Disclaimer: I own nothing except Reginald Hall, some of the guests blah, blah, blah, OK NOW GO READ!

WARNING: Fluffy. If you don't like fluff, then you may want to stay away from here. Because it does indeed get fluffy. That is all. Now, to all the Fluff Lovers, GO READ!

Chapter 6. The Ball, Part II

Reginald Hall Bathroom (YET AGAIN) Saturday night

Grandmere is going to KILL me once she notices I'm not in the ballroom, but this COULDN'T wait. I have to write it down. Because tonight was the BEST NIGHT OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!


I couldn't just take my journal with me while I got introduced, because, you know, that would look kind of weird. I mean, can you just picture me walking down the staircase carrying my JOURNAL? Grandmere would be horrified. So I shoved it in one of the huge plants in the Ladies Room waiting room, which turned out to be a good idea because it was already here when I left the ballroom.

Then I left the bathroom and went up to the second floor, pretty much just standing there because I really didn't know what I was supposed to be doing. Thankfully, this blonde lady with one of those walkie talkie headset things came up to me and told me all I had to do was wait outside the doors until I heard them announce my name, and then I was supposed to walk through them. She looked like the kind of girl who was likely to be my dad's next girlfriend. That's probably totally rude to say, but it's true, nonetheless.

She did not, however, remember to mention what I was supposed to do once I walked through the doors. So when I heard a voice saying, "Presenting Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Princess of Genovia," I was just about ready to bolt. But the blonde lady was standing RIGHT THERE, so when I didn't move she sort of pushed me through the doors.

Not in a mean way, or anything. I mean, she was only doing her job. And Grandmere probably told her to shove me in there if I didn't move. But I really was NOT ready, so instead of gracefully walking out there and waving, I stumbled through the doors and blinked at the sudden light from all the chandeliers.

And the room erupted in applause. So I just kind of stood there and waved, trying really hard to stand up straight and smile. And then I noticed Grandmere standing at the front of the crowd next to my dad, and her eyes were all wide (probably with utter horror) and she was crooking her finger at me. So I guessed that I was probably supposed to descend the stairs.

When I noticed that my tiara was not on my head.

Actually, I got all the way down the stairs before realizing it had fallen off my head when Miss Blonde pushed me through the doors. They should really make tiaras easier to keep on your head. I mean, come on, if it fell off when I barely got shoved, what would happen if I TRIPPED? It would probably go flying across the room and hit Grandmere in the eye or something...

So anyway, I looked back to see where it had fallen, but it was nowhere. NOWHERE. I guess it fell on the other side of the door. Blondie was probably running off with it to make a million dollars by now. She could totally sell it on E Bay, if she really wanted to.

And I was thinking this when Dad gave me a hug and said, "Good Job, Mia," then went up on some stage thing they must've set up after Michael and I had left to give a speech. Thank God Grandmere didn't make ME give a speech. I still have to for my Announcing in Genovia, but at least not NOW.

Which was how Grandmere got the opportunity to hiss in my ear, "Amelia, where is your tiara?"

"Um." I didn't want to tell her it had fallen off. Because I knew that I was the one who would get skinned when she found out. Or, you know, if the tiara never showed up.

So instead I answered by saying, "I'll go get it. I... left it in the bathroom."

Grandmere looked at me with total annoyance. Good thing she can't hurt me in public. "You can't possibly go now, your father is giving a speech. I'll send someone to fetch it for you." And then she went off to find someone. Probably Blondie.

"Yeah, thanks," I said through gritted teeth. I was in for it now.

Then my dad finished his speech and everyone clapped, which meant that the dancing was going to be beginning. So before I could be asked to dance, I bolted through the crowd to find Lilly-and-Boris, Tina, and Michael. Luckily I didn't have to look very long. They were all standing at the back, looking as though they were wondering what they were supposed to be doing.

Well, Lilly-and-Boris and Tina were, anyway. Michael wasn't there. "Hey, where'd Michael go?" I asked.

Lilly rolled her eyes at me. "I don't know, he's a big boy. Anyway, we totally saw your tiara fall off when you got pushed through the doors. Where'd it go?"

I groaned. "I don't know, it probably fell on the other side of the door. Grandmere is going to KILL ME."

Lilly shrugged. "That stinks. Maybe my brother will offer to slay the dragon for you, since you guys are such good friends, and all." Then she turned to Boris, seemingly oblivious to the fact that my face was already on fire, and said, "Come on, Boris, Let's hit the floor!"

Boris looked totally confused but went out to the dance floor with her anyway. I didn't know LILLY could dance, either! She was pretty much dragging Boris around the floor, trying to teach him what to do. Well, she's a genius. She probably read it somewhere.

"What was all THAT about?" Tina asked me when we were alone. "'Since you and Michael are such good friends'? And the eye rolling? Mia, would you please tell me what you're not telling me."

