Here I go, I will try not to get distracted...ooh! Stepmania!



hear the voice and


my sweet desire

be my only kiss goodbye

as you soak the ground with my pain

my sweet lullaby

come to me

my sweet freedom


wash your troubles away

wont be too long

just hear the rest of my song

my goodbye to you

dont cry for me

my sweet lullaby

close your eyes


the sweet song of freedom,

calling for my soul

i dont need this place

close your eyes


time to say goodbye

dont miss me





The soft voice tugged me out of my dream world and into reality. "Hm?" I asked, not bothering to open my eyes, it was as if they were too tired. Yuugi's giant purple eyes gased up at me, filled with curiousity.

"You awake?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Now I am."

He laughed too, before a serious look crossed his face, and his eyes traveled to the arm his head had been resting on. "Ry-chan...How did you do this?"

I was silent. An odd question coming from him...what the hell do I say?

"Um...with sharp objects...why?" I asked, scratching the back of my head. This was awkward, I don't exactly go around teaching about cutting myself. It intrigued me that he was curious, I thought that he would avoid the subject at all costs.

"No...that's not what I meant...I mean, how did it?" He shook his head from frustration. "I mean, I would never be able to do that, doesn't it hurt?"

I smiled. I get it now. He basically doesn't know how I willed myself to put a blade to my arm. "Well, Yuugi, I was really depressed. I don't exactly know how to explain it...I kinda...wasn't thinking strait-"

The little boy grabbed my arm, pulling my face close to his. "Promise me! Promise me you won't do that again!"

Could I really promise that? True, I wasn't numb anymore, I felt the aftermath of what I had done to myself for so long. But still...inflicting pain upon myself had become a habit, and I could almost guarentee that if I had a panic attack, blades would be involved. I looked in his eyes of innocence, and saw myself snuggled with Bakura in bed. A smile sat across our faces, arms wrapped securely around each other. At the same time, I saw hope in his eyes, hope that he would one day find the one for him. I could promise...even if it's to Yuugi and not my love. My Bakura would be my real reason for such a thing. Still, this boy looked to me for help, like I was his brother. He would follow my actions, and to cause him to hurt himself would be tragic.

No. Don't do that Ry-chan, don't hurt yourself. It makes me sad...

"I promise Yuugi-chan. Never again. I won't make you sad." I hugged him tightly. He relaxed into my arms. It was the first time in forever I had made a promise, let alone one that I actually planned on keeping.


We got off the train sometime around noon. We weren't far from the airport, and this was the closest the train would let off. Yuugi and I still had a few hours to blow, so we decided on getting something to eat.

The two of us sat at a table in a fast food resturaunt, everything on the menu making me want to hurl. My stomach felt like it was doing flip flops as I ate some shitty sandwich that I had ordered. It may not have been entirely the grease level of the food's fault, for I could tell I was nervous. My heart would literaly shatter if this way to bring Bakura back failed. Deep in the back of my mind, I knew I would get my hopes up, I knew that something would go wrong. Then I would be back where I started; a mess. how would I be able to keep my promise then?

My eyes traveled away from my grease drowning food and to Yuugi, who was preoccupied with building a tower out of his french fries, and giggling cutely. Thoughts illigally creeped into my head, thoughts that never planned on thinking.

Maybe if Bakura didn't come back...maybe, just maybe...Yuugi and I could...hook up or something-

Bad Ryou! Bad! Bad! Bad! Don't ever think that again...


"Malik-chaaan!" The short little boy who had been walking next to me burst into a run, tackling the unsuspecting blonde at a unbelievable speed for someone of his height.

Isis bowed politely at me, and from inside of the small private jet, I could see Marik waving his hand. The sound of the engine was loud enough to hold back some of Yuugi's giggled and the blonde hikari's yells for the midget to unhand him. Apparently there was no time for chit chat and happy reuniting. Pulling Malik along with him, Yuugi took my hand in his free one. I couldn't prevent my face from flushing as he dragged me into the small aircraft. Things like that are beyond one's control.

In the distance, I couldn't help but notice a figure coming closer to us. I caught it as I glanced out the window while in the process of snapping on my seatbelt. Something the said person didsn't seem to realize is that they stand out quite well. The hair kinda gives it all away. Before I could stop, I found myself shouting, "Go!"

Yuugi-chan looked in the direction I had, and the horror on his face was heart-wrenching. "Marik-san! Please go!"

You know, I never expected the blonde yami to have the ability to do anything useful in this world, no offence. I have to say, I was pretty impressed that the plane made it even a few inches off the ground. He seemed like the normal psycho kind who would take an interest in theiving as Bakura had...

My heart began to beat faster. I was actually going to see Bakura. There's no turning back now, no "the plane broke down" or other lame excuse that would prevent me from reuniting with my love. An odd smile broke out on my face, and I couldn't help the feelings of joy that washed over me. Yuugi seemed to have noticed and smiled as well. I noticed his fearful look that was shot out the window, and I couldn't help but glance out at the ground that was falling farther and farther away from my view. Yami no yuugi stood where we had been, watching us fly off. Too bad, he was too late to catch us.

