The Five Shades Of Blue

Chapter One

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh, if I did, then I'd be sitting and thinking... "What the hell am I supposed to do now?"


Feedback: Anything constructive and/or encouraging is welcome!

\\\-Scene change/Time shift. Words may be used to describe Time shifts.

"..." - Speech

'...' - Thought

NOTE: Seto is 23 years old, Yuugi-tachi are all 23 also and Mokuba and Shizuka are both 18.

A/N: And now Seto and Jou ride offinto the sunset on their brilliant white stallion. Not. Anyway, the story starts here. Happy reading!

"Ow! Stoppit it hurts!"

"C'mon Jou, we have to fix your hair for your date!" Yami trilled in a creepily accurate imitation of his hikari. He stretched out both arms in an attempt to grab a fistful of Jou's hair but overbalanced, tripped on the rug, and fell flat on his face. Jou resisted the urge to laugh, and his body shook as he giggled in silence like a teenage girl.

Yami stood up and brushed himself off. He took a step towards Jou, leather pants making a squeaking noise as his legs rubbed together. Jou began laughing out loud but stopped suddenly as his head was jerked back. Yuugi had calmly grabbed two fistfuls of Jou's golden hair and didn't look like he was about to let go unless Jou agreed to co-operate.

"Aww c'mon Yuug, not you too!" Yuugi released his grip and side stepped around the chair so he could see Jounouchi's face.

"Jou this is an important night. You and Seto's first date for Ra's sake, don't you want to look good for him?" Yuugi asked incredulously, folding his arms in a manner that meant 'no more arguments'. Yami slung an arm around his hikari's shoulders and smirked.

"My hair's a'right, no need ta rip anymore of it out. I'll fix it later." Jounouchi said, with little conviction. He looked up at the pair's faces, both of them were now grinning stupidly. Jou sighed.

"A'right you guys win, do your worst." Jou said casually, leaning back in his chair and studying the ceiling. Yuugi nodded his head and Yami left the room. 'Probably to get cosmetics.' Jou thought. Yuugi turned to face Jou once again and cleared his throat.

"Oh and Jou.."

"Yeah Yuug?"

"We're gonna put some eyeliner and stuff on you too."

'Yep, I saw this one comin'.'

"Wha-? I'm not a girl! Yuug ya can' be serious 'bout this right?

"And then we're going shopping... Actually, You're going shopping... With Otogi."

Jou's eyes widened at the mention of Otogi.

"Yuug, you know as well as I do dat shopping wid dat guy is dangerous." Jou said, eyeing the increasingly interesting ceiling. Yuugi sighed as Yami waltzed back into Yuugi's room, glancing at Jou and looking extremely pleased with himself.

"Got it all Yami?" Yuugi asked, eyeing the bag Yami was carrying.

"Everything we need to make our toad into a prince." Yami said, hefting the rather large bag in one hand.

Meanwhile, at the Kaiba mansion...

"Come on Seto, Please?"

"I said no Mokuba, why can't you have the party another week?"

"Oh shutup Seto, You're gonna be out with Jou all night, it's not like you're going to have to socialize with more than one person." Mokuba said, grinning at his brother like an idiot.

Seto sighed, "Fine whatever, you're old enough to know not to destroy the house anyway. Now go and put some clothes on."

"But these are clothes!" Mokuba whined, tugging at the waistband of his black boxers.


"Yes onii-chan?"

"Did you invite Yuugi-tachi by any chance?"

Mokuba gave him an innocent, wide-eyed look.

"Why would I do that?"

"Make sure those yamis don't steal anything."

This earned a giggle from Mokuba. "I promise I'll make them behave."

Seto sighed. "I'll be back at eleven tonight. I assume your party will live through to the small hours of tomorrow morning?"

Mokuba, still grinning, clapped a hand on his brother's shoulder.

"Yup, so you and your little puppy can come play too!"

Seto groaned, "Mokuba, shut the fuck up and go get dressed."

Mokuba raised his hands in defence. "Whatever you say big bro!"

Seto watched his brother flounce out of the kitchen before sighing once again and directing his attention to the small parcel sitting on the table. Mokuba had given it to him so he could give it to Jou. He looked at it guiltily, knowing he was going to be terrible at this whole relationship thing. He recalled the memory of Mokuba shoving the prettily wrapped parcel in his face.