So I did. I told her about the exploring, and how Michael told Lilly to shut up but didn't object when she said he wanted to be alone with me, and about the dancing, and how Michael had his hands around my waist and was about to tell me something when Lilly stomped in. Tina was so obviously loving it. She said, "SEE? You two are perfect for each other!"

Of course then I had to remind her that Michael doesn't love me back. But she was totally persistent. She was all, "Mia, of course he does! That's what he was going to tell you, don't you see?"

Except, you know, I didn't. "Whatever, Tina," I said with a shrug.

We couldn't talk after that, because this guy started coming towards us. I was thinking, hey, he's not too bad looking, when I heard Tina gasp and squeal. And then I realized why.

"OHMYGOSHMIATHAT'SPRINCEWILLIAM!" She whispered excitedly to me. I was like, WOAH. I don't remember seeing HIS name on the list!

"Hello, Princess Amelia," he said, bowing to kiss my hand. Now, this is normal custom in Europe, where he lives, but here if someone you didn't know did that to you, you'd be all GET AWAY. Tina poked me hard in the back, trying to get my attention, but I ignored her. "I am Prince William, it's a pleasure to meet you. Care to dance?"

I was pretty much dumbfounded, but I managed to say, "Uh, yeah, the pleasure is mine," like Grandmere told me to. WHY was it that I actually ended up using something Grandmere taught me? Probably because my usual greetings consist of 'Hi'. And you can't just say HI to a PRINCE.

Tina poked me in the back AGAIN and whispered in my ear, "Mia!" But I ignored her. Again. I probably should've turned around, but Prince William was right there, and that would earn me a big long lecture from Grandmere, who was staring at me critically from where she was dancing with some Duke-or-other.

Anyway, I didn't have to worry about saying something stupid in front of a prince, because the next thing I knew Michael had appeared next to me and said, "Excuse me, William, do you mind if I borrow the princess for a dance?"



I was totally STARING at Michael with my mouth open, wondering where exactly he got so much assertiveness before I remembered he was related to Lilly. He looked annoyed, but I don't really know why. It's not like Prince William was BOTHERING me, or anything. Still, it was kind of thrilling to see Michael like that.

Prince William just kind of looked at him. I don't think he's used to being called just 'William' by people who weren't his friends and family. Or anyone who wasn't royal, for that matter.

"Oh. Yes, of course," he said, being the kind royal the tabloids claim him to be.

Michael took my hand. "Thanks," he said. BOY, did it feel good to be holding Michael's hand. Even though, you know, across the room Grandmere was looking totally horrified and giving me the evil eye.

Tina seized her chance to dance with him, though. "Prince William, I would be delighted for a dance," she said with a curtsey. Geez, and she doesn't even have a grandmother who gives her etiquette lessons. But she was totally all giggly when he accepted her invitation to dance. Maybe she really will get his email address.

Anyway, so Michael led me to the dance floor. I smiled at him and was totally ready to dance with him (HA! MORE than ready) but he handed me my tiara. "I found it on the floor outside the ballroom doors upstairs. Thought you might want it back."

"Oh my gosh, you found it! Thanks Michael! Grandmere was ready to kill me." And then before I could stop myself, I threw my arms around his neck and gave him a hug. WOW, did my face flame up after THAT.

"No problem," he said, and I was ecstatic (not to mention relieved) that he hugged me back. "Need help?" he asked when he let go of me.

I nodded, and he took the tiara from my hands and then pushed it back onto my head. I shivered when he touched my hair. Thank God he didn't notice. Then he took one of my hands in his and put his free hand around my waist. I put my free hand on his shoulder, and he led me into the dance.

We weren't as awkward on our feet as we were before, now that we knew what the other was doing. Actually, I'm proud to say we only stepped on each other a couple times. When I looked over at Tina, she was having the time of her life with the prince. The smile on her face was so huge it looked like it would be stuck there for a while.

"Um... Mia, do you want to- I mean..."

I looked up at Michael. His cheeks were pink (probably from dancing, I thought). He still looked totally cute.


"Do you want to take a walk?" he asked, getting it out all in a rush.

I couldn't help it. I totally beamed, despite Grandmere always saying that you have to keep a poker face around men, especially if you have feelings for them. "Yeah, let me just tell my dad."

So I left Michael to go find my dad. Actually, I didn't really have to do any finding, because he was fully standing by the podium talking to Blondie.

"Dad, can I go take a walk with Michael?" I didn't even care if I interrupted little Miss Blonde, because my tiara fully would NOT have fallen off if she hadn't pushed me.

Thank God my dad was totally absorbed in his conversation. He just kind of waved at me and said, "Go ahead, Mia, just be back soon."

