

"I'll still win," Ron said, smiling victoriously

"We'll see about that, Weasley," Lindsay muttered. She stood. "Nice playing you, Ron. I'm looking forward to talking to you again."

"Why stop now?" He asked. "It's not like I'm busy with Harry or Hermione. Harry's probably busy with Malfoy and Hermione's busy trying to support Harry being busy."

Lindsay sat back down. "True."

The two sat there for a while and started talking once again. Soon after, the Gryffindors started flooding the common room from dinner. The chatter grew louder and the common room became full.

"Hey, Ron," Harry called out to him. He sighed. Harry and Hermione approached the table.

"Hi, Harry," Ron said, casually. "Hi, Hermione."

"Ron, I understand that you're upset. But please, don't be mad at me," Harry said.

"Wow, right to the point," Lindsay observed, quietly.

"Oh, hey Lins," Harry said. "Didn't realize you were there. How are you?"

"Fine," She replied. She stood up. "I'll leave now."

"No, you're the only girl not a member of the DMOC," Ron protested. Hermione glared at him.

"Ron, I'll have you know I'm not infatuated with Malfoy," She said, glaring.

"Yeah, not yet," Ron said. "But who knows how long that will last."

"Ahem," Harry cleared his throat loudly. "Anyway, I'm sorry you're feeling left out, Ron. I'd like to change that---"

"If you want me to become friends with Malfoy, then fat chance, Harry," Ron said, bitterly.

"Malfoy?" chimed up Parvati. Lavender 'oohed' at the sound of his name. The two girl wandered over to the small group.

"Did someone say Malfoy? As in Draco Malfoy?" Parvati asked.

"Unfortunately," Ron muttered, quietly.

"Oooh!" Parvati and Lavender squealed with delight.

"Obviously, part of the DMOC," Lindsay said, sighing. "Draco Malfoy Obsession Club."

"Oh, Harry. I hear you are friends with him now," Lavender said. "Does he have a girlfriend?"

"No, I saw him first, Lavender," Parvati said. "Ask him for me."

"Can we NOT discuss, Malfoy?" Ron asked, bitterly. Hermione distracted the two girls while Harry, Ron, and Lindsay slipped away.

"He's not so bad once you get to know him, " Harry told Ron. Lindsay watched with interest. "You should at least try."

"Yeah, and he's making a huge effort to try to talk to me," Ron said, sarcastically. "I'm tired. I'm off to bed. We'll talk tomorrow."

Ron headed upstairs to the boy dormitories. Harry sighed. He looked at Lindsay.

"Are you really not part of the DMOC?" He asked, curiously. Lindsay nodded.

"It's true. I know, surprising," She said. Harry nodded. He looked down at the floor. "Want me to talk to him for you?"

Harry looked up once more. "Will you?"

"Sure," Lindsay nodded.

"Thanks," Harry said, with a little bit of happiness. "I best be saving Hermione now. I'll see you later, Lins."