Hey, man, these are taking longer lol, I've just been caught up in everything else lately. But here is the chapter 5! I think I'm gonna start having the action pick up so you guys don't get too bored reading. And I warn you again, I am not too sure about the idea I had in this chapter so just go with me on it…

The REAL Cheese Monkey: Oh who knows…? You'll just have to trust April's judgement,

Aries Zodiac: Ooh good! I'm glad, I think I'm doing a pretty good job on this so far, (I'm an aries too! Lol)

KrazieShadowNinja: Ugh I am letting myself get behind… Bad me! Lol,

Amberli Raven: Yeah, I have no idea where the idea for that name came from but I like it!

Jessiy Landroz: Oh, well, Mikey is kinda letting himself get too attached and that could be a problem for him later,

Mac: Well it's too late now to change the idea but hopefully it'll still work.

Cho Xunou: Yes! I added them! Lol,

NemesisMuse: Thanks! I have been, it's such a great art program,

Disclaimer: I do not own any of this, I'll have you know except my own characters, everyone else belongs to mirage studios.

Chapter 5: Shocking Discovery

Casey looked a little surprised at this but something about Mikey's big grin told him this was perfectly all right.

"Well, hello there, lemme just go find April then." He said walking away, wondering why she didn't look at him when he was talking to her.

Mikey stepped into the apartment and shut the window. "Wow, I wish you could see this place, April really cleaned it up."

Raine nodded, she felt a little embarrassed to be there, all these thoughts ran through her head as she shifted around nervously.

Mikey patted her shoulder. "It's ok, you have nothing to worry about. Casey and April are really trustworthy people. Me and my brothers have known them forever."

"I'm not worried; if they're half as nice as you've been I'll be fine." She blushed, 'did I just pay him a compliment?' she thought.

At that moment Casey returned with April and a little out of breath. "Sorry, took me a while to find her."

"Well, I was just putting a fresh coat of paint on the door, downstairs." She said to him and then turned to Raine. "Hi, I'm April O'Neil, the goofball beside me is Casey Jones." She smiled. "What's your name?"

"Raine, um nice to meet you." she tried looking their way but she had no idea if she was or not.

April glanced at Mikey before leaning in and whispering. "Is she blind?"

Mikey nodded before winking at her. "So yeah, I saved her from almost getting totally chewed out by this gang but… there was an accident and she was blinded. So she'd hanging with us for a while until she feels ready to be on her own again."

"Whoa, Mikey that's awesome." He turned to Raine. "I warn ya, those guys can get a little crazy, I mean, I stayed there once and I was kicked out almost the next day."

"Only because you were the worst houseguest ever to set foot in our lair." Mikey retaliated. "You wrecked some of my favourite DVDs, don't forget that."

"Well how was I supposed to know how you play them? All that techno stuff is confusin'."

In the midst of their arguing April gently tapped Raine's shoulder. "Come with me, let's let the dolts worry about themselves for a while."

Soon she had Raine sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of hot tea, she softly blew on it before taking a sip.

"So how is it going down there? They guys are behaving themselves?" April asked before sipping her own tea.

"They've been really kind to me, Mikey even found a room for me to stay in." Raine tried to look happy about this but her expression showed signs of sadness.

April noticed this and wondered if she could help. "It's a big change isn't it? You come to Manhattan for the first time and have this accident happen. Now you're living with five beings that aren't even human. Well, stumbling upon them was one of the best things that ever happened to me, really. I've had so many adventures and without them I probably wouldn't have met Casey."

Raine smiled she looked April's way. "Well, my condition may or may not be permanent, and I'll probably be able to find a way to live with it even if I never see again. However, I'm realizing one of the reasons I want to see again is to see what they look like."

"Well, there is more than one way to see things that just with your eyes. You have your hands, your other senses and you have your heart. You just have to trust, it won't lie to you."

"Maybe you're right." Raine heard footsteps approaching and knew it was Mikey.

"Well, it's getting kinda late… Oh! You're gonna miss your training session!"

April gave him an odd look. "Training?"

"Yeah, with Master Splinter, he wants to help me get used to my condition." Raine answered while getting up from the table.

"Well, you're welcome back anytime Raine, it was nice meeting you."

Mikey was starting to get a bit frantic. "Man, I'm gonna totally gonna get slammed if we're late." He opened the window stepping through it first. "Well, bye guys! See you later for sure!"

Raine turned around one more time before climbing through the window herself. "Thank you so much for meeting me." She said and gave them a smile.

April grinned. "You're welcome," she laughed a bit. "You must be something special for Mikey to bring you all this way."

Raine blushed and waved before getting yanked up the stairs and into his arms again. "Are you really going to get in trouble?" she asked.

"Maybe… let's just go and see what happens." He was leaping over the buildings again to go back the way they came.

When they arrived back at the abandoned warehouse Mikey lifted up a manhole cover to take the sewer entrance this time. "Maybe we can sneak in and he'll never know we were late." Mikey grinned.

"I think we'll be fine, Mikey." Raine said with confidence, somehow she could feel it wasn't going to be that much of a big deal.

He smiled. "I hope you're right." He said before helping her get down the ladder and underground.

A few shadowed figures slipped into Doctor Stockman's lab causing him to quickly turn around.

"Oh! You're back, what do you have to report?" he asked the two spies thinking to himself that this better be good news.

"The one turtle Michelangelo is definitely hanging around some girl…" One of them said while the other stepped forward.

"But, it looks like she's blind we noticed."

