Childish Games

Authoress: edhel-tarien

Disclaimer: I do not own beyblade, nor do I own any of its characters.

Pairings: TyKa, MaRe, KeHil and TaBry

This fic contains Yaoi, which means man x man relationships, and male pregnancy. Not possible, I know, but what the heck. I made up the children, so don't sue me. Hehe, if you don't mind that, then please enjoy! Just thought I'd warn you!

Chapter one: Who are you?

The bladebreakers sat at the back of their house watching Rei and Max battle. Looking at his fellow team mates, Tyson sighed happily. They where all still best friends after all these years, and now that he was eighteen, he was starting to treasure their friendship a little more.

Max pushed his blade forward and used his new strategy, winning the game against Rei. Rei sighed as he laughed at max. "Nice move, I can see why you where so eager to battle me first" max laughed in return, as he wiped the sweat from his brow. "You still made me sweat" Rei's eyes widened as his cheeks reddened slightly and he shook it of and laughed nervously. Tyson shook his head at the scene in front of him.

Rei had liked max for three years now, and he had told no one but kai and Tyson. Hiding the laugh, he stood and went to grab a drink from inside. Amusedly, he watched Rei as he turned different colours of red when max hugged him. Not that Tyson could talk much. Actually, Tyson couldn't talk at all. He sighed as he watched kai laugh lightly at the pair. How long he had liked kai was almost unbearable for him, but to Tyson, it secretly kept him going through life.

Max watched Tyson leave and then glanced at Rei, who was taking a drink. "Hey Rei, why don't you have a girlfriend?" Rei chocked, as he hit his chest in attempt to breathe. Kai raised a brow, as he watched Max, who was generally concerned, rubbing Rei's back in attempt to help him. Finally being able to breathe, Rei glanced at Max. "Why do you want to know anyway?" max shrugged in response and glanced at the sky.

"You're a great guy, you know? I just understand why you keep refusing all the girls who throw themselves at your feet" Rei brought a whole deeper colour of red into existence when max said that. "Hey Rei, you alright? You're turning red" nodding quickly; he glanced at kai, who was suppressing laughter. "Hey, why don't you and max battle? I want to see how you can handle his new move" Kai shrugged and walked past Rei. "Liar" he whispered to him, and received a glare in return.

Rumbling from the sky was heard, when all the sudden clouds covered the bright blue sky. Scrunching his brows in confusion, Tyson stepped outside. "That's weird, we're right in the middle of summer" he stated, staring at the sky in bewilderment.

Kai nodded in agreement as he looked towards rei and max. "Guys, lets go under the shelter, that lighting doesn't look safe" complying with what kai said, they ran under cover before it began to pour down rain.

Tyson agreed with kai mentally before turning towards everyone. "Guys, we need to shut off all our electrical appliances, if we're struck by lightning, it's all fried" everyone agreed and stretched throughout the two story house in which they owned.

Tyson finished before the rest, and walked outside to watch the rain fall. Something about water had always filled him with a sense of calmness and tranquillity. It had always seemed to hit a soft spot in his heart. Kai watched Tyson secretly from inside. Gently smiling, he leaned against the door frame and quietly observed him.

Something about Tyson was just so different, in a wonderful kind of scary way. Every time he was around him, he always felt his stomach feeling abnormal and his heart rate would increase. He told rei about it and he laughed, he claimed it was love. It didn't surprise kai really, on the account that he had felt it for so long.

The sky rumbled loudly and made the house vibrate. Suddenly worried of his secret love, kai rushed to the door to bring Tyson inside, away from danger. "Tyson you should come inside" he stated, startling the boy in the process. "Oh kai! its you" he stated, holding his hand against his chest. "You made my heart jump a beat" kai's cheeks reddened, as he looked in the opposite direction. "Let's go inside before-" CRASH! Kai flung his body over Tyson's to protect him from the lightning bolt that hit the middle of their yard.

After some time, kai let his eye crack open and registered that they where alive. Confused on the account that the electric voltage should have wiped them both out, he pushed the slightly shaken Tyson behind him protectively. "What the…what the hell was that?" Tyson whispered behind him, eyeing the smoking pile in the middle of his yard.