So before he understood just what he allowed me to do, I walked briskly back to Michael. He smiled at me (I practically MELTED) and held out his hand. I took it, and we walked out to the gardens.

I swear, it was like something out of Cinderella, or whatever. He found my tiara, and we were walking around the gardens at night. And everything was going really well, too. I never ever have trouble talking to Michael. We always have SOMETHING to talk about. Like just then we were discussing why Padme (A/N: spelling?) was all tough in the first two Star Wars movies, but then she got all helpless in the third one, Revenge of the Sith. I argued that she was pregnant, so she had a right to be helpless, but Michael said total personalities don't just CHANGE like that. Normally we discuss the old Star Wars movies, but today was an exception, I guess.

And the best part about it was that we were STILL HOLDING HANDS. Michael either forgot (hey, it could happen) or he, for some reason, wanted to hold my hand. I was really, REALLY hoping the latter.

After we walked and talked for a while, I kind of forgot where we were. I mean, the gardens looked so much smaller when I was looking out the window. But they seemed huge now that we were IN them. Finally Michael stopped walking and let go of my hand (NO!). "Do you know where we are?" he asked me.

"No, this path seems to go on forever." And I was thinking, CRAP. My dad is going to KILL me. No, GRANDMERE is going to KILL me.

"Well, we should probably go back," he said in all seriousness. "Let's just go a little further and then turn around."

I reluctantly agreed. I really would rather NOT go back to the ball and all the annoying royals waiting there for me.

But when we walked a little further, there was this huge tree, probably bigger than any other ones there, with two ropes hanging from a branch. Attached to the end of the ropes was a large, thick, sanded piece of wood, hanging maybe three feet in the air. It was so weird, especially to see it in this place. I mean, in someone's backyard, sure. But in the private garden of the Reginald Hall? Not so much.

Still, I couldn't resist. I ran up and sat on the swing. But then I remembered that I was indeed wearing a gown, and if I started to swing there would probably be a clear view of... well, you know. Michael and I were the only PEOPLE around here, but still. He'd probably think I was some kind of freak.

But maybe not. Because he laughed and said, "This is a kind of strange place for a swing." And then he came up behind me and gently pushed on my back, sending me into the air (with the swing, of course). I think I may have squeaked when he did that. But I got used to it after a couple minutes, and I actually started laughing, even though I was holding onto the ropes for dear life.

And then Michael pulled back on the strings, making the swing stop. He came around the swing and stood in front of me, leaning on the ropes with both hands. I didn't realize how close our faces were until we had both stopped laughing.

And suddenly, my heart was beating really fast. I was totally afraid Michael would hear it. But I don't think he really cared.

Because the next thing I knew, his head had bent down and our lips were inches away...

And then Michael Moscovitz kissed me.

I didn't know what to do, really. All I knew was that this was the BEST moment in my ENTIRE LIFE. So I just sat there with my eyes closed while Michael kissed me, until I felt something on my lower lip.

And then I knew what to do.

So I kissed him back.

Loft (Midnight, Saturday Night)

I had to stop writing there last night, because Grandmere herself knocked on the bathroom door and demanded to know what I was doing in there for so long.

Ok, so here's what happened:

When I started to kiss Michael back, he put his hands gently on my waist and pulled me up off the swing and closer to him. I can't say I minded THAT too much. And then he started to run the fingers of one of his hands through my hair, causing my heart to beat so fast I was sure it would fall out of my chest.

Only just as I was getting up the nerve to put my arms around his neck, his fingers accidentally caused my tiara to fall out of my hair and onto the grass. It wasn't even on my head all the way in the first place because of that stupid LADY. WHY did she have to PUSH me? That one push has been causing me a lot of problems, let me tell you.

And at first, I wasn't even going to pick it up. Because I really didn't want Michael to stop kissing me, and bending down was a sure way to do it. But he must have noticed that it fell out, too, because he broke our embrace and picked it up for me.

"Thanks," I said, feeling blood rise into my face. Michael just smiled and put it back in my hair, then took my hands in his and leaned his forehead against mine.

"Mia, I have to tell you something," he said softly. It was almost a whisper.

"What?" I was really hoping he would tell me what he was going to say in the ballroom.

"Mia, I... well, I lo-"

"MIA! MICHAEL! WHERE ARE YOU TWO, EVERYONE'S LOOKING FOR YOU!" Rang a voice from the front of the garden.

Michael rolled his eyes and muttered, "That Lilly..."

YEAH, I would SAY SO. How is it that Lilly alone had ruined pretty much every good moment I had that night with Michael?

Anyway, so Michael looked alarmed all of a sudden and said, "Mia, your dad is going to kill me when he finds out I was keeping you here for so long. We have to get back."

And then suddenly I wasn't feeling so outgoing anymore. In fact, I couldn't really remember how I had even gotten my nerve up to kiss Michael back, once his tongue made it into my mouth...

