For Brother

It wasn't like Edward Elric wasn't happy for his little brother. He really was. Alphonse was a healthy 16-year-old boy now, and rightfully should be indulging in things healthy 16-year-old boys should be doing… such as having a girlfriend. Edward had to agree that Winry was the perfect girlfriend for Alphonse. She was kind, and sweet, and beautiful, and loved his little brother. Edward was glad they were both happy.

Alphonse and Winry were rather close, Edward observed as he sleepily descended the stairs of Rockbell Automail one morning. Alphonse was preparing breakfast with a very enthusiastic Winry chopping anything in sight to help. Edward was about to openly announce his presence with a large grin and, "I'm awake! Everyone hold you applause until I toss out the milk," but stopped short as he turned the corner. Winry's hands were roaming through Al's tan locks and the taller boy smiled into her gentle kiss. Edward decided he didn't need to eat breakfast that day after all.

The encounter in the kitchen wasn't the only time Edward had seen his brother enthusiastically kissing Winry. He had discovered them in an assortment of positions around the house varying in degree of hormonal intensity: snuggling close together under the blanket on the porch, holding hands as their lips locked in the doorway, or Alphonse gently petting Winry's hair as Edward hastily retreated the living room unnoticed. And Edward was glad his brother was happy. He really was.

Edward would be returning to the military soon, finishing off the last few months of his state alchemist commitment before returning home for good. He had packed his clothes and possessions, laying them beside the front door for easy access when the black military car arrived. Tomorrow Edward would be gone, but he didn't really mind. His little brother wouldn't be lonely without him.

Edward snapped his suitcase shut and opened the door, walking onto the porch. He relaxed, feeling the cool night air on his face and cautiously sent a glace to the snuggling couple by the candle light. He held a small smile as he spoke. "Shouldn't you two be going to bed soon?"

Brown eyes and blue regarded him and Winry brightened. "Not without you, Edo." Alphonse nodded in agreement.

"Brother, you are leaving tomorrow. Perhaps we should all go to bed." He glanced at Winry but she merely frowned.

"Edo." She said simply, and patted the spot beside her. Edward fidgeted nervously and looked to his brother who simply shrugged. Edward sat beside her, and suddenly was underneath the cozy outdoor blanket Winry and Alphonse were sharing. He felt Winry's arms circle his waist in a friendly hug. He blushed, looking towards the candle and suddenly feeling very warm. She released him and spoke softly, "It's your last night." Edward nodded numbly.

The three huddled close together by the small heater until Edward was sure Alphonse and Winry had drifted off. He then cautiously wound his way around the blanket and left his friends for a proper nights rest.

It was seven in the morning the next time Edward saw his family. He was cheerfully waved off by Alphonse and Winry (Edward noticed they were holding hands, of course.) and smiling silly. "Be careful with your auto-mail!" Winry naturally advised.

"Come home soon!" Alphonse added, feeling a slight tinge of sadness at the sight of Edward loading his baggage into the trunk. Edward sent the pair one final wave and forced smile before carefully shutting the door behind him as the driver began the journey back to Headquarters.

Edward managed to cry so softly the driver only assumed he had hiccups during the long drive to Central. He was glad his brother had found Winry. He really was.