I like this poem. I really do. And the thing is, I have no idea how I got this great idea. And the 'four times she saw me' is DIFFERENT TIMES. The whole first time she was down in his lair, I count that as ONE. Get it? And those four times are the ones in the movie, I haven't read the book yet. Oh, and the poem is in the Phantom's point of view. I didn't really like the ending, but still. I might edit it later. Much later… The phic is short cause its a poem, alright? I normally have long chapters.
I know I said in my profile that this would be up on the ninth, well, it is the ninth, it's just ten p.m. at night! No big deal, right?
This is my 6th fic and my 2nd phanphic! Woohoo for me!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Phantom of the Opera.
Counting Down
Five letters in Raoul
The one who took her away
Running from the night
To bask in the day
He thinks he's done wonders
To steal her from me
I bet that right now
He's wallowing in glee
I can't forgive him
For all the sins he's done
For this whole war
That he finally won
Four times she saw me
I wish the first had lasted forever
She was enraptured by me
And we sang together
Second at a graveyard
Where I fought a duel
Then a masquerade
I got to taunt Raoul
And my final act
At the play… Don Juan
I took her down to my lair
But she still won
Three plays at the Opera
That she starred in
The first (Hannibal) was where
Carlotta's career became grim
The second, Il Muto, when they didn't
Do what I asked them to do
They dared to replace Christine
With Carlotta, in lieu
The last, Don Juan
Ah, what a marvelous play
Then all went wrong
And ruined my day
Two times she visited
My humble lair
She didn't realize
That I really do care
I took her from her mirror
Scared her a little, sure
And she still left me
I even sang with her!
The second was the end
Of all my pain
In a way, but I had
Nothing to lose or gain
One kiss she gave me
Without my mask to wear
Then I was the one realizing
That she also did care
I was so shocked
I didn't know what to do
My world spun in circles
I felt alive and new
But I still felt deranged
And weary, and deceived
Yet in the end, I still
Let them both leave…