The epilogue!
I hope you like it.
Jack and Samantha Carter returned to the base three days later, ready for work. Two happy, long years later, Sam announced she was pregnant. Jack was slightly unsure about being a father again… it didn't help when he found out he would be a father of two...
9 months later, Jason and Cassandra O'Neill were born to their doting parents. Both twins had Naquadah in their blood and were able to operate Goa'uld technology since they were very young.
Three more years past, the twins grew like weeds. On the base all week, Jack and Sam still did everything in their power to keep their kids happy. They started their 'scholastic' studies at two and a half. They were able to read simple books, knew their colors, could count to fifty and knew all the continents both on Earth and on the Alpha site.
Three months later...
The O'Neill's were having a picnic on top of Cheyenne Mountain with Teal'c, Daniel, and Belle, the O'Neill's faithful dog. Currently Daniel and Teal'c were busy chasing the O'Neill twins.
"Jack?" Sam asked.
"To think this started because we acted liked kids."
He raised himself on her elbow. "Did we send those Doctors a DVD of the kids?"
"Yes, Jack."
Jack looked proudly at his two children. "Fast little buggers aren't they?" He said proudly.
"Yes, Jack."
"We have the two best children in the Universe."
"Three best children," She corrected.
"Sam, we only have..." He stopped. "Three?"
"Yes, Jack."
"Boy or Girl?"
"Janet thinks it's a boy."
"7 months."
Jack whooped so loudly that Teal'c and Daniel turned and looked up to see if everything was okay.
"We're good!" He called.
They nodded.
"Baby Mark...".
"Or.. it could be a little Krystal," Sam cautioned
He grinned and carried her inside the mountain into their bedroom.
The next scene is rated R so I'll skip it... but, anyways...
Later that night...
The twins were tucked in, dreaming about whatever three years old dream. Jack and Sam were lying on their bed. Sam was almost asleep. Jack was stroking her hair. He bent down and kissed her forehead. "And to think this started from Being Kids," he whispered. Sam gave him a sleepy smile and both fell asleep.
Short but sweet.. (right?)
I hoped you liked this and thanks for reading this story! I've hoped you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it!