Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any other of J.K Rowling's creations. I don't own, you don't sue!

Summary: story of the Marauders during Hogwarts. LJ fanfic! Be warned: contains weird storylines such as tutu lap dancing etc (a creation of my warped mind). Rated M for a reason!

My first Harry Potter fanfic so please review, I need help with ideas! Excuse my crappy spelling and grammar as well.

Note: It's a 15 chapter fic now.

Chapter One: Playing Dirty

The Hogwarts station was crowded as usual, full of bustling students, ready for their first day of school. Among them were two young men, starting their last year at Hogwarts.

One was Sirius Black. Although naturally intelligent Sirius chose to rely on his natural abilities rather than work to achieve his goals. He was confident and popular which resulted in him becoming the biggest womaniser Hogwarts ever seen, with more 'girlfriends' than the rest of the male population put together. Born witty and sarcastic Sirius was often in trouble, which created his undeniable Bad Boy image.

With dark brown hair that flopped elegantly into his blue eyes and a tanned and toned body, men envied him and girls loved him. He often thought of himself as gifted.

The second boy was slightly shorter with glossy black hair that always looked gorgeously ruffled. He had deep brown eyes and always wore a cocky grin that showed his pearly white teeth. His name was James Potter and his was best friends with Sirius Black.

Like Sirius his was confident and lusted after. With his effortlessly high grades and his Quidditch talent he could have any girl he wanted, and he always proved it.

The two friends stood waiting for their follow Marauders before they boarded the train. They had been waiting for 5 minutes when Sirius, being Sirius had got bored five minutes ago. Rolling his smoky eyes and again glancing at his watch, he let out a huge sigh, obviously trying to tell James that he was getting impatient. James ignored him scanning the crowd for Remus and Peter, when they finally arrived.

Sirius breathing a sigh of relief and annoyance, glared at the new arrivals.

'So where have you to been?' he asked eyeing them accusingly.

'Sirius since when did you become my mother,' replied Remus Lupin mildly.

'Ha bloody ha,' answered Sirius as they boarded ' the train is about to leave. We thought we were going to have to go without you.'

Finding a empty compartment the four friends sat down together, ready for the journey ahead. Lupin had already got out a book and began to read as the train moved out of the platform and to Hogwarts.

'I think this years going to be good. James is head boy and can therefore dock points from Slytherin, I grew even more gorgeous over the summer and now I even have some more fantastic games for our entertainment over this year,' announced Sirius happily. Lupin looked up from his book warily, not liking the sound of Sirius's new games.

'What kind of games?' he asked cautiously.

'Stuff like truth or dare,' he answered, looking around at their blank faces. ' It's a muggle game!'

As Sirius began to explain the rules of truth or dare the compartment doors slid open to reveal a young girl of 17 with long red curly hair and electric green eyes framed with long black eyelashes. Her name was Lily Evans and although beautiful, was a complete prude, and would rarely let a boy within 10 foot of her. The Marauders all looked at her expectantly.

'Potter I've just been told that you're the new head boy so you need to know about the arrangements. As head girl I've just issued commands to the prefects so that's taken care of, but you need to know that as head boy and girl we share a separate resistance to the rest of our house. I'll inform you of it's location when we get to Hogwarts,' she said without, it seemed, taking a breath.

'Uh ok,' said James smiling, glancing at her slim body. Noticing his stare she scowled and exited the compartment. James stared at the place she had just been with a look of longing on his face.

'You can to far better than Lily Evans, James,' said Sirius snapping James back to reality. 'Ok she's hot, but she's a complete bitch and doesn't let any man touch her.'

'Yea but that's kind of a turn on. At least I'll know that I'm the only one who can be close to her,' he answered. He wasn't even sure himself why he liked her. He could have any girl he wanted and often did, but Lily was the only girl to resist him. She was his obsession.

'But she would never let you get close to her,' spoke Lupin apologetically.

'She would if I put on the James charm,' quipped James, grinning wildly with his eyes glittering.

'Might I remind you that the James charm hasn't really worked well on her for the last 6 years,' laughed Sirius, knowing that he had a point. James had been trying to get Lily for a while now but she always resisted his advances.

'Yea well I haven't been using them properly,' said James sulkily when suddenly Sirius's eyes lit up with an idea.

'Well I dare you to then,' he said triumphantly.

'Huh,' grunted James looking at Sirius as though he was mad. Sirius sighed.

'You know, the muggle game. I dare you to do something so you've got to it and I've dared you so ha!' Sirius exclaimed. James grinned again. He liked a challenge.

'Ok fine. I'll seduce Lily into bed in a week and you have sleep with five girls by next week without getting a slap,' said James happily.

'FIVE! WITHOUT getting a slap. Your kidding. That's impossible,' gaped Sirius.

'Too late, it's a dare,' James replied cockily. Lupin groaned to himself. He could just see where the week was going. Lots of people were going to get hurt but James nor Sirius apparently didn't seem to care.

'Fine, I'll do it,' said Sirius.

'Game on,' said James.

To be continued………

Please review I need to know whether to continue!