I am sorry for the late update, I had originally planned for it to be update yesterday, I just have a hard time with last chapters. I really need to stop getting so attached to my fics, but I can't help it. Although, out of all the fics, this one took me the longset to think of a ending. Still don't think it looks right, but I can try fixin it up

Disclaimer: I own nothing, if I did you think I would be writing this disclaimer?

It was early in the morning in the X-Mansion. All the inhabitants were up and getting ready for school as they usually did. "Come on Rogue! You already took a shower last night!" Jean yelled as she banged on the door of the bathroom. "Now that I think about it, you took three last night. I think your clean by now!" She yelled just as Kitty came out of her room to see what all the yelling was about.

"Like what's all the noise about?" Kitty asked as she stood next to Jean. She had been able to get into the bathroom before Rogue had gone in for another.

"Rogue has been hogging the shower all last night and she is in there again." Jean explained to Kitty. She had only twenty minutes before she had to drive to school. She would never be able to blow dry her hair in time.

"Oh, yeah. She told me last night she felt disgusted that Gambit had been in her body. She said something about trying to get rid of the feeling of him. I don't understand what it is about." Kitty shrugged. "I am sure she won't be that long. I still can't believe he was like here the whole time in Rogue's body and kept quiet about it the whole time. He actually taught me how to make pizza, so I guess he can't be all bad." Kitty added in.

"I'm sure if the Professor was here he would of been able to find out sooner." Jean sighed. "But at least he didn't do anything to the mansion. Scott checked it all out this morning."

"Whatcha doin' out here?" Rogue asked as she opened the door to find Jean and Kitty standing there.

"About time." Jean said as she rushed into the bathroom.

"So you ready to go?" Kitty asked Rogue with a smile. "I'm suppose to be driving again with Logan today."

"Um, actually Ah think Ah'll find another ride there." Rogue said quietly as she walked pass Kitty.

"Hey, my driving isn't that bad! I mean Logan said I was getting better and Gambit didn't seem to mind when he-" Kitty began to say as Rogue turned around.

"Please, don't mention again he was in mah body. It still gives meh the creeps." Rogue told her friend.

"Well you were in his body. How was it?" Kitty asked impatiently.

'He's got a very nice body.' Rogue thought to herself, but refused to say it out loud. "Ah'm glad Ah don't have ta be in it anymore." She decided to say instead.

"Sure, like I'll believe that." Kitty winked at Rogue as she turned to leave.

"What does that mean?" Rogue demanded.

"Nothing, I'll see you at school." Kitty said with the smile still spread across her face as she turned to leave.

"Whatever." Rogue grumbled as she entered into her room. She immediately went over to the dresser and saw the make-up bag. She unzipped it and began to pulled out some eyeshadow.

'Don' understand why y' wear dat stuff. Y'r much prettier without it.' She remembered Gambit telling her when they encountered at her school. She looked into the mirror and stared at her reflection. After a few seconds, she placed the eyeshadow back in the back and zipped it back up.

'Maybe the swamp rat ain't so bad.' She began to muse to herself as she grabbed her books lying on the book. She headed down the stairs and got into the awaiting car pool.

The car pulled up to the parking lot and the kids all got out of the car. Rogue looked over and saw Kitty had arrived there before the rest of them. 'Ah'm surprised he doesn't have white hair after drivin' with her. Must be the healing factor.' She thought to herself as Kitty came toward her.

"Oh Rogue, there's something I should like probably tel you." Kitty said to her friend. They walked into the grass and were at the steps of the school, and about to enter into it.

"What would that be?" Rogue asked Kitty. She opened the door and held it for Kitty.

"Um, yeah, like-" Kitty began to answer, but it got answered for her as the guys in the halls looked at Rogue and tried to hide themselves in the locker closest to them.

"What is goin on?" Rogue asked as she turned to look at Kitty.

"Yeah, there was this guy who was trying to hit on you, and well it was when Gambit was in your body. He kind of made the kid sorry." Kitty answered.

Rogue placed a hand over her face. 'Okay Ah take it back about him being not so bad.' She thought to herself angrily.

Acolyte Base

"Come on, mate. Ya gotta tell me about bein in the sheila's body." John whined as he sat across the table from Remy, who was shuffling his cards back and forth.

"It weird." Remy answered.

"You already said that, now come on!" John tried to get some answers out of his friend again. Piotr was sitting next to him, also as curious.

Remy sighed in defeat. "Well dey get dis thing called PMS." He began.

"Oh, I've heard of that. Is it really as bad as they make it sound?" Piotr asked Remy

"Oui, it de worst. Y' get dese cramps and dey don' go away, unless y' take dese pills or have some caffeine. Dat at least what de petit' said over dere." Remy explained.

"That must be why Wanda rejects my love. I will have to try again later to contact her." John said with a smile as he thought about the Scarlet Witch.

Piotr shook his head. 'He doesn't have a chance, she'll murder him alive.' He thought to himself.

"Another thing, at de hair place dey got dis wax dey place on deir eyebrows. Once de wax it on, dey ripped it off." Remy continued on.

John placed his right hand over his forehead, covering up his eyebrows. "Why would they want to do that?" He asked.

Remy shrugged. "Don' know, homme. I saw a fille gettin' her legs waxed. Dey seemed immune to de pain." He shuddered as he remembered the site.

"Oi, women are a lot braver than I thought." John said as he placed his elbows on the table.

"I have to agree." Piotr nodded.

"Also is it true that women-" John was about to ask when Magneto walked into the kitchen.

"I thought I told you we have a meeting, why weren't any of you there?" Magneto questioned them as he folded his arms over his chest.

"Thought we had a meeting yesterday." John spoke up.

"No, I thought it was later on." Piotr replied to the Aussie.

"I wasn't here, so y' can' blame moi." Remy smirked, and also got a dirty look from Magneto.

"When I tell you there is a meeting I expect you to show up!" Magneto began to yell at the three young men.

"Well, love to stay and chat, but I gotta go to de store." Remy told his boss as he looked down at a pretend watch and got up from his seat. "Catch y' later, homme." He said as he got out of the room as quickly as he could before Magneto through a fit.

He chuckled to himself as he made his way into the garage. 'Where de hell is my bike?' He thought to himself as he walked in a bit more and pass the Jeep. He finally found his bike lying on the ground, the mirror shattered.


At Rogue's School

The school bell rang, dismissing every student from the classroom. The students grabbed his or her belongings and headed for the door. Rogue grabbed her books and was about to exit the room, when the teacher stopped her.

"Where do you think your going?" Her English teacher asked her.

"Ah'm goin home." Rogue answered her and gave the teacher a weird look.

The teacher shook his head. "Go down to principal Kellys office, now." The teacher ordered to her.

'What did Ah do?' She thought to herself as she walked down the hallway as people passed by her, who were leaving the school. She knocked on the principal's door.

"Come in." She heard from behind the door and turned the knob to enter.

"Um, I was told to come down here." Rogue told principal Kelly as she closed the door behind her.

"You are suppose to be in detention right now." He rolled his eyes at Rogue.

"Excuse meh? Why am Ah in detention?" She demanded to know.

"I thought we were already over this. Take a seat." Kelly ordered as he fumbled through some papers. Rogue did as she was told and took a seat in front of his desk.

"Over the past few days, you've beaten up a boy, went into the men's bathroom, caused a disturbance in the girl's locker room,-" Kelly began to read.

'Oh mah gawd, Ah don' wanna know what he made meh do.' Rogue thought to herself as she listened to the list.

"Argued with a teacher, called a teacher swear words in French, and finally we found cigarettes in your locker." Principal Kelly finally ended as he looked at the girl in front of him, who was turning paler than normal.

'Ah swear ta gawd, Ah find him. He dies.' She thought to herself.

At a gas station 5 minutes away from the Acolyte Base

Remy had taken John's Jeep to the gas station to get cigarette's. He walked into the station and hadn't noticed that a woman and a man were talking to the side. "Remy?" He heard a female voice call his name.

He turned to see Jean-Marie standing next to a man he had never seen before. "Bonjour, how y' doin' dis fine day?" He asked her with a smile. Perhaps today wouldn't be so bad after all.

"I'm good." Jean-Marie smiled at him and then turned to the man next to her. "Remy I would like you to meet my brother, Jean-Paul." She introduced her brother, who began to blush when he looked at Remy. "This is the one I told you about." She whispered into her brother's ear.

"Hi, I'm Jean-Paul, but you can call me whatever you wish." Jean-Paul stuck his arm out to shake Remy's.

Remy raised a eyebrow at the man and shook his hand. "Nice to meet y', homme." He greeted the other man.

"You were right, he is a hottie." Jean-Paul turned to Jean-Marie.

'What de heck is goin' on?' Remy thought to himself. He could of sworn he saw Jean-Pail give him the once over.

"I think the two of you would look cute together." Jean-Marie winked at Remy, who finally caught on what was happening.

"Ugh, I think dere was a misunderstandin' around here. I ain't into hommes." Remy told the two as he began backing away.

"Aw, you don't have to be shy around me." Jean-Paul said as he stopped Remy from exiting the station. "Sorry, I know this is such a bad place for us to first meet."

"I wish I could of set you up at a nicer place, but I wasn't expecting to run into you. I know of a few places Paulie would like to take you." Jean-Marie giggled.

"Stop it, your embarrassing me." Jean-Paul told his sister as he blushed a bit more.

'De Rogue must of told her I was attracted to homme's.' He finally figured out bitterly to himself. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a hand on his ass. "Watch it!" Remy shouted as he backed away further.

"I'm sorry, it's just. I'm so excited." Jean-Paul told him.

"Dat's nice, but Gambit got to leave. Now!" He told the two as he finally got out the door. He decided to forget about the cigarettes and just get as far away from that gas station as possible.

He went back to the Acolyte Base after deciding to face Magneto's wraith. 'Good thin' I never told her where I live. Gotta change my phone number though.' Remy thought to himself as he entered into the garage.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING? WE HAD A DEAL!" He heard Magneto shout as he parked the Jeep. He found John and Piotr standing in the garage with bags on their shoulder's and by their feet.

"And like the sheila had pointed out when she was here, you don't respect us!" John shouted at the old mutant.

"Because you people never listen to my orders!" Magneto began to calm his voice down the best he could.

"Well I am sorry, Sir, but we are leaving." Piotr told him as he turned to Remy, who had gotten out of the Jeep to see what was going on. "We have your stuff packed for you." He handed the bag over to the thief.

"Merci, but where we goin'?" He asked the two.

"I got a place in mind." John replied as he hopped into the Jeep. "See ya later, buckethead!" He shouted at Magneto as the other two got into the Jeep and drove off.

Magneto grumbled to himself as he watched them leave. "Now I have to get new recruits. Hopefully the new ones will be more tamable." He said to himself as he noticed Sabertooth sneak pass him. "Where do you think you're going?" He questioned.

"I'm outta here. Found a new boss to work for." Sabertooth told him as he went over to his motorcycle and prepared to take off.

"Where did I go wrong?" Magneto asked. "What am I saying, it is not my fault. It is theirs!" He declared as he walked back into the base.

X-Mansion 8 at night

Rogue had finally returned home from detention. Luckily for her, Logan was there to pick her up and bring her home. "Hallo, meine schwester." Kurt greeted her as he bamfed into the room.

"Hey Kurt." She yawned as she said his name. "If ya don' mind, Ah'm goin' ta bed." She told him as she walked pass him and headed for the upstairs.

"Um, Rogue. There is something you should know about." Kurt followed her up the stairs.

"Kurt, can't it wait for tomorrow?" She asked him as she turned around. She looked as if she were about to fall asleep right then and there.

"Vell, you see it is kind of important." He tried to explain.

"Ah'll hear about it tomorrow." She told him as she continued walking up the stairs to her bedroom, leaving Kurt on the stairs.

She got to her room and opened the door and closed it behind her. 'Why is it so dark in here? Ah guess Kitty hasn't come in here yet.' She thought to herself as she turned on the lights and then soon regret she did.

"Bonjour, chere." She saw Gambit sitting on her bed.

"And this is your guys' room." Kitty showed Piotr and John their new room. "Also we are putting in a extra bed so Gambit can be in here as well."

"Thanks sheila." John told her as he walked into the room, tears in his eyes. "This is so much better than anything we got with Magneto."

"Is he normally like this?" Kitty asked Piotr.

"This is normal for him, he gets worse." Piotr replied to her. "By the way, where is Remy?" Piotr asked.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" All three of them and probably everyone in the mansion could hear.

"Guess Remy found Rogue." John chuckled.

"Maybe we should split them up before Rogue kills him." Kitty suggested.

"Nah, I doubt that would happen. He's had feelin's for her, and from what I heard, she got feelings for him too." John told her.

"Their first fight, how cute." Kitty giggled.

The End

I know, kinda a junky ending, huh? Couldn't really think of any other ideas to put to it. I think I might change it later, still not sure. Anywho, Special Thanks to: Loneraven, addtothenoise, WolvGambit Le Diable Blanc, sakura5tar, Nettlez, bored, PhantomLover2008, GambitGirl2005, Shadow, thegambit23, luthien-rogue, sheisbeautiful-sheisnotme, KaliAnn, AngieX, Brandy Lebeau, kyo-kitty, mia126, A.M.bookworm247, pinkparis, Coletterby, and Nercia Gensis; (hugs u all) thank you guys so much for reviewing the last chapter :)