Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon. Bishojo Senshi Sera Muun belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, and probably a small portion to Kodansha, and Toei Animation.

A/N: I hope you enjoy this fan fiction and that it leaves a lasting impression. That is my job as a fan fiction writer. I take this very seriously (this particular project anyway) and want everything to be as believable and accurate as possible unlike other fan fictions. The first parts will simply be filling in the blanks, the events that don't happen on screen. Later I will continue past the Stars and into Crystal Tokyo. With that said, enjoy!

Michiru tossed and turned, unable to shake the dream from her mind. The silence was approaching. She didn't know how to stop it. She cried softly into her pillow. Every night this dream foretold her fate. The end of the world. The memory of her past life. She wanted to be a violinist and fate took that away from her. How she hated fate. She rolled over and held herself tight, curled into a small little ball, crying, wishing it to go away.

Yet the vision continued. The destruction and the smell of rotting flesh haunting her. She gritted her teeth. She was alone, tormented by fate. She was alone, so very alone, just as everyone else was. Everyone was alone in their solitude, and they would all die. She got up and went downstairs and into the pool.

She stepped in letting the water envelop her. She felt less alone there, and could forget her troubles. She sighed and listened to the waves crashing in her mind, soft and careless. She lay back relaxed and laid there for a minute, just thinking. She thought back to a dream she had when she was younger. She was standing on the balcony of white manor on top of a cliff. She could stand there, never lonely listening to the rushing and crashing of the waves.

She dove under the water letting the water wash away the tears. She swam slowly and evenly before coming back up a minute later.

She heard her mother scream. Michiru quickly swam the length of the pool and hurried upstairs.

"Oka-san!" Michiru exclaimed flinging her parents' bedroom door open.

"Michiru! Run! Your father turned into a monster!" her mother screamed.

Michiru gasped. Surely that creature couldn't be her father. It was dark, had several legs, and seemed almost like a spider.

"Michiru, watch out!" exclaimed her mother jumping in front of her. The creature hacked into her mother with huge teeth.

Then the creature came towards her. Suddenly an aqua-green light filled the room then disappeared. There was a shiny stick with the symbol for Neptune on it, merely inches in front of her. She reached out cautiously with her delicate artistic hands and lightly touched it. Memories of the past flooded her mind.

"Neptune Planet Power! Make-Up!" She shouted. She transformed and stood somewhat in awe of the transformation before snapping to her senses. "Guardian of the deep sea planet Neptune. I'm Sailor Neptune appearing gracefully."

The creature came at her again.

"Deep Submerge!"

Her powerful attack hit the monster. It fell to the ground and changed into her father. Sailor Neptune sighed and de-transformed.

Michiru leaned over her mother. "Oka-san! Oka-san, wake up." She leaned closer and listened for a heart beat. Tears filled her eyes. She walked over to her father and listened. She trembled, and then ran to her room in tears.

She grabbed her pillow and hugged it tightly. "It's my fault! I couldn't protect them!" She cried into the pillow. She shut her eyes tightly and wished that it would all go away.

"It's regrettable of course. Everything is left to you, Kaiou Michiru. I hope you can do well, remember that you do have something to live for. You'll be a great violinist."

"No, that's not my dream anymore," said Michiru quietly.

"Perhaps an artist then? Good luck."

Michiru bowed and left the law office. She sighed and walked back to her house. She stopped as she saw a tall blond with short hair walk by. She had to forcefully keep her delicate mouth shut. She felt an essence of familiarity. She watched until she was out of sight. She sighed and decided to head to a realtor. She wouldn't be able to stand living alone in such a large house anymore. She would have to get an apartment.

Michiru sat quietly in class trying to distance herself from her peers that way it wouldn't hurt as bad if she lost them to daimon. She studied alone.

Elza Grey wasn't respecting her wishes though. "I know you lost your parents, but you have to come out of that hole eventually. I'm your best friend and I don't want to lose you."

"You know we'll go to different high schools. You said that yourself," said Michiru not looking up from her studies.

"Yes, but that's different. As it is I'm afraid you'll never have friends again. People come and go, you'll live a lonely life if you never have friends. At least you can experience friendship for a brief time, right?"

Michiru nodded slightly and continued staring at the book.

Elza swiped it. "You don't need to study anyway, you're just using it as an excuse to keep everyone away."

Michiru blinked. Elza could certainly read her.

"Come on, sensei says I can practice track today. My grades are high enough I don't need study hall. You can come too. I doubt he'd care if you cut the day short."

Michiru smiled. "All right."

"After all, we share the same track as that other school, and I heard there are a lot of good looking men. You might even want to sketch a few of them," said Elza as they walked to the track. Michiru giggled.

She sat and watched Elza run around and around, trying to get rid of the haunting memories of her parents. She gasped when she saw someone effortlessly pass Elza. That was certainly unusual. Her jaw dropped when she saw it was her. The girl from her dreams. She watched in a dreamlike state. The steady yet fast pace. Like the wind. Elza tapped her on the shoulder.

"Nani?" asked Michiru nearly jumping.

Elza looked at her with knowing eyes. "Ten'nou Haruka."

"Eh?" asked Michiru confused.

"That's her name. Make no mistake, even with her boyish appearance she is a girl."

"I know that," said Michiru.

"Really? I didn't know you were like that."

"Like what?" asked Michiru confused.

"Never mind," said Elza blushing.

"No, it's nothing like that. It's just--" Michiru tried to explain.

"Don't worry about it, I just jumped to conclusions. I heard she's unbeatable. But I'll train and beat her."

"Honto?" asked Michiru.

"I'll try to anyway," said Elza shrugging.

"What else do you know about her?" asked Michiru.

"She excels at everything she does, not like you though. She goes from sport to sport and never sticks with anything," said Elza.

"What did you say her name was again?" asked Michiru.

"Ten'nou Haruka," said Elza.

"Arigato. Ma, I've got to get home," said Michiru. "Ja ne."

"Ja ne," said Elza waving.

Michiru walked over to the other school building. "Excuse me, do you know where the school newspaper group is located?"

The male student she asked stared for a moment then pointed, quite speechless.

"Arigato," said Michiru as she bowed. At another time she would've considered staying and flirting, but this was not the time.

"Ne, could one of you tell me about Ten'nou-san?" asked Michiru.

"Ten'nou Haruka?" asked one of the girls flocked around the computer.

"Yes," said Michiru.

"Here," she said handing Michiru a floppy disk. "It's easier than explaining. I'll have to make another one. You can have this one."

"Domo Arigato gozaimasu," said Michiru with a deep bow. Now she'd go home to her apartment and find out more about this oddly familiar person.