Chapter 4: The Hunt

Morex looked carefully at the diagrams and then racked the information about the suit in his brain.

"Right, your gloves are equipped with retractable blades, bolt increasers, bolt shields and status communicators." He said. Starfire looked at the gloves and flexed her hands nervously. There was a sudden flash and three blades slid out of the sides, glinting evilly in the sunlight.

"That's good, Starfire! Now, try the bolt increasers. Aim at the dummy over there he said, pointing a limp wooden dummy held up by a long pole. Starfire clenched her fists and raised her hand. Her hand suddenly burst into an orb, far larger than her usual starbolts. White energy crackled round its perimeter, making her whole arm light up. With a small gasp, Starfire released it. Like someone was whistling in her ear, the bolt hurled forwards and collided with the dummy. There was a sudden cloud of fire and a flash of green. Morex raised his eyebrows and stared in awe at the mutilated remains of the dummy.

"Wow that was brilliant!" He said with a whoop. Starfire blushed. "Now, try the shield. If that was good, this has to be great!"

"But, I am of the confused, how do activate the shield?" Starfire asked quietly.

"Oh, err, you have to charge the starbolt and release it at the core of the gem." Morex said, checking the slip of paper. Starfire nodded and raised her hand once more. Green energy glowed around her hand and the gem too. Then the light released, forming a shield of starbolt around Starfire.

"I think you have totally mastered that now. Right, onto your boots."

"Dude, I think there's someone coming!"

"Great, something else to add to our problems. Hey, I think Robin's waking up."

"Oh, joy."

Robin blinked, his vision adjusting to the dark. He felt as though he had cracked at least a rib as he sat up, groaning.

"Robin, are you ok?" Cyborg's face emerged from in front of him.

"Yeah, just a serious headache and…" He was cut off by a click of a door and light bursting on. A pair of eyes looked evilly down at them.

"You seemed to like the battle with my alligator. But trust me; you won't like it with me."

"What do you mean…?" There was suddenly a scream and a girl was shoved in, her eyes red and a scratch running down her cheek.

"What do you want with her?" Robin growled, getting to her feet.

"Fight me, and I won't make her go through the pain of transforming. Fail, she'll be in pain and I get to cut you all to shreds!" He laughed, the girl looked frightened. As her eyes met Beast Boy, he understood.

"She's a morpher, like me."

It was night time. Starfire stood out on the balcony, her battle suit ready and her eyes determined. Galfore stood beside her, sighing heavily.

"Oh, Starfire. How I wish I could accompany you." He growled.

"No, Galfore. I couldn't not accept the risk of you getting hurt and I must do this alone. You will wish me of the good luck?"

"Of course, Starfire."

"Then, I must go. Thank Morex for me." She said heavily. Galfore nodded and embraced her once more. Starfire lifted off the ground, waved and shot away, leaving a green arc following her.

"The innocent can never last." Said a voice from behind Galfore. He turned and faced Morex, who was looking sadly after her.

"Do not fret, Morex. The Princess shall rescue her friends and be in no danger." Galfore said, turning back to the moon. Morex left, heads hung low.

"But, that is what we hope, sire." He muttered and took off out the door.

Starfire soared over the stars, enjoying the breeze the seeped through her hair. Her eyes glimmered as she swerved a floating rock, inanimate in its own way. She pulled upwards and saw the faint spec that was Earth. She sped forwards, her hands pulled forwards as she raced to the planet. As it grew before her, her mind settled on a simple, but complex plan. She would first have to search for Death Blade, work out his security and then prepare herself for battle. To find out security, she would need to return to Titans Tower and use the mainframe computer. It was lucky Morex had shown her a good way of computing, or it would have taken life threatening guessing to get to her friends.

Suddenly, she realised something. This wasn't her, the happy joyful alien, but now she was a logical thinking alien, with a super suit and knowledge of tech. It troubled her that only a week before, all of this information would have gone straight over her head and she wouldn't be able to understand a single thing. But then, she hadn't been taught. Now she had strategies, patterns, battle plans. But she usually just used common sense. Don't get hit, make sure the others are uninjured and… save Robin. It brought tears to her eyes and she began to weep once more. She was lost inside with out Robin's aid. But, she needed to do this, for it would be good for the future and if Robin needed her aid in this way, she could be there by his side.

Starfire wiped the tears away thoroughly, as she began to descend down to land. As she landed, she felt the fear running through everyone's hearts. There were no Titans to protect them. One had supposedly run away. But as the crowd looked up, saw her face and recognized the auburn hair sweeping round her shoulders, hope filled their eyes and they cheered. Starfire blushed quickly and then flew upwards, waving merrily as though nothing was troubling her. It made her heart lift to see the people whoop and wave back, screaming cries of joy and thankfulness. She turned and began to fly over the buildings, for the hunt had begun.

YAY! Another chapter has been created! Thanks for all your reviews and I apologise for teh wait, as I finish school tomorrow and needed to do some evil DT work. God, I hate that subject, especially with the god damn evil teachers I have! They make you do yet more work even if your finished! THE HORROR, THE HORROR!

Well, I have made up a new story and have decided to calla vote if I should create it or not. Here's the summurary, I'll need you to excuse thelamenesss, I have just thought of it!

Aliens and TT crossover. TitansTower has been invaded over night. Aliens have come, threating the Titanslives. But, they're not after all of them. They're after Starfire. Will Robin save her and the team before they're eaten? Will Robin confess his feelings to Starfire? RobXStar Discalimer, I do not own the copyright of Aliens or TT, but one day, I will. MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!