Never Impossible

Chapter 9: Beginning of Mission Two

Thursday Afternoon, America

A guy was standing outside a shopping centre, he lighted his cigar and he took a huff. He watched the people entering the shopping centre. They were happy, with their family and friends. He rolled his eyes behind this black sunglasses, love, family love, what a bunch of trash and crap. He took another huff, wondering what he was doing. Then, a girl came along. She was smiling and greeted the grumpy people that walked past her. She had long blonde hair and she looked like an angel form heaven. She turned and smiled at him before entering the shopping market. The electronic door closed by itself. He was shocked, she smiled at him… She just did… No one, smiled to him before…

He snapped out of it and threw his cigar on the floor. He stepped on it to put out the fire. He took out his phone and punched in the number. " Hey, I found someone. This will be a interesting one." He muttered.

Umi watched as a box was delivered to her. She signed for it and checks for any sound, to ensure that it wasn't ticking. She opened it to see a robot in a case. It had eyes and was like 2 stars in 3D version, stuck together to form a 10-sided star. It was only around palm size small, and it was shining white in colour. She found a note. It was from her father. She smiled, looks like the final product had come. She read the note.

This is Star, my new creation. It contacts you and allows me to track you. It is linked to you, it follows you whenever you go. It talks and eats, it is like your best friend. And it will react to you. Read the instructions to see how to use it. I understand that you already have Star, but Star isn't a small animal so it'd hard to bring it around with you. So hope you like it. – Benjamin Ryuuzaki.

Umi smiled and opened the box. The robot automatically floated up and looked at Umi. Its eyes scanning her. " Linking Umi to systems." Star said. Umi waited for a while, then Star started bouncing. " Umi, my best friend and master!" Star said, sounding happy. Umi smiled and took Star. It was only two-palm size, well, she could hold it in two hands. It didn't weight a lot and it didn't have sharp angles. Umi read the instruction manual.

" You sure she will be okay?" Trowa asked Heero. They were walking towards the canteen. " Well, I trust her, besides Lady Une will send me in once she gets into big trouble." Heero told him. Trowa looked uncertain. Umi never really handled missions on her own.

" Don't worry, I trust her." Heero told Trowa. Trowa frowned and stared at Heero. " Since when?" He asked, Heero frowned. " Since what?" He asked, Trowa pat Heero's shoulder. " Since when did you trust her? I thought you were like Wufei, hated females." Trowa told Heero.

" We are just partners. Besides I know she's good, I can tell." Heero told Trowa and he walked of himself. Duo came out from behind the pillar. " Do you trust her, Trowa?" Duo asked, Trowa sighed. " After what I saw, I don't know… But I know that she loves Heero a lot, even though he doesn't seem to know." Trowa told Duo. They both stared after the walking Heero.

Umi's job was to check on the terrorist group named Dragon Soul. They have been killing a lot of innocents, saying how these people hired FBI and Navy SEALS to help to protect them, but the targeted and the agent were all dead. The ways of how they died were too detailed. Star was rolling on the table when Umi received a call. It came from Star. A screen came out, it showed her father.

" How's Star?" He asked, Umi smiled. " It's fine, but it's very playful." Umi reported. " Well, it had to, to cheer you up, after all, you are too… quiet. Lady Une told me about your first big solo mission." Benjamin told her. Umi smiled. " Good luck and go kick their butt girl." He told her, Umi smiled wider and she bid goodbye. The screen disappeared. " Kick them, kick them!" Star exclaimed.

" Come on Star, we can't keep kicking people." Umi said playfully, she pats Star. " Why not?" Star asked, turning left to right. " Well, they will fight back." Umi told Star. " Then we team with Heero and kick them again." Star exclaimed, Umi smiled faintly. Star knows about Heero? She sat down and Star flew over and landed on her lap.

" Dragon rules our universe and runs through our blood. Our soul is binded forever to the Dragon. We will never betray our own blood." They chanted. Stephan nodded and everyone sat down. Stephan was the leader and head of the terrorist group named Dragon Soul. He had dark blonde hair and piercing dark blue eyes.

They were at their base that was 5 storeys secretly underground from the famous Hotel, Garden's Dew. Stephan flashed a girl's picture on the board.