"So Ryou, what have you been up to lately? Have you been...ok?" I heard Malik ask from his position on the floor once we were in the air. We were supposed to stay in our seats, but it was obvious that he disregarded that rule like it was nonexistent. Even from upside down, he was gazing at me funny, and I couldn't help but want to kick him in the head.

My short companion hikari gave me a funny look as Malik asked that. Of course, I was smart enough to throw on a sweater before we got off the train, but I could tell that I still looked like shit. I feigned confusion, looking down it him with curiousity. I still really don't care what people have to say about me, but it does interest me, and I can't help but what to know. Do I still look half dead? Do my eyes still scream "kill me" like they did before? "What do you mean?" I asked carefully, planning out my words. I don't want to give any hints of fear that could cause him to think that any rumors that he had heard were true. It wouldn't suprise me if I was the laughing stock of...well...the world. Or maybe I'm still paranoid.

"You look sleepy, Ryou why don't you take a nap?" He rolled over and rested his face between his hands. "I'll scoot over and you can join me." He patted the floor beside him, a clear signal that he wanted a pillow. Usually I would decline the offer, and I started to when a yawn escaped me before I could stiffle it. Yuugi too unhooked his seat belt and flopped onto the floor, giggling cutely. "Yeah Ryou! Don't be a spoil sport! Sleep with us!"

A kinky grin crossed my face as I imagined the other meaning of their words coming true. A threesome between the three hikaris...oh the irony. Still, I gave into my companions calls and stretched out between them. The blonde and the tri-nete were laughing so cheerfully, it made me smile as well. And I don't even think I was faking it. You know, life isn't really that bad when you have friends to make it all better. The only thing that would have made me happier at that moment was Bakura being with me...

That sent me into thought. By the time it had gotten dark, Malik and Yuugi were out like lights. But still...I couldn't sleep. My heart was pounding too fast, and too many thoughts were racing through my head. As the moon had risen, I had concluded to myself that I would see Bakura again, and we would get home safely, to have things return to the way they were before...But...then again...what would become of Yuugi? Did we really want to risk loosing my Yami again? Wouldn't it be a lot easier if we just left him alone? I know I wouldn't mind if Yuugi came in lived with fact, it might be kinda fun...

I pryed Maliks arms off of my waist and unhooked my own from Yuugi. Climbing over one of the seats, I made it to the window, peering into the darkness below. So much for figuring out where we were.


I turned. It was Isis. "Hai?" I asked quietly, not wanting to make too much noice. Malik and Yuugi looked so peaceful that I didn't have the heart to wake them.

"May I talk to you?" She asked seriously, her eyes boring into mine. To tell you the truth, it intimidated me.

"Um...sure..." I said slowly, and she motioned for me to follow her into the cockpit.


"Ryou...this ritual is a dangerous one. The overall effectiveness is based on your will. Are you positive you want to go through with this?"

I nodded. My fist was tightening against my control, my determination flaring. If it was will the spell needed, it was will the spell would get. I've never wanted anything more. "Please Isis...Marik...I'll do anything, anything you want. What ever it takes, I don't care! All I want is my Bakura." I could hear the Yami snickering at the "my" in what I had said. I instantly grew angry at him, my mind's bottled up emotions tired of being trapped inside. "Just what the hell do you know, you bastard! I loved Bakura and me meant the world to me! What's so funny about the fact that he was taken away from me!" Tears welled in my eyes, but I didn't care. I didn't care about how pathetic I looked at that moment. Before I knew what was happening, I was crying again, even though my mind screamed in protest.

I could hear how quiet they were, but I didn't care. "Jeez kid..." I heard Marik's voice over my own tears. "I was laughing because it was cute."


The rest of what they told me was a blur...Too much info to take in at once if you ask me. I snuggled up with my fellow millennuim item holders, and even though I wanted to stay awake some more, I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I'll close them for just a minute...

"Malik-chan? What are you doing to him? Stop that, that's gross!"

"No it's not, and you know it! You know you want to too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not, I'm not a perv like you- Oh my god! Ryou, wake up! Look, we're in Egypt!"

My eyes snapped open, and I became aware that it was no longer dark...That's funny, I didn't remember going to sleep. I must have dozed off.Malik's lavender eyes stared down at me, tongue hanging halfway out of his mouth. Lucky for him I was too excited to slap him across the face, for I settled for wiping his slober off of my cheek. I joined Yuugi next to the window excitedly, looking down at the miles of nothing but sand that stretched over the ground below. We were finally here, in Egypt.

I'm almost there Bakura...Please wait just a little bit longer...


Wahoo! A long chapter! Turned out big! Hikari is proud! And I did keep my promise to update! Nyahaha! Thank you to my three reviewers: Iris, Kalimoto, and Princess of the Tomb Robber. I love you all! huggles

Wow, i knowticed how much better my writing has gotten scince the beginnning...It was rather sucky and rushed then...

Hikari will update when the chance comes...but she does have a job and her back really does hurt! (cry)