Fire And Ice
A/N: Ok, so it's been years guys! I kind of got caught up in being a Mom! Two kids can be a handful when they are young! But now my girls are growing up, and in school full time. I have the house to myself during the day and ALLLLLLL the time in the world to start writing again! Woot! I've decided to pick this story up where I left off. Bare with me while I get back into the swing of things! Also, I apologize if my writing style has changed, time tends to do that! Anyways, on to the story guys! Hope you all enjoy! Please read and review! n.n
Kagome looked over her family from the past. 'What am I getting myself into.' She thought. "Mama, would you like to come with?" Kagome asked. Her mother smiled, "Of course! Any chance I can get to spend time with my adorable grandchildren!"
"I suppose I will stay here and help around the temple." Sesshomaru said in a cold voice.
At the mall, Kagome and her mother could barely keep track of everyone. Rin and Shippou excitedly ran in and out of stores, amazed by each and every trinket they discovered. Hitachii was far more interested in the booths selling food. Kagome giggled as she watched her son drool, 'He's more like is uncle than I thought!'
"Ok, everyone." Kagome called, "Lunch time. Let's find a place to sit and eat."
Everyone gathered and sat in the food court as Kagome ordered from one of the vendors. Soon she had two trays of food and returned to her family; placing meals in front of everyone. She turned to her mother, "Mama, I have to use the bathroom, are you ok to stay with the children?" Kagome's mother nodded and Kagome rushed off.
Kagome exited the bathroom into a long hallway. 'I hope Mama is ok with the kids.' She thought to herself. Just then the sickening smell of miasma assaulted Kagome's nose. Her heart sunk, she already knew. Naraku had come for her yet again.
Frantically, Kagome looked around. The hallway was completely empty.'Then where...' She felt a sharp pain on the back of her head, and everything went black.
Kagome's mother was starting to worry. It had been almost 45 minutes since Kagome left to use the washroom. The kids had finished eating and were starting to get restless. Rin and Shippou were arguing over who could shoot a bow better and Hitachii had started to yawn and whine. 'Should I take the kids back to the temple, or wait here longer?' Kagome's mother wondered. She had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. It wasn't like Kagome to vanish without a word. She looked around the busy food court in search of her daughter's blue hair. Nothing...
"Ok, Kids! Let's head back to see how your father is doing at the temple!"
"What about Okaa-san?" Asked Hitachii. Kagome's mother smiled and tried to hide her worry. "She will meet us there!" She replied, unsure of herself.
"What do you mean she just disappeared!?" Sesshomaru asked through gritted teeth, his blood boiling. 'The future is turning out to be as dangerous as the past!' He thought. Just as he finished his thought, he felt it. A demonic aura that was unmistakable. "Naraku... That bastard!" He spat. Kagome's mother felt as if she might faint. She had heard many stories about Naraku, all of which made her admire the strength of Kagome and her companions. "Go help Kagome." Her mother said, "I'll look after the kids." Sesshomaru nodded and flew out the door without another word.
He raced down the temple stairs and stopped at the bottom to sniff the air. If he could just pick up their scent... but the smell of pollution made it hard to pick out anything remotely close to either Kagome or Naraku's scent. "Kuso..." He cussed under his breath. He turned and raced towards the city. Perhaps if he could get above the metal death traps he would have better luck picking up something... anything!
The first tall building Sesshomaru came across he jumped to the top and stopped. His heart was beating in his chest. He needed to find his mate, his Kagome! He took a breath, closed his eyes and concentrated. His nose twitched as he tried to sort through all the smells of the future. Then, mixed with the smell of exhaust, Kagome's magnificent scent hit his nose. His stomach jumped into his throat as he thought about Kagome being in the hands of the wicked Naraku. 'Hang on, Kagome!' He thought as he began jumping from building to building following the hints of cinnamon that could only be Kagome's scent.
Soon Sesshomaru ran out of buildings to jump to, as he was led out of town. His feet hit the ground with a thump and dust flew up around him. He ran as fast as he could into the forest, still following the scent of his mate. But now, he could also smell Naraku's foul odor as well. 'I'll kill him this time! I will tear him to pieces for touching her!' All of a sudden, a piercing scream rang through the trees. "Let me go!" Kagome screamed. Sesshomaru readied his poison claws, his heart pounded in his ears, his legs felt like they might collapse under him. There was a clearing in the trees, his gaze fell upon his beloved battered and bruised, blood covered her perfect face. His eyes jumped to Naraku, who was holding Kagome by the throat. "Kukukuku!" Naraku laughed. "It seems you have done nothing to tame this Wench!" He turned to look at Sesshomaru. "I will make you pay for this, Naraku!" Sesshomaru yelled. His usual cool demeanor had been shattered. Sesshomaru was livid. His eyes pulsed red as he snarled at his opponent. Naruaku's miasma began to fill the clearing. Kagome choked and her eyes started to water. She looked at Sesshomaru and smiled weakly, "My love," she said as her arm shot out and pierced Naraku's chest. Naraku's eyes widened as Kagome's fingers wrapped around the sacred jewel embedded in his body. He sweet smile turned and she tore her hand from her assailant. Naraku dropped Kagome. She hit the ground hard and turned to Sesshomaru, "...Now!" At that moment, Sesshomaru turned to his true form and took the injured Naraku in his jaws, and devoured him. It was the most foul tasting thing Sesshomaru had ever put in his mouth, but he was so angry. Blood poured from his monstrous mouth as his large jaws tore and crushed Naraku's body. Kagome crawled over to Sesshomaru`s giant paw, it felt as if every bone in her body was broken. She pulled her arms and head up and laid among his silver fur. The beast within Sesshomaru quieted, and he transformed back to his common form. He sat by Kagome, tears forming in his eyes, threatening to spill over. He pulled her into his lap. "Are you ok?" He asked softly. Kagome nodded, "I... am... now." She said as she gently closed her eyes. "Let's go... home, My... Love."
Well there it is! Hope you all enjoyed! Read and Review! And I will be working on a new FanFic starting today! Keep your eyes pealed!