Kai's eyes squinted as to figures took shape, and when the smoke faded, left him shocked. In the middle of the burnt grass, were two children, both around six years of age. The first was a girl. She had a wild fringe which was grey in colour, with a fairly long pony tail that was black. He had navy blue eyes and fair skin. The second was a boy; he had tanned skin and wild short hair, navy blue in colour. He was slightly shorter than the first and had crimson eyes.

Blinking at the two children, kai tilted his head. Something about the children was so familiar; he couldn't put his finger on it. Tyson came out from behind kai; he felt a strong connection to the two children, but like kai, he couldn't figure out why.

The girl blinked at the two and smiled. "Its them" she whispered quietly to her brother, as she smiled. "You swure Tyka? Wuncle maxie must have gwone ower board. Daddy gonna kill him when he find us missing" Tyka nodded her head, "daddy gonna flip". Kai took a step forward as he observed the children before him. "Uhh…who…or what are you?" he asked, earning a confused glance from their younger company.

"My wame is Tyka, and dis is my broda, Sonai" she stated, placing her hands together and bowing respectably, Sonai following suit. Tyson and kai blinked as they looked at each other than the children. "Well at least their parents taught them manners" Tyson commented, bowing to the children the same way. "Well let's invite them in, they look cold all soaked like that!" Tyson commented and signalled for them to come in.

Kai stood in the hallway. "Are you INSANE! They just appeared out of no where when lightning struck, and you INVITED THEM INSIDE!" Tyson sighed as he glanced at the children. Sonai came forward and looked up at kai. "sowry mister, we lost and fwound ouw way ova da fence… we wost" his lip popped out, and began to tremble, and before they knew it, he broke out in tears. Kai's eyes widened as he waved his hands in front of him. "Listen kid, I was just…uhh…you know, a little spooked that you came out of nowhere! Please don't cry" Tyson shot kai a dirty look before kneeling in front of Sonai.

"Hey, there, there, he didn't mean it. He was a little scared, some grownups don't know how to handle it" he said, trying to soothe the little boy. Sonai looked up at Tyson, and instantly smiled. "thwank wou!" he chirped as Tyson stood once more. "Hey, don't worry kid" he said as he stood. "Come on in, I'll get you guys some warm clothes". The kids followed Tyson inside, and as they all ran up the stairs laughing, kai sighed. Something about the little kid's story was off, way off.

Looking back at the burnt spot in the middle of their yard, he sighed. The storm had suddenly gone and it was night time. "The weather is so weird here, at least in Russia it was always the same" he sighed as max and rei came down stairs, a weird look on their faces. "Who are the midgets?" asked max, as he looked up the stairs then back at kai. "Uhh… supposably lost kids, they may need to stay a while until we find their parents" he replied. Rei looked a kai and a smiled crossed his features "you know what kai, they kind of look like you, maybe they're your relatives?"

Kai shook his head, as he stared at the back again. Although they did have some relatively close look to kai, they looked like someone else, he just couldn't place it. Shrugging, he looked at the guy's direction. "Well then, we better start moving some blankets and stuff into the spare room, they can sleep in there" nodding they all left to prepare the room.

The kids watched as the adults started preparing their sleeping arrangements. "Well, thwat was easy" Sonai stated, glancing at his sister. She nodded as she closed the bathroom door. "thwat was twoo cwose. Do you thwink that they know who we are?" Sonai glanced at his sister, "do you think we should start talking more babyish around them? I don't think they might understand the complications of child prodigies"

Tyka shrugged as she glanced at him. "Do you think that they know who we are? If we start talking normal, they may get suspicious. We need to buy time until uncle maxie comes for us" nodding they planned for a way to contact their friend.

End of chapter one.

Well there you go guys, a new story to get us going. If I don't update my stuff frequently, check my website for updates, its likely that I have placed it in the files section, and forgot to place it here. you can get there, by clicking my pen name up the top and then click the hompage. well, hope that you guys liked it and please review!