A/n: I don't own Inuyasha. If I did, Kagome wouldn't even have survived through the first book. And Kikyo would be the main female. And Naraku would be dead. And Jaken wouldn't be a toad, he'd be an octopus. Don't ask.

"You're what?!"

Sango coughed out her lunch and chewed up bits flew across the table. Kikyo grimaced and cleaned it up with her napkin. Inuyasha stayed silent.

Kagome ate her lunch calmly as her friends soaked it in. "She said I'll be taking classes online and I can come back next year." She put on a brave smile. "It's not that serious, and the principal wants me to get the problem fixed before it gets too serious." Kikyo stared at her cousin and spoke up. "When are you leaving?" Kagome's smile wiped out and she looked down at her lunch.

"Next week."

Another explosion of chewed food came from Sango. Kikyo frowned, but instead of cleaning it up, she turned to the quiet hanyou sitting beside her.


He turned his head away from her and looked at Kagome. Kikyo's gaze faltered and she returned to her own lunch. Sango looked at Kikyo and glared at the hanyou across from her.

"When can I visit you?" Inuyasha asked, his voice flat and almost dreading the response. Kagome looked at him back and put her hand over his. "Only once every two weeks. They don't want the 'outside world' to stress me out and so I can only have my close friends and family visit me." His ears lowered and he slid his hand away from hers. Kagome looked at him with hurt while Sango and Kikyo uncomfortably looked at eachother.

"So Kagome, are you sure the school is funding everything?" Kikyo tried to lift the atmosphere. Kagome nodded, but it was too late. The mood was killed and for the rest of the lunch period, the table was silent.

School was uneventful for the rest of the day and Kikyo wandered out of the class and walked home, alone. She was playing over in her mind, again and again, how Inuyasha just somehow ignored her at lunch. It wasn't so huge, but Kikyo couldn't help but obsess over it. She didn't want to read too much into it, but she somehow knew that Kagome meant the world to him and she, Kikyo meant nothing.

She knew it from the begginning. But she was too blind and hopeful to see it. Why was rejection so hard? At first, she thought that only jock and preps that wanted to boost their popularity would get a piece of arm candy. But the feeling was actually so unreal to her and she was a fool for even imagining it to happen in the first place. As she approached the front steps, a loud angry voice interupted her thoughts.

"Just leave me alone, you jerk! Why can't you understand I have no control over this?!" Kikyo froze, knowing exactly who that was.

"C'mon Kagome, you don't have control over everything lately. Our relantionship has been strained because you're too scared to make a small decrease on your popularity!" She could hear Kagome let out a stomp on the floor.

"Are you just mad that you sit with my friends during lunch? And you can't sit with your friends? Are you mad because I ask you to put your arm around me while we're walking down the hall? I thought that you loved me, but apparantly, you're too embarrassed to show others how we feel!"


"Then what is it?"

"Y'know Kagome, I have a feeling that you only want to be my girlfriend because it'll boost your social status. That's not how I feel about you. You might not know it, but I'm crazy about you! This whole 'mental' thing will drive me nuts!" Kikyo looked at the ground and bit her lip.

So she was right. He loved Kagome.

Kagome looked up at him with indignant eyes, brimmed with tears. "Maybe..." her voice was shaky. "Maybe staying away from eachother is just what we need. Just..." Inuyasha closed his eyes.

"Yeah, maybe what we do need is a break." Kagome shook her head.

"Inuyasha, I don't want to hurt you, but I can't be with you right now." She turned around and left. Kikyo sighed, thanking god it was over until Inuyasha walked out of the house and spotted her. She froze up again and stared ahead, not looking at him. After staring at her for a few seconds, he left.

Realizing it was safe, she went into the house and sat down on the couch. Kagome would be leaving on Monday, in two days. Lot's of things were gonna change and some, for the better. Even though she tried to shove the thoughts out of her mind, her mind kept thinking about how they were on a break, the two.

Why do I even care, it's not gonna change anything!

Relief and some hope filled her, subconsiously.She mentally slapped herself and went to go take a shower.

Kagome sat in her room, staring at her bedroom walls while silently replaying everything in her head. How could you have everything one day, and lose it all in another? She layed down on her bed and thought about how she was going to spend the rest of the year. Getting up, she went into her closet and pulled out a large suitcase.

She needed to leave early, as soon as possible. She couldn't bear to be in this house of complications, she had to run away. She ran up to her dresser and grabbed nearly all of her clothes. After shoving her suitcase of all the clothes that could fit in it, she heaved the heavy baggage downstairs. Kikyo was taking a shower, she had to leave before she realized that she was gone. She walked out the door and left to go to the hospital.

"Kagome?" Kikyo had dried herself and was looking around for her sister. "Kagome?" She walked into her sister's room and saw that her dresser drawers were open and more than half-empty. "Kagome?!" her voice was now in panic. Where was she?

She forced herself to calm down and think of where she could've gone. The only place she could think of was Inuyasha's house. Then, she went into the garage.

"How can I find you if you took the car!?" Kikyo looked out the window as the weather slowly changed and it began to rain. She bit her lip and ran to the closet and grabbed a umbrella and jacket. Opening the front door, she stepped outside and locked the door behind her. She had no idea why her sister would run away, but she knew that she had to find her.

She opened her umbrella and put on some tennis shoes and ran out in the rain. The wind splashed against her skin violently and the rain flew at such an angle that the umbrella didn't help at all. She closed it, put it under her arm and kept on searching.

After walking out in the rain and calling her baby sister's name, Kikyo finally reached the InuTaisho house. Well, not really a house, more like a mansion built from the ground up. She felt so small and...low-class, but she closed her eyes. For Kagome.

She walked to the gates and pressed the speaker button. "Hello, this is Jaken speaking who is this?" Kikyo bit her lip again before replying.

"This is Kikyo Higurashi, could I please see Kagome?" After a pause, the voice replied. "Kagome is not here, young miss." Kikyo scowled to herself. She had to think quick!

"T-then could I see Inuyasha, please?" Jaken replied again. "I'll get him ma'am." Kikyo coughed and leaned against the gates. It was cold and wet and she was dripping from head to toe. Couldn't they just offer to let her inside?

"Please hurry," she pleaded to herself.

The toad scrambled up the stairs of the mansion, his small body proportions not holding up to the steep stairway.

"M-master Inuyasha! Miss. Higurashi wants to see you!" Inuyasha's ears perked up and he jumped from his room and jumped down the stairs, leaving Jaken laying on the stairway exhausted. "Kagome?" he breathed out.

Running up to the door, he swung it open and found...

Not Kagome, but Kikyo. Kikyo immeadiatly saw his expression and tried to ignore it. She tried to stand up straighter and loooked him in the eye.

"Kagome's missing." she announced to him. She waited for his shocked rsponse, but he crossed him arms, leaned on the doorway and turned his nose up. "Feh, so? Is that the reason why you came out here?" Kikyo gritted her teeth. At this moment, the last thing she needed was someone who needed a major attitude adjustment.

She placed her hand on his arm and looked at him sternly. "Please don't let your dignity get in the way of my sister's safety." He looked at her, surprised. "Excuse me?" he had never had someone tell him so forwardly of his pride. "Please..." again, no response. Kikyo sighed and tried again. "You love her." she said gently, placing her hand on his crossed arm. It hurt her, butshe had to say it. He stared at her, surprised again at the distant expression on her face. "You saw everything, didn't you?" he asked weakly.

"You love her," she said more clearly. "And so we have to find her." He fought with himself and normally, he would refuse again, but something about her scent made him calmer and so, his mind told him to agree.

"Ok," he took her hand. "Let' find her then." She returned his reply with a small smile and she tightened her grip on his hand. Inuyasha ordered Jaken to get him an umbrella. Once a black large umbrella was fetched, the two set off. Kiko tried to ignore it at first, but the cold was seeping into her head, her vision was blurry and her cheeks were splattered with a red blush. She knew she had to stay strong, because of Kagome, but she could feel her legs giving out, terribly.

After minutes of shivering, Inuyasha caught on and put his arm around her. This took Kikyo by surprise and she jumped back slightly. Feeling a warm arm around, she glanced at the hand resting at her shoulder. Then, her gaze turned to Inuyasha, who looked forward, with, also, a blush to his cheeks. Kikyo silently hoped that it wasn't from the cold. She could feel the attraction betwen them, and somehow, that was enough for the moment.

The two had to stop and rest under a tree, because of the weather growing harsher and harsher on them. They sat down with their jeans soaked from top to bottom. and Kikyo shivering. Inuyasha looked at her with concern, his own demon blood keeping him warm. He took both her hands in his. "Geeze!" he exclaimed. "You're hands are freezing!" He took hold of her body and squeezed her into his chest. She blushed even harder, although too cold to truly know what was going on. Getting up, his hand wrapped around hers, he heaved her up and he tried to talkover the winds crashing against their ears.

"We have to get you home!" he bellowed. She nodded weakly and they pushed against the storm to reach the mansion.

Maybe she did mean something to him afterall.

A/N: I'm not accustomed to just Inuyasha and Kikyo, so I'm taking things slow. Right now, I'm getting as many chapters in before the summer is over, because I have so much free time. Also this is one of the longest chapters I've written. And probably the most sloppiest. And the worst. I think the begginning was fine, but the end was horrible. Whatever, I had to get this chapter done.

Well, what are you doing?

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