So I just nodded and Michael took my hand again (I could REALLY get used to this) and pulled me down the cobblestone. And then somehow we started running instead of walking briskly, and I was praying that my tiara would actually stay on for once. It was kind of fun, actually, getting pulled along by Michael. I don't really know why. But it just was.

As soon as we got back, Lilly, who was still standing at the garden entranceway, looked down at our entwined hands and her eyes got really big. And I was totally afraid she would get mad or something, but she just smirked at Michael. I looked up at him, and saw he was panting from all the running and his cheeks were flushed. I was pretty sure I looked similar.

"Okay, so I don't know WHAT you were doing with my best friend, but she needs to go see her grandmother, STAT. The woman is visibly freaking out, although she's not letting on to her guests. But our parents are pros in this stuff, so I've heard about symptoms and cases, and let me tell you she is NOT happy."

I slapped my forehead with the palm of my free hand. "Oh my gosh, I am SO dead. I haven't danced with even ONE GUY yet, except for Michael."

At this, Lilly's eyes got WIDER, and she looked at Michael all meaningfully again... I really wish she didn't do that, it's SO confusing.

"Well, you'd better think of an excuse really quick, because she's waiting for you."

I groaned and walked towards Grandmere, who was chatting with Blondie. She looked totally angry. Her tattoo eyeliner was totally making her eyes all bulgy looking.

When she saw me, she looked relieved and furious at the same time. I am not even kidding. That woman has serious expression skills. "AMELIA! Where have you BEEN?" She snapped loudly at me, causing a few guests to look at her curiously from where they were dancing. "You have not danced with even ONE YOUNG MAN this whole time!"

"I will, Grandmere," I said, although of course I totally wasn't planning on it.

"At least dance with your cousin Rene, Amelia," she said, exasperated. Um, NO WAY. Rene was the VERY LAST person I was going to dance with. I would rather pet Rommel than ever do anything like THAT.

So then I replied by saying the most witty and creative thing I could conjure up in my head. "I will... as soon as I get back from the bathroom."

And then I bolted out of there before she could reply.

Which brought me to sitting in a stall, writing everything else that had happened before Michael had kissed me. That is, before Grandmere knocked on the door and shrieked, "AMELIA IF YOU DO NOT GET OUT OF THIS FILTHY BATHROOM RIGHT NOW I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU DANCE WITH EVERY MAN IN THAT BALLROOM! DO YOU HEAR ME?"

Oh, no, of course I didn't hear you, Grandmere. You only screamed so loudly that I was forced to clap my hands over my ears. But no worries. I'm sure my hearing will come back in a couple MONTHS.

"Coming, Grandmere." Wow. Lilly was right. I am WAY unassertive.

But then my dad totally let me get away with complaining about a stomachache (we share the same fear that is Grandmere) and so me and Michael and Lilly-and-Boris and Tina all piled into my limo. Because obviously they weren't going to stay there if I wasn't there. I mean, that was the whole reason they came. Well, I think maybe Tina wouldn't have minded staying if it meant Prince William was there, too, but she didn't object.

So then Hans drove Tina home, and since my house was closest, he pulled up in front of it next. Michael walked me up to the stoop to the Loft. I couldn't even hide the embarrassing grin on my face, which caused Lilly to snort at me (at least she didn't say anything).

Michael took one of my hands and looked down at me. "Mia, I... well, I was going to say something earlier... only we got interrupted..." His cheeks flushed a shade of crimson. I didn't doubt mine looked the same. In fact, my cheeks seem to redden whenever I'm even AROUND Michael.

"Mia, I... love you."

OKAY, I must admit I was NOT expecting that. I fully did a double take. "Did you just... did you just say you love me?"

I didn't think I had heard him right. "Um. Yeah." Okay, so I had made him uncomfortable. I was very ready to tell him I loved him, too. But the words got all caught in my throat, so I did the only thing I could think of.

Which was to put my arms around Michael's neck and press my lips to his. Michael pulled me towards him and deepened the kiss, sending A LOT of shivers up my spine.

When Michael let go of me, I said, "I love you, too." My voice came out super high and squeaky, but at least I got the words out.

Michael smiled down at me, then pulled me back towards him for another kiss.

And I certainly saw no reason to withhold it.

YAY! FLUFF! Thank you all so much for reading this fan fiction! I just wanted to say that, because I don't know if I will do anymore chapters for this. It seems to end pretty good there. Let me know what you think, please: should I add more to this, or start a new princess diaries fan fiction (when I get back from vacation)? Your help would be GREATLY appreciated!

P.S- Sorry is there are a couple grammar mistakes in this, or whatever. I didn't have time to look it over. Hope you all enjoyed reading it, I certainly had fun writing it!