a/n: Okay, I know what you are saying... 'it was perfectly fine the way it was!' Well, to me, I could not find anything to go on in the next chapter. Then suddenly, it hit me like... well, it just hit me. A better story line and a few more characters! Still Alucard and Original Character concept, just with more things to it. Well, enough of an explaination... time to get on with the new and improved Crash into Me! Also, I'm using a song from .Hack/SIGN... I may use two... still thinking about it.

Chapter One:


Nightfall was quite beautiful to most people in the world, but most really believed that the night belong to Vampires. But, that's not where the story starts... it starts here:

Music echoed through the halls as the notes were hit carefully by the pianist. The song was sad and yet so explainable about her feelings. She had her eyes closed, her soul floating along with the music. In one of the chairs that was also in the room, sat her protector. His body laid in a comfrontable way, his eyes closed, listening to the music. He had been her protector for quite some time... maybe over a few years, but he knew that she was looking for someone in particular. The music stopped and he opened his green eyes. He looked at the young woman, her long black hair pulled into a high bun. She was looking out the window... the clouds coming for the releasement of a down pour. He sat up and asked, " Are you quite alright, Miss Angel?" She turned her head, revealing her left amber eye. "I'm fine, Ryuku... nothing's wrong." Ryuku stood up and walked over to her. She looked down at the keys as he stood by her. "Still thinking about him?" he asked. She nodded, not making eye contact with him. Ryuku placed his hands in his pockets. "Don't worry yourself so much about him." he stated. Angel looked at him with worried eyes. "What if something happened to him? I mean for all we know is that he could be dead."

"Or just the opposite. He could be alive... just still asleep. It has been five hundred years since that day and you must understand that every Vampire is capable of out living their years. He is mostly the same as us... nothing to worry about."

Angel looked out the window again and then looked back at Ryuku. "Well, maybe you are right." she stated. She got up and headed to the spiral staircase. "Good night, Ryuku... I'm off the sleep." she said. Ryuku bid her good night and watched as she headed up the stairs. Once she was gone, he went to the window. He looked at the city below and thought, "Let's hope that he is alive..."

That morning...

This could not be happening! He opened his eyes, narrowed and filled with anger. He couldn't believe it! He had just fallen to sleep about 3 hours ago and now his Master was waking him up! He stood up and stomped towards the door. He opened it, scaring his young servant. "What do you want!" he roared. Seras stood there, realizing that her Master hadn't gotten much sleep in the previous nights. She shallowed, trying to come up with the words. "Umm... Sir Integra wants to talk to you about last night's mission. She seemed pleased with the results, but she still wanted to talk to you about it." she stated, quickly. Alucard looked at her with his crimson eyes. "Is that all? You came up here, pounding on my door like the place was on fire for some damn meeting!" he snapped. Seras flinched and looked down. " It wasn't my idea, Master Alucard. Sir Integra noticed that I was on my upstairs and she asked me to wake you. Please forgive me... I really didn't mean to upset you." she stated. Alucard growled and shut the door. He hadn't had a goodnight's sleep in... almost a month. Sure, he was a Vampire, but still they needed their sleep as well! He grabbed his jacket and sunglasses from the table and went back to the door. He opened it and noticed that Seras was still there, fear on her face. "Don't just stand there, Police Girl... we have a meeting to attend to..." he stated, placing his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

Integra looked over some papers that had to do with last night's mission. Walter, a friend of the family's and her bulter, was standing by the door. Silence was in the room, which was broken by Alucard when he entered. "I'm here my Master. So what is it you need to know about the misson?" he asked, looking at her. Integra didn't say anything, she just looked over the papers. She fixed her glasses and placed the papers down on the desk. "I wanted to know how many people died last night." she stated. Alucard stood there, ready to snap at her. " To think that all the mess you caused didn't cause any innocent human to die is really unexplainable." she stated. Alucard looked at her, a sly smirk upon his face. "Maybe it was luck or I just improved on some things. But I assure you that there was no one who died besides the people who needed to die." he stated. Integra looked at him with a stern look. "But, that doesn't explain-"

"Sir Integra..."

Integra and Alucard looked at Walter, who seem to slip out of the office unseen. "Yes, Walter, what is it?" she asked. Walter stepped aside and the young woman and man walked in. "I believe you have some guests." he stated. Alucard stared at the young woman with long black hair. Half of her hair covered her right eyes for some reason, which he did not understand. She was breathtaken... perfect for any human being. He noticed the black bracelet with two red spheres on it. He had remembered seeing it before... some time ago. He then looked at her again as he heard, "Well, what are you doing here? I told you that there is nothing I can do about-"

"I didn't come to discuss about the past, Integra... I wanted to know if you were able the destory them." Angel stated. Alucard raised an eyebrow. She had spunk and he liked it. "Yes... Alucard took care of it last night." Integra stated. Angel looked at Alucard. He had not changed since the last time she had seen him. He still looked the same. "Is that all...? Anything else you want to place in my hands that doesn't have to do with me?" Integra asked. Angel looked at Ryuku. "Miss Angel wanted to know if there was anything you needed help on... like a mission or anything." Ryuku stated. Integra fixed the papers on the desk and replied, " No... nothing has come up yet... and don't worry about it. If anything does appear, we can handle it." she stated. Alucard had noticed the sudden change in his Master's voice. He looked at Angel and the other guy and wondered why his Master was so angered by them.