A/N: I tried to keep this somewhat canon, but this is a slash story. If you don't like the idea of Aragorn and Legolas being involved in a romantic relationship, please read something else. If you are dumb enough to read this story even though you know you aren't open-minded enough to accept a story about love between two men, please don't flame me because of your own stupidity. Everyone else, please leave a review, even if you hated it, just please tell me why you liked or disliked it so I can improve my writing. Also, this was originally a song fic. If you would like to read the songfic version, please e-mail me or visit my livejournal at www. livejournal. com/ users/ lissewen (leave out the spaces).

Disclaimer: I do not own Aragorn, Legolas, or anything else; nor do I make any profit from this story. Unfortunately I cannot even hope to rival Tolkien, the great creator of Middle Earth, and I have no claim to his creation. This distortion of his characters was written purely for entertainment and to improve my writing skills.

The Sea Is Calling (Chapter 5)

Legolas was finally on the ship bearing him to Valinor. He had stayed for Aragorn's funeral, but now he wanted nothing more than to leave Middle Earth forever. Gimli had been his close friend and companion through everything and was probably the only dwarf accepted by the elves. He was certainly the only dwarf to sail to the Undying Lands. This ship bore the last of the Fellowship. Now it seemed the Third Age was truly at an end. The journey to Valinor was long, but the water was calm and peaceful. Legolas leaned over the edge of the ship. The sea seemed to be singing to him. The sounds of the sea put the blond elf at peace, but they did little to ease the aching of his broken heart.

Legolas realized he had been watching the waves for hours now. The way they churned and rippled mesmerized him. When he looked up again, the first thing he saw was a long silver beach gleaming in the sun. Soon the ship was moored in a beautiful harbor. An ethereal young maiden came to greet them. Her voice flowed like a brook over smooth pebbles.

"Come, I will take you to the city. Manwë is anxious to meet you."

She led them through a beautiful city with walls of white marble. Everything was clean and shining under the sun's gentle rays. This city was like nothing Legolas had ever seen before. It was not elvish, for it was large and made of marble and ivory. But neither was it after the fashion of men, for it was built into its natural surroundings instead of over them. By the streets grew trees and flowers unlike anything ever seen before. The masonry surpassed even that of the dwarves at their best, but the design was related to that of the men of Numenor. But what interested Legolas most were the beautiful gardens.

Before they knew it, the elves and dwarf were standing in a great open court. Two thrones sat on the dais. One was slightly shorter than the other. A man was seated on the taller throne. He appeared to be elf-kind, but infinitely fairer. He looked young, but his eyes betrayed his true age. Those deep pools of blue showed wisdom and experience of years unnumbered. He wore no crown on his flaxen head, but royalty seemed to radiate from him like a golden light. There was no doubt in Legolas' mind that this was Manwë, the king of the Valar.

As handsome and commanding as Manwë was, his presence was eclipsed by the woman on his right. Even the greatest elven poets realized that no words existed in any language that could even begin to tell of the beauty of Varda. Elbereth the elves called her, Star-queen, for her beauty was that of the night. Her smooth, dark hair was deepest black as she wandered under the stars, but in the sun it appeared reddish-brown. Her flawless skin was the color of pure ivory. But her eyes, raw, intense emotion burned in those chocolate orbs. And then she spoke, her voice as the harmony of a thousand songbirds.

"Why do you fear? No evil can befall you