" Since we are bored, let's sharpen our skills with this target. Jeremy targeted her because she smiled at us. You know what it means, when someone we don't know smiles at us, it means that they are looking for death and we will grant them their wish." Stephan told the whole gang below. Their group consisted of 48 members, only 6 of them played more important roles. They make sure that they clean up well, so no one could find them.

" Her name is Serenity. We checked her records. She lives alone in America by herself, had a brain surgery 2 years ago. She got a tumor and to remove it, she lost her memories. So she led a new life. A happy one too. We don't need such happy people on Earth. Sent in your proposals by tomorrow. Dismissed!" Stephan told them. Every one of them left the room in an orderly manner and exited in 5 minutes. A hand gently touched his shoulder. He turned to see Elaine. His girl…

She started to give him a massage. He sighed in relief. " What can I do without you Elaine?" He asked her. She just smiled.

Umi went to the justice department there. To check on the files about the Dragon Soul. Star helped her to scan the data in. There was a knock on the door. Umi looked up to see a man standing by the opened door. He was tall and muscular, had broad shoulders. He had blonde hair and a pair of blue eyes. He was wearing a pair of glasses. He studied her. He looked like a lawyer or something in the suit.

" No one told me that someone will be looking through our files." He told her and stepped in. Umi watched him in silence. " I am Matthew Campbell. I work here as one of the lawyers and also a representive of the Justice Department." He told her. Umi stood up to introduce herself. " I am Umi Ryuuzaki, I am a Preventer from Colony 1. The Headquarters send me here to look in to the Case of the Dragon Souls." She told him. He raised an eyebrow at her.

" I do not see why this case is so important that the Preventer from the Colonies are being dragged into it." He told her. Umi blinked and frowned. " Well, they are terrorists, they killed a lot of people and they were never caught." Umi told him. " That's because they cleaned up well, no clues as to where they are." He pointed out. Umi didn't like the way he talks. Star seems to sense her anger. It stopped scanning and scanned Matthew.

" What is this?" He asked, looking at Star. " My robot." She told him, she noticed him eying her. " A toy, at your age? Miss Ryuuzaki, Do I have to remind you that you are after all a Preventer?" He asked her. Umi's eyes narrowed. " No, you don't have to. Besides, I already asked for permission to look into these files from your boss. So, you can't stop me. Besides, you as a lawyer, don't you want them caught?" Umi asked him. He didn't have any expressions on his face.

" I do, however, we in America rely on SEALS to do the job. We don't need Preventers and what's more, a female Preventer. Someone who is weak in combat." He told her. He pissed off Umi, she wanted to kill him… " Do I have to mention that 10 SEALS were killed on a mission to stop them? No one survived and it's now a haunted case. No one wants to take it. So that's why we Preventers are sent in." Umi told him. He laughed, it sounded so bitter and cold.

" Fine, let's see if you alone can stop them for us to see. Then we will look up to Preventers. After we get them in jail, I will do my best to make sure that they all get hanged." He told her and walked off. Umi felt like pulling her gun out and shooting him. What the hell is with that guy? Bad impression, super bad impression. Umi was sure that he won't have any girlfriend. Even though he looks quite charming. Umi slapped herself. " Ouch…" She muttered, Star floated next to her.

" How could I be thinking of that idiot when I already love Heero?" Umi asked herself softly. She went back to work and started reading the files. Outside, Matthew watched her from his glasses. He took out his phone and made a call. " Stephan, looks like we got a new problem." He spoke softly.

At night,

Matthew went back to the basement, where the files were all kept. He went to check on Umi. Umi was keen on taking on the mission to expose them and even stop them. So, as a member and a part of the Board of Advisors in Dragon Soul, he have to stop her before she gets too far and too deep. Stephan hadn't gave the order yet, but he asked him to keep an eye on her.

That robot she carried interest him. It was scanning the data when he talked to Umi.

Umi was still looking through the files at the table. Honestly, if she wasn't a Preventer, maybe she still stand a chance of being alive. After all he had to admit, he never saw a woman as gorgeous as she was. Young, sexy and gorgeous? What more could he get? But too bad, her job makes her a target. If Stephan saw her, he would immediately dump Elaine. He knocked on the door and went in before she said anything.

" Very hardworking, aren't you?" He asked. Umi ignored him, she noticed him staring at Star. " You know, I believe you have a lot of work to do, so why bother to check on me? Or are you thinking that I may be up to something?" Umi asked him. He shrugged and looked around. The shelves were filled with dusty files, that couldn't or wasn't solve.

" If only people could look twice into something old." He told her, Umi looked confused. Umi sensed that he was a dangerous person and wasn't what he looks like ever since she first saw him. " The office hours are already over, you better go home." He told her. Umi looked at her watch. It showed 12.00 midnight. She hadn't ate her breakfast yet. But, looks like nothing's open now. " Don't you have to leave too?" She asked him, closing the file. " I still have to meet my Uncle. Who happens to be the President of the Justice Department in America." He told her, Umi wasn't surprised. After all, he acted like this place was already his.

" Let's go home, Star tired and bored." Star told Umi, jumping up and down in front of her. She smiled and took Star. " Okay, let's go." She told Star, she eyed Matthew when she walked past him. He was looking at the file she closed. Umi left the basement and waited for the lift. Something was bugging her and it was about Matthew.

Matthew heard the lift doors close, he opened the file to the page she book marked. He was surprised to see Star talk. She was reading about the latest event, the hijacking of the planes to make them crash into the each other. And it was 20 planes crash together at high speed. Many had died, none survived. No one expected it to happen, so there were no clues to track back. He got a phone call. He picked it up.

" Garden's Dew's spa. Room 128" Someone told him. Matthew hung up and closed the file, he left, and locking it with his pass his uncle gave him. He went to the car park. The guards greeted him. As he walked towards his sports car, he saw Umi walking towards the exit with a jumping Star. He wanted to follow her but Stephan was someone who talks about punctuality. He got into his car and started the engine.

Umi watched as Matthew's car exited the gates. Umi watched as it zoomed past her, she used her hand to press her flying hair down. Star was jumping up and down again. " Nice car, Heero's car seems better." Star told Umi. Umi just smiled and started walking towards the MRT station. Her hotel's far away.

The girl escorted him to Room 128. Matthew knocked twice and then entered, closing the door on the girl's face. He locked it behind him. He looked at the Members of the Board of Advisors. They were all seated around the round table, waiting for Stephan to come back. As usual, he had gone into the hot tub with Elaine. Matthew sat next to Jeremy.

The Board of Advisors of Dragon Soul consisted of six members. They were, Elaine, Stephan's girlfriend. Valerie, Elaine's friend. There was also Wallace, who was Valerie's boyfriend. And there was Jeremy, who was the second leader of the Dragon Soul. Stephan was often not around, so Jeremy was incharged. And there was Alexandra. Alexandra was a friend of Valerie and Elaine.

Elaine and Valerie were forced to join the Dragon Soul because Stephan liked Elaine and Wallace liked Valerie. So, they were like extras, who don't do much except make their boyfriend happy. Alexandra and Jeremy are more of a planner and they get the job done well. Wallace was the flirt and the slack one. He does a lot of things behind Valerie's back. Funny how Wallace even made it to the Board of Advisors, maybe he was after all, Stephan's best friend. And Alexandra hates Jeremy, because they had a test to prove who could be the second leader and Alexandra lost to Jeremy, so they were like rivals.

Stephan came back with Elaine. Matthew rolled his eyes when Valerie started flirting with Wallace. Matthew and Jeremy are closer. They exchanged bored looks, Alexandra just watch Stephan in silence. Stephan asked Valerie and Elaine to leave the room. Well, the girls aren't really invited to the meetings. Unless Stephan wants them to be there. The door closed.

" As you were saying?" Stephan asked Matthew. Matthew took off his glasses. His glasses had no degrees, it was just to look more professional. " They sent a Preventer over to check us out." Matthew told them. Stephan laughed. " I always wanted to challenge the Preventers. Is it Heero Yuy? The Impossible one? The one that never dies?" Stephan asked, Matthew shook his head. " No, it's a female." He told them.

" Which is a good thing. If we face off with Heero, we will only die. No one could kill him." Jeremy told them, stating facts. " What's your plan?" Stephan asked. " We kill her, simple and fast." Alexandra spoke up. " No, no… I think Wallace will love this one." Stephan told them, his eyes glittering. " Do I need to remind you that Wallace is already attached?" Jeremy asked. " Well, what do you suggest then?" Stephan asked. " Since we already have another target, just test her. Make the two of them come together and then we set up a trap." Jeremy told them.

" Nice, that's why I love you Jeremy, you come up with something good." Stephan told them, Alexandra's face darkened. " I suggest that you leave her to me." Matthew told them. They all turned to stare at him. Not that Matthew couldn't kill, he kills in a very horrible way, and so horrible that it disgusts Stephan. So, Stephan only let Matthew take the job when Matthew wants to. So he seldom takes any as it doesn't interest him at all.

" Fine, keep her long enough for us to get her to come to Serenity." Stephan told Matthew. Matthew nodded. Stephan and Wallace went to find the girls. Alexandra and Jeremy turned to leave. " You coming, Matt?" Jeremy asked. Matthew followed them, staying there will only make him puke.

The next day, Friday Morning,

Heero got a call from Lady Une, telling him that Umi was still safe for now. So, she didn't need help. But Heero will be flying over next week to ensure that things are going right. Lady Une felt that this case may be hard if they find out about Umi checking on them.

Umi woke up after Star pounced on her legs for 5 times. Umi sat up and yawned, and lied back down on the bed again. " Wake up, Umi!" Star told her. " No, let me sleep… I want to sleep…" Umi muttered softly. Star started making alarm noises, Umi covered her ears with the extra pillow. " Oh, look, I see Heero's car!" Star announced. " What!" Umi said and she went over to the window. Star had lied.

" You are full of tricks." Umi told Star and she went to the bathroom. Star started rolling back and forth on the bed.

Matthew entered the building and went to the counter to ask for his mail. He looked around and saw Umi just entering the building. " You have no mail today, Mr Campbell." The receptionist told him. He nodded, eyeing Umi. " I am here to look at the files at the basement." Umi told her, She handled Umi a pass to open the door. Umi thanked her and walked past Matthew. Star was bouncing behind Umi.

As the lift doors were about to close, Matthew's hand came and he pulled the door open. Umi looked surprised to see him. He entered the lift and pressed his floor and he pressed the close door button. " You know that we are going in different direction." Umi told him, he looked back at her. " I do know that." He told her. The lift went to the basement first. Umi couldn't help notice that Matthew was about the same height as Heero. Talk about almost the same body build.

The lift door opened, Matthew watched as Umi left with a bouncing Star. After the lift went up, Umi breathed a sigh of relief. She thought he was going to rape her or something. Even though she did brought her gun, she hate to use it. She taped the pass on the device. It unlocked the door and she went in. Matthew didn't touch anything, everything was exactly like where she had left it. She closed the door and then she started reading again. Star started rolling on the table beside her. Umi smiled and pat Star.

Matthew was throwing darts at the dartboard. It all hit the centre point. There was a knock on the door, he sat down and allowed that person to come in. It was his secretary.

" These are the files that need your signature. And your Uncle would like to see you in his office." She told him. Matthew nodded and left his office. He knocked on the door of his Uncle's office. " Come in Matt." He heard. He opened the door and stepped through. His uncle pointed to a chair opposite him. Matthew sat down there.

" I heard about this new girl coming in from the Colonies to check out on the Dragon Soul. Do you think she will stand a chance?" He asked, Matthew shook his head. " Females are weak in combat and physically weak. She won't last long if they found out about her looking into their data." Matthew told him.

" Matthew, I am aware how capable you can be. I want you to protect her." His uncle told him. Matthew looked surprised, how can he protect her when he was assigned to kill her? " She's a Preventer, they learnt to protect themselves." He pointed it out. His uncle shook his head. " No, she used to work with Heero Yuy and this is her first big mission alone. Something tells me she would need help. Besides, we have been trying to put them behind bars for too long. You should also help her." His uncle told Matthew. Matthew wondered if he should stick to the right route. But it won't be fun. Being a traitor is equal to death.

Umi fell asleep while reading through the thick files. She had a very weird dream. She dreamt that she was in a restaurant, she was dining with Heero. Then suddenly, Heero looked happy and was chatting to another girl who just joined the table. And the girl looked happy, jealousy hit her hard. She was upset and jealous, she watched the two of them chatting happily.

" Serenity, the food here is great. You should try it." Heero told her. The girl nodded and then looked at Umi. Umi blinked, " Why aren't you eating too, Miss Umi?" Serenity asked Umi. Umi was confused… what was going on?

She found herself later standing outside a hotel room, the door was open slightly, she peeked inside through the gap and she saw Heero and Serenity kissing fiercely. Oh God… She thought to herself. She covered her mouth and then she ran off. Her heart was broken and shattered into thousand pieces, and even with all the glue in the world, it wouldn't piece her broken heart back. She was crying in the heavy rain, sitting on a bench in the park. Star was floating beside her. " Don't cry Umi." Star told her. Umi was still crying, but the rain made her tears invisible.

Then she saw Matthew holding an umbrella and he sheltered her. He didn't say a word, but Umi didn't want him to see her crying. Before she could move, Matthew shot her in her heart so fast that Umi couldn't react. She then found herself staring up at the rain, her blood flowing and spreading like water. Matthew left, walking. Her eyes were dying to close. Star was by her side, rubbing her hand, to make her stay awake. " You cannot die Umi. Heero's still out there, you still have a chance…" Star told her. Umi was crying. " No, it's not possible. It's better off this way…" She said softly… the cold rain was making her feel numb. " No Umi, you said that if you believe in it, the impossible will become possible. You told Heero that, that's why they are together now." Star told Umi. And Umi felt like it was the greatest mistake to say that to Heero.

" I am too upset, I am bleeding and dying painfully. Let me leave this universe Star. Tell Heero I want my grave next to Stephanie's. And that I… Love him…." She muttered before her eyes shut completely. Everything else was black.

She then saw herself in a room full of mirrors, as they all caught her reflection, they all looked upset and heart broken. " Love can hurt sometimes." Someone said, she turned to see Stephanie. " Didn't you die?" Umi asked. Stephanie nodded. " I did, and you died too. But you had many things not accomplished, so you cannot die. I am telling you this as this is your future. You will forever be a soul that will never be happy. So, if you stay alive then, things can change." Stephanie told Umi.

" How? I am dead." She told her. Stephanie shook her head. " No, you still have a choice, to die loving Heero or to live loving someone else." She told her. Umi was shocked. " What, love someone else? What about Heero?" She asked. " He got Serenity. And you must survive that shot from Matthew. And, rebel Umi. Then you will be able to live." She told Umi. Then Stephanie started to fade away. " Rebel?" Umi asked. " Yes, fight against the Preventers, be part of Dragon Soul." She said and she vanished. Umi woke up crying.

Her tears had wet the files and Umi couldn't believe that the dream was going to come true. No, it can't be. Star was floating beside her. " Umi, are you okay, you were crying." Star told Umi. Umi looked at Star and looked around her. It felt so real, the pain, the sadness… She wasn't going to be with Heero… Tears continued to flow down her face. The door opened, Umi looked up. Her watery vision was blur. But she could make out the figure of Matthew.

Matthew was surprised to see her crying. She looked very depressed and hurt, when she saw him, she started to wipe them away and act like she was normal. It hurt him a little bit. Someone as gorgeous as she was shouldn't be crying, but she should be smiling. But so what, he still have to kill her. He walked over. " Are you okay?" He asked, Umi looked up into Matthew's blue eyes, through his glasses. She saw her own pathetic reflection on his glasses.

" I am sorry, can I help you?" She asked softly, looking away from him. She stared at the wet file. He handled her a tissue. She took it and started wiping her tears away. If the dream was true, Matthew was a scary person. " You know, you shouldn't force yourself to stop crying. If you are upset, just cry it all out." He told her softly. Umi bit her lower lip to stop herself from crying. She stood up and nearly bumped into Matthew. " Excuse me." She said softly and she walked past him towards the toilet. Star followed after her, Matthew watched her leave. She wet the files quite badly.

Umi washed her face with cold water. As she checked her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help crying again. She leaned against a wall and slide down into a sitting position. Star just looked at her. Umi hugged her knees close and started crying. How can she live knowing that she will die and that Heero will be with his ex-lover and her only chance of living was to be with someone else. And to go the dark side. No, Stephanie was lying, no, she won't lie. She looked serious.

Matthew ran a check on Umi Ryuuzaki, in his secret research program.


Umi Ryuuzaki

Father: Benjamin Ryuuzaki

Mother: Sandra Ryuuzaki

Occupation: Unknown

Age: 19

It wasn't much, he could do up to second stage of search, but he will alert the master of the program. It wasn't easy to hack his system. But Matthew knows the trick.

Heero was surprised to see someone hacking his systems. A very daring one and also a clever one to find his program. He used a code to send the hacker to a maze like area. If he's clever he will get to where he wants to. Heero started tracing the hacker's location.

No kidding, he found out. Matthew looked around the maze program of codes. He typed something and a box appeared. " You have 60 seconds to stop the bomb from destroying your computer." The computer announced. No shit, why was he protecting Umi's files so secretly? Matthew keyed in a few codes. " Self destruction deactivated. Access granted to Data files." The computer announced and the screen went back to specific data. But Matthew knew the program too well. Second stage wasn't a lot of information. He could go as high as 5, that's the maximum, but he doesn't have to code to the last door. Besides, he was after all already tracked.

" Looks like someone clever wants to hack my system. He got through the bomb." Heero told them. Trowa went over, no shit. " No one can hack through your first gate. Maybe this person worked with you before or something." Trowa told Heero. Heero looked at the location. " America… Justice Department. Public User…" Heero said, reading the data on the map. " What does he want?" Trowa asked, looking at the system codes.

" He's looking into Umi's data." Heero told him. Trowa looked surprised, Heero himself didn't have much information on Umi. But Heero was still a source.

Matthew opened up the file.

Umi Ryuuzaki

Occupation: Doctor, Singer, Model, Preventer, Lawyer and Advisor.

Weapons of choice: Short gun

Description: A girl not to be messed with. Has an innocent look but looks can be deceiving. Clever and fast, she isn't the stupid kind of people. But has a weakness, a softie. Doesn't love to kill that much, cares a lot about people related to her.

Power: Power to read minds with a touch and can see the future.

Matthew whistled, no shit. Umi's not a normal person. She got powers. He leaned back against his chair. Thanks Heero, the system belonged to Heero Yuy himself. He got what he needed, now he just have to be careful about it.

Heero watched as the hacker left his system, looks like the second stage data was good enough for him. Heero locked back his system and replaced the passwords. Looks like Umi's in danger. If it was Umi, she won't look at her own data.

Umi was thinking when she heard something. A bullet sped past her and it hit the wall, it barely missed her head. Umi Stood up, the door was closed, where did it come from? Umi looked at Star. " Star, scan the surroundings, stop all electronic systems." Umi told Star. Star sent out frequencies and it fried the systems, the light flickered off. Umi pressed the taps, to make water gush out and pretend that she was washing her face. She crept closer to the door. She took out her gun and she leaned against the wall, looking at the door. There was a hole caused by the bullet a while ago.

Without light, unless that person was a pro, he or she will have a hard time aiming at her. Umi threw open the door and stood out, aiming her gun at the empty space. That person already left? Umi didn't let her guard down. She peeked outside and she didn't see anyone.

Putting down at ease, she walked slowly back towards the toilet. Before she could push open the toilet door. Bullets came flying at all the same time towards her. Umi turned around and did nothing. They were all electrocuted when they were near Umi. There was a shield around her. It was the one that gave out the electricity to burn the bullets into ashes. Umi saw that the bullets came from the ceiling. She fired up there. She didn't hit anything but it caused a lot of holes.

" Star, scan the surroundings, heat scan. If that's a human, he's bound to be located." Umi told Star. Star turned silent and then printed a piece of paper out. There wasn't anyone there. Looks like that person had already left. Umi didn't believe what her father said before.

" Umi, Star can act as your bodyguard. It creates a shield and burns bullets. It may come in handy sometimes." He told her. Umi looked at Star, Star was bulletproof, so was untouchable. It was linked to her mind. If she wanted it on, it will be. Even if she didn't decide to do anything, Star will automatically create the shield to burn the bullets.

Matthew sneaked back into his room, he was surprised at the shield. He didn't see it coming. It was a shield and it burned them to ashes. That explains why she looked calm. Matthew placed his gun back into his safe under his table. He locked it and smoothed his shirt and put on his coat. Maybe she suspects him. He put on his glasses. He pushed his glasses up and he crossed out his plans to trap her and shoot her to death. Looks like it will become useless.

At night,

Umi closed the files. She had already finished reading the files, looks like she will be leaving this justice department for good. She was sure that she will not see that annoying Matthew again. Although, after having that dream, she was sure that Matthew was the one who tried to shoot her. Matthew knocked on the door and he came in. If he wasn't a bad guy just trying to spy on the enemy, she will seriously think that he has feelings for her.

" Looks like you finished reading the files. Any suspicions that you would like to clear?" He asked her. " How come they didn't sent you to do what the SEALs did?" Umi asked him. " I am just a lawyer and a representative, I do not have as much knowledge in combat…" Umi cut him off.

" Does that explain why someone shot me today?" Umi asked, Matthew frowned, pushing his glasses higher. " I do not see how these two questions are linked." He told her. " And as a worker, you don't seem to care if someone is injured or not." Umi told him.

" I didn't hear gunshots and I believe you are testing me." He told her, Umi looked at Star. " Someone shot me today, if Star wasn't around, I would be dead. Your security's poor. You should tell your uncle to upgrade it." Umi told Matthew.

" If so, why will they aim you?" Matthew asked, Umi stared at him. His glasses caught the reflection of light, blocking his eyes out. " How will I know? Maybe someone found out about me." Umi told him. Matthew could feel her suspicion on him. " And besides you, who else will visit me here? And worst, know that I was in the toilet at the moment?" She asked him. He watched as she walked across the room and she pointed a gun at his head. He looked calm. " The door's open. Besides, I am sure killing me will only cause you your death too. They will hang you." He told her, pushing his glasses higher.

" No, you will kill me first, besides, Star already blocked out the cameras. And the door, you locked it when you came in. You didn't expect me to walk out alive today." She told him. Clever people are hard to trick but easy to tell apart from a bunch of idiots.

" Relax, Miss Umi. You are jumping to conclusions." He told her. " No, I am not." She told him. She dropped a bottle suddenly, Matthew suddenly bent and caught it right before it fell. He was fast, Umi knew that a person with a fast reaction will surely catch it. He released it and then the firing took place. Umi fired at him, but he dodged all of them.

" Who are you?" Umi asked him, holding him at gunpoint. He smirked and he pushed his glasses up. " Didn't your Heero tell you anything?" Matthew asked. Umi was surprised that Matthew mentioned Heero. " You know him?" She asked, Matthew nodded. " I did, once. It was 2 years back." He told her, she walked towards the door, he threw it open. Umi was silent, wasn't he trying to kill her? " I'm not what you think I am." Matthew told her and he left the room. Umi was confused.

Serenity works as a waitress in a famous restaurant. She loves her job. Everyone was good to her and her job pays her well. She didn't noticed that Matthew was outside watching her.

" Stephan, she looks like an easy target. Someone that won't catch a lot of attention. However, she has a lot of friends." Matthew told Stephan through his phone.

Far away, Umi was spying on Matthew. She couldn't help suspect him. " Umi, what are we doing here?" Star asked Umi. Umi watched as Matthew got into his car and drove off. Umi hide behind the wall, so that he couldn't see her. She then went over to where Matthew was standing. She stared through the glass windows. There were many people inside. Who could he be after? She saw a girl smiling brightly at the customers. She had long blonde hair and a pair of dark blue eyes. Or maybe Matthew was trying to woo her? Could it be?

Umi watched as a van parked by the side of the road. Right in front of the restaurant. A man came out. He was dressed in a uniform. He took out a parcel and started walking towards the restaurant. Umi didn't suspect anything, but he was wear a cap. And it pushed it down so that it would shadow his eyes. He doesn't want anyone to see him. Umi asked Star to photo the van down, and the car plate too. Somehow she knew that it was a fake one. She watched as the man enters the restaurant and talked to the cashier. She pointed to the waitress who was smiling. The man walked over and made her sign the parcel.

" Who sent it?" Serenity asked the deliveryman. " I don't know. They sent the parcels, we just deliver them." He told her. She signed for the parcel and shook it gently. There was something inside. The man walked out, got into the van and drove off. Serenity went to the kitchen, which leads to the staff room. She sat down at her seat. She opened the parcel, curious about what it holds. She dropped the cover of the box and she screamed as loud as she could.

Esther, she best friend came running in. " What's wrong?" She asked. Serenity pointed at the parcel. Inside, that was a Barbie doll and it was headless. It had blood all over it, the room was filled with the smell of blood. There was a card, typed out. Esther picked it up.

You are as beautiful as the Barbie doll. However, you won't have a long life. Your days are numbered, better live to your best before we come after you. Don't call the police or we will kill you sooner.

Dragon Soul

Esther's eyes widened. " Dragon Soul is the terrorist group that until now they couldn't find them don't even say arrest them. They can be anywhere, no one knows who they are. You are being marked." Esther told Serenity.

" I didn't do anything to them." Serenity told Esther. " Well, terrorists just kill anyone, they don't car who you are. Let's call the police." Esther told Serenity. Serenity stopped Esther. " No, they will know. I think they are spying on me, watching my every move…" Serenity told Esther.

" We got to ask for help. Or you will die. They will blow you up!" Esther explained. " I am Sorry, I couldn't help over hearing what you two said." Someone behind them said. They turned to see a girl standing there with a flying object.

" Sorry Miss, this area is off limits to customers. And it's just a prank, I played it on her, get lost!" Esther told her. " I am a Preventer sent from the Colonies to come and solve the case of the Dragon Soul. My name is Umi Ryuuzaki." Umi told them.

" It's nothing, now get out!" Esther told her. " Wait, Esther. I heard about the Preventers. They are a lot better than SEALs. We may have a chance." Serenity told Esther. Umi looked at the card.

" You are being marked, if you do not accept help, you will die." Umi told Serenity. "But if she does, she will die sooner!" Esther told Umi.

" Does her safety come first or not?" Umi asked. " Well…" Esther was lost for words. " It's okay, we will accept your help." Serenity told Umi. " I will do my best to protect you and also put an end to the Dragon Soul." Umi told them.

" Umi, I sense a mechanism in the Barbie doll." Star told Umi. Esther and Serenity looked at the talking object. " Really?" Umi asked. She took out her gun and fired 3 times at the Barbie doll. Esther and Serenity screamed a little. When the smoke clear, what was there was a device. " A voice device… Shit, they heard everything we said just now." Umi told them. Fear grew in Serenity's eyes.

Matthew looked at the restaurant from his car, he hadn't left. He saw Umi going to the restaurant. And she entered it. What he heard just now confirms it. He had led her to the trap. " Stephan, looks like we got Umi involved." Matthew reported. " Good, now we just have to kill them both." Stephan told them.

Umi paid Serenity's boss some money, to excuse Serenity from work for the night. Serenity went to Umi's hotel room. Umi made sure that no one saw them. Umi made a phone call to the Colonies.

" Hello? Heero?" She asked. " Speaking." He told her. " Heero, bad news. They marked someone. I have to protect her and try to find who is in the Dragon Soul." Umi told him. There was silence at the other end. " I am coming over Umi. The Dragon Soul isn't something a rookie like you can take on. I will be flying over. Tell me your address." Heero told her. Umi admitted that she couldn't do it by herself. She gave her address and Heero hung up.

" You going?" Trowa asked him. " Yes, I have no choice. We won't want to lose any Preventer. She's still new. I will call you all if I need more back-up." Heero told Trowa. Trowa nodded and went to repot to Lady Une. Heero went home to pack his luggage.

To be continued…

Will Umi and Heero save Serenity? And worst, what will Matthew do to stop Umi? Will Umi and Heero still have feelings for each other? Stayed tuned and please review…