Chapter 1: Death Blade

Jump City Bank was in flames, pillars of fire roared upwards with smoke billowing out of the building. The staff were bound and gagged inside, coughing and spluttering. A figure emerged from the safe, hauling a huge sack of bank notes behind. The flames lit the face of the villain; it revealed a man's face, with a huge scar passing through a lost eye. Mopped black hair fell around his shoulders and he was wearing a red and black suit. Sharp edges caressed his arms, along with huge blades that curved upward at the ends. Even his boots were equipped with sharp spikes and his knee protected had small razors facing downwards. No one knew his real name, but on the streets, he was known as Death Blade.

A small girl was huddled in the corner, as she had been lost in the flurry of people and her mother had disappeared with the rest of them. She was coughing badly and her little pink dungarees with covered with scorches and soot. Her blonde hair was wet and she shook as she stared up at Death Blade. He looked evilly down at her and then raised his hand up high.

It happened in a flash of green bolts and a blur of a cape. Death Blade looked at the spot of where he was about to strike, but the girl was gone. He turned and looked upon a teen with red hair. Her eyes glowed green and her fist was raised.

"No one should harm a small child!" She cried and let the green orb free. Death Blade smashed into a wall, dust and smoke billowing out after him. The fire grew worse and he let out a cry.

"You'll pay for that, my dear!" He roared and he leapt up.

Starfire dodged the blows from the blade and delivered a sharp punch to Death Blade. He paced backwards as Beast Boy rushed in and began rescuing the staff. Raven began summoning pieces of rock while Cyborg began to fire. The girl was safe in Robin's arms, shaking and sobbing, coughing through the tears. Robin was scared for her as he felt her whole body shudder and wretch as her coughs got worse. Starfire was getting angrier and began to pummel Death Blade with starbolts and kicks. He dodged them though and swiped out. The blades ran lines across Star's arms and blood began to trickle from them.

"STARFIRE!" Robin yelled. "GET OUT OF THERE!" Suddenly Death Blade slashed out. A faint hissing was heard.

"RETREAT, HE'S HIT A GAS PIPE!" Cyborg cried. Beast Boy transformed into a bull and grabbed Cyborg, while Raven tried to get to Star.

"Starfire, hold onto my arm!" She shouted and began to chant. Suddenly there was a blast form the side and Starfire fell into the flames.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Robin screamed. Raven disappeared, her magic to charged up to stop. There was a sudden cracking noise and the Bank collapsed. Robin set the girl with Cyborg and began to run forward, but there was a suddenly electric charge and he fell down, unconscious.

I awoke in pitch blackness, pain coursing through my arms. My memory was still flashing with flames, but I had no idea why. I lifted my arms and fired, the green glow shattering the rocks instantly. The stars filtered in, along with flashing blue lights. I heard voices above me and eyes peered in.

"Thank god, she's alive." One of them said, reaching in a hand and smiling. But I felt unsafe, I needed to return home. I used all my strength and shot out of the rubble, leaving to two men calling me name. But as I soared upwards, I heard a catch of news that made my heart stop.

"The Teen Titans are missing along with 5 year old Rose. Starfire is now presumed dead after being killed in a fire at Jump City Bank. Search has begun for her body and also for the Titans. Authorities say it may be the work of Death Blade, the villain who held the Bank hostage today." I let out a gasp and began my way back home, back to Tameran.

Hello, readers. I apologise for taking off Midnight, but it wasn't going so well.

Hopefully, this one will go well and people will review. I know the last bit is confusing, but most of my stories are. Hvae fun and I'll be back with the new chapter soon.