Dr. Stockman raised an eyebrow looking very interested now. "Blind, you say? That could definitely be used to my advantage." He rubbed his hands together evilly. "See if you can find anything else out, if she's staying with them, anything! Now go." He said with a wave of his hand.

The two spies bowed and leapt out the window and up to the top of the building.

The scientist sat back down in his chair mulling over the possibilities of this information he just acquired. A few moments later his assistant Sandra started frantically knocking at his door.

"Yes, what is it?" he asked getting up from his chair and opening the door. "Is it another problem with the experiments?"

She shook her head vigorously. "No! This time we have something! Come quick!" she turned then and started running down the hallway to the lab.

Stockman followed her, wondering if this could be his ticket for defeating the turtles.

Sandra threw open the door and they walked toward a cage, he was astonished to find what was there. It seemed to be a child sitting there but it was non-human and looked to be mutated the same way as the mutant turtles in the sewers.

Stockman scoffed. "But it's just a child! How in the world can that help me get revenge?" Suddenly he got a thought and turned to his assistant. "Ah, but if we quicken the aging process, this could turn out to be a very useful creature…" He got an evil glint in his eye. "You take care of it, Sandra and I'll be at work in my office." With that he left the room, grinning evilly.

Sandra didn't know what to think. The little turtle looked up at her and suddenly threw his arms up toward much like a human child would.

"Um, you want up?" she asked and opened the cage to pick up the small creature.

It smiled at her and started sucking its thumb.

Sandra suddenly felt protective of it and became worried about Stockman's evil plan, she had no say in it but at least she could do her best to take care of this child before he started experimenting on it.

It turned out Splinter wasn't at all mad at the fact Mikey returned Raine a little late to the lair he was just happy she could continue her training. He taught her a bit more this time and soon they would be moving onto more challenging tasks that would test her other senses.

Raine was becoming happier as the days went on, she was finally beginning to notice the training was paying off and she was even beginning to develop friendly relationships with everyone, the toughest being Raphael.

As time went on Michelangelo was appreciating having her around more and more, he loved taking care of her and the other guys didn't seem to mind. What was most important to him though was the fact Raine didn't seem to mind him hanging around most of the time.

On this particular night the two were up on a rooftop enjoying one of Manhattan's nicer nights. A warm breeze was blowing and though Raine couldn't see it, she knew the stars and moon were shining brightly.

She breathed in the night air and sighed. "I've said this before but you guys are really lucky…"

Mikey turned to her, thinking he could prove her wrong. He didn't stop to think she might have come from a more unhappy lifestyle than his. "Nah, it's not so great, Master Splinter still trains us hard and me and Raph fight all the time, and sometimes… the winters are much too cold for all of us, even Splinter, maybe you wouldn't understand…"

This shocked Raine, because he had no idea of what she had to face going home every day where she used to live. "Of course I understand! Do you wanna know why I moved here so suddenly! In my house… my dad was drunk and he'd always hit me and my mom, I knew I had to get out of there, especially after my mom left. She… disappeared more or less, so I hopped the next train and got here, I didn't think it could be as bad considering what I came from…" She was trying not to cry but a few tears spilled forth anyway.

Now Mikey was the one to be shocked, he mentally kicked himself for not asking her before, how she came here. He felt horrible that he made her cry, "I-… I didn't realize… I'm sorry," he put his hands on her shoulders and gently pulled her towards him.

Raine, cried a little bit more and hugged him, this was really the first time she'd done that willingly. "It's ok… don't worry about it, I don't think I'll ever have to go back there again."

Mikey suddenly got a big grin on his face. "You can always hang with us, I'm serious, don't worry about it. But… that is, unless you don't feel comfortable hanging with a bunch of weird-looking dudes."

She stepped backward at this comment, which only worried Mikey a little. She then, reached up for his face, gently touching it, drawing a picture in her mind of what he looked like. "You don't look that weird at all," She said and smiled at him.

This gesture only made Mikey blush and smile even more, he took one of her hands and held it. "You mean that?"

His gesture also made her blush but she wasn't going to be shy about this. "Yes… I know that." She chucked. "I've seen weirder."

Mikey felt his heart skip a beat as he gently stared into her eyes. In his mind, this moment could have been perfect if one more thing happened…

Brrring! Brrring!

But it didn't… Mikey's shell cell went off, causing both of them to jump in surprise as he fumbled to answer it.

"Hello? Uh huh… Ok, we'll be right back down." He pressed a button, turning it off and looked back at Raine.

"What is it…?" She asked, almost a bit nervously.

"Oh, nothing, Master Splinter wants to talk to us about something, so let's go."

Raine felt herself being lifted up again and jumped back down to ground level, the next thing she heard was him lift up a manhole cover. As they both climbed down the ladder she couldn't help but feel a bit worried about the whole thing.

Mikey took her hand again, "It's ok, probably nothing serious." He said that so she wouldn't worry but he had a feeling there would be bad news…

Raine gave his hand a squeeze. "Ok," she didn't quite believe that but it was nice he was trying to help her feel better.

But the news they received while going back to the lair were pretty serious… Splinter had Raphael, Donatello and Leonardo already waiting. When Michelangelo and Raine walked in he said one thing, causing Mikey and some of the others let out a gasp or two.

"Dr. Stockman is back… we discovered one of his spies…"

A/N: Sorry! Yes I'm still trying to write this, but it's taking so long because I just started college. I'm gonna keep trying for you guys though!