"Just give it to him with a smile and a kiss, Seto." his brother had snapped, tired of his brother's attitude. "He's going to like it alright? It's not hard to hand something over onii-chan."

Seto took another sip of his coffee and stretched his neck.

'It's going to be a long night.'

The mall, 10 mintues later, 5:30pm...

"Wow, you didn' do a bad job." Jou remarked, twisting around in front of the full length mirror, admiring his new clothes. He had to admit, that even though Otogi had an unorthodox taste in clothing for himself, he was still Japan's most succesful fashion designer, and only at the age of 23. He had the ability to turn any ugly duckling into a beautiful swan with his daring choices in regards to people's personal styles.

He'd chosen a formal but comfortable and casual feeling suit for Jou. A black shirt with a blue silk tie coupled with Jou's gorgeous features was enough to stir the blood of anyone around him, Otogi was no exception.

"Damn I'm good!" Otogi purred. Hands planted on his hips in a very feminine pose. Sometimes he looked absolutely girly, and other times he looked masculine but gentle, not like a super macho freak. Jou supposed this had something to do with Otogi's bisexuality.

"Thanks Otogi I owe ya one." Jou said, adjusting his tie so that it'd hang loosely around his neck.

"Well you can pay me back right now." Otogi said, twirling a lock of hair around his finger.

"Uhh.. How?" Jou asked, thoroughly confused.

"With a kiss of course you sexy thing!"

"Maybe in my next life." Jou said, with a wink.

Otogi paused and sighed dramatically.

"Kaiba has no idea what he's got." he said, still playing with his hair.

Jou chuckled and headed to the change rooms to put on his normal clothes. Once out of the change room he stretched his back lazily and offered to carry the countless bags of clothing that had kept multiplying thanks to Otogi's insistence.

Jounouchi's hotel suite, 6pm

A/N: Jou lives in a hotel suite okay people?

Jou sighed and tossed his keys on the coffee table. He set down the two dozen bags he was carrying and stared at them resolutely.

"I wonder if I'll get da chance to wear all dese clothes." He said aloud, scratching his head. He was ready for the dinner, hair was perfect, eyeliner present, and he smelt great. Yuugi and Yami had done a good job at teaching him how to apply eyeliner, so he had gained a few skills for the future. All he had to do was wear the suit Otogi had picked out for him especially for tonight.

He ambled into the kitchen, and hunted for some alcohol. He just wanted to have one beer, to calm his nerves. This was their first official date afterall. He settled for a can of beer and flopped down onto the couch. Realizing that the remote was on the table at the other side of the room, he sighed and contemplated calling room service to get it for him. 'Nah, I'm already askin' too much.' He thought.

His father did own the hotel, but Jounouchi paid rent, he didn't want to be a freeloader, especially since his father put in an enormous amount of effort to give up booze, and then took a great risk in buying out a hotel. A very succesful hotel. Jou was never short on cash, he did odd jobs here and there so he could pay the rent, in turn, his father paid for his education. Needless to say, Jou was making his way through college as a wealthy man. Not as wealthy as Seto Kaiba of course, but still one of the big boys.

Jou's thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing. He was a little more violent with picking it up then he would've usually been. He didn't like to be disturbed while he was thinking.

"Puppy?" Seto's voice floated into Jou's ear, creating imaginary butterflies in his stomach.

"Hey Seto, what's up?" Jou asked casually.

"Just checking on you pup, I'll pick you up in half an hour"

"Yeah sure, wher' we eatin'?"

"Just some place in the city, don't worry, they have good food. Don't get excited."

'Was Seto trying to be lighthearted?' Jou thought. He found moments like this between him and Seto adorable. He thrived on it.

"Hehe, a'right Seto, I'll see ya round k?"

"Alright puppy, bye."


Jou put the reciever down slowly. His mind was still digesting the conversation. He often analyzed conversations between him and Seto, only because he wanted to see Seto's other side. His gentle nature, and maybe even his sense of humour, sarcasm not included. He wanted other people to see it too.

"Damn I love him." Jou said aloud. "I fucking adore him."

A/N: And that's the end of the first chapter! Tell me what you think please! Any suggestions or comments are welcome. I LOVE MY REVIEWERS.