Author's Note-Hey there everyone! I just wanted to let you all know before you freak out and say how quickly I post the chapters that this is just a teaser. Here is a scene from the upcoming chapter. Enjoy.

Chapter Four Teaser…

Squall followed the note's instructions and walked into the Quad. It was completely dark just like it almost always was except for a few lights lit on the grand piano that stood in the center of the Quad. A bit confused, Squall walked down the entrance stairs. There's no one here… Squall raised an eyebrow and sighed as he walked down the steps.

A small dark figure walked over to the grand piano and started to play "Fisherman's Horizon" beautifully. Not wanting to interrupt Squall stood on his step and watched the figure play the melody. Whoever it was really knew how to play piano if he or she could manage to play such a complicated piece. The person finished and Squall clapped as he walked down the rest of the steps. He stopped at the end of the stairs and slowly stopped clapping.

"Come closer…" The voice was soft and feminine.

"Reveal yourself first." Squall said bluntly as he crossed his arms.

"Come closer and I'll reveal myself." She laughed softly as she closed the piano's keys. Squall sighed and complied walking forward. He was a bit hesitant to find out who was behind the piano but he kept walking anyway.

"There you go." Rinoa sat behind the piano and was smiling gently as she ran her hand through her raven black hair.

"You sent me this note?" Lifted his hand holding a sheet of sanctuary paper with light writing on it. Rinoa nodded and patted the piano bench motioning him to sit. Squall walked over and sat at the edge of the bench. "Why did you ask to meet me here?"

"I want to tell you something…" Rinoa spoke softly, her eyes locked with his.

"Go right ahead." Squall said just as softly.

"Me and Seifer don't go together…" Her hand gently touched his shoulder as Squall tried to suppress a shiver. "But… I want to be with you." Rinoa said softly her eyes meeting his.

"… Rinoa…" Squall said with hints of unknown emotion, "I-" Before he could let another word out, Rinoa leaned into him. Their lips touched in the lightest kiss. Moving her hands around his neck, she deepened the kiss by inviting his tongue into her mouth. With in seconds they were swapping spit as they fought for dominance in the kiss. Their kiss was shortly lived as a voice from the entrance stopped them cold.

"You slut!" Seifer's voice was filled with rage as he walked down the steps. Rinoa and Squall both parted their eyes on the intruder.

Ah… How I love leaving cliffhangers. I guess you're going to have to wait for the chapter to be put up. Oh, by the way… Should I move the rating up to mature? I'm not sure if the language and details keep the story under teen. Review please and I'll have the chapter up in a day most likely.