I don't own Stargate. (I wish I did!) Jack is only a Colonel.

A/N: Jack, Carter, Daniel, Teal'c OUR reality.
Jonathan/John, Sam, Dan/Danny and T/TC THEIR reality.

Ok, the inspiration for this story comes from my sister SGCFan4ever. Thanks girl!

"Sir, they're everywhere!" she cried dodging the staff blast that whizzed right past her head.

Jack looked at her. "Carter, grab Daniel and GO! Teal'c and I will try to get there as soon as possible."




Jack gritted his teeth. "CARTER-" He began when interrupted by an excited archeologist's shout.


"Oh for cryin' out loud," Jack muttered shooting the first Jaffa he saw. "FALL BACK!"

Carter and Teal'c nodded and dashed into the room where Daniel was, shooting Jaffa as they went.

"This better be important," Jack warned.

Daniel pointed to the infamous Quantum Mirror that he had 'activated'.

Jack groaned.

Daniel ignored him. "Come on Jack, we can always 'mirror' home."

Jack snorted. "Funny, Daniel." he muttered.

The sounds of the Jaffa patrol came closer.

Jack groaned again. "Okay, who thinks we should try this?"

Carter and Daniel raised their hands.

"Opposed?" Jack raised his hand. Teal'c merely looked alert. Jack sighed, "Okay, lets do this."

And when the patrol entered the room, they found no traces of anyone.


"DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND RAISE YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" a group of men yelled. SG-1 promptly obeyed, Jack getting a good look at one of the men.

"Harriman?" Jack asked incredulously. In our reality, he sat a 'desk' and yelled, "Chevron one encoded."

Harriman looked surprised and then suspicious. "Go get General O'Neill," He ordered one of the Lieutenants.

Jack looked at Carter. "I'm a General? That sucks."

SG-1 stood there for several minutes before the General entered. Everyone jumped to attention.

At the sight on SG-1, the General looked shocked. "Oh my word."

"You can say that again," Carter muttered.

Jack looked at the General. "SAMANTHA?" He yelped.

She ignored him and turned one of the officers. "Go get General O'Neill," She ordered.

"Aren't you General O'Neill?" Daniel asked, confused.

She nodded then shook her head. "We're getting married, he's retiring, that makes me General, yada yada- you get the picture?"

Another figure walked in then stopped abruptly. "Oh for cryin' out loud! Another one?"

Jack looked a little put out. "Glad to meet you too," He muttered.

General Jonathan O'Neill turned to Sam. "So, whaddya you got Colonel?"

"I thought you were a General," Carter more stated then asked.

Sam smiled. "I am unofficially General. There will be a ceremony next week."

"So, you retired, what?" She asked Jonathan.

He nodded. Carter looked away but not before Sam saw the look in her eyes.

Jack looked at 'himself' "So can we go home?" he asked eagerly.

John shrugged. "You can check and see if the Jaffa are-" He stopped when Sam whispered something in his ear. He shrugged again and turned to them. "Sam here wants to know if you'd like to attend our wedding?"

Carter's eyes widened, Jack looked uncomfortable, Daniel looked surprised but to everyone's' surprise...

Well? It gets better! (I think... wink.)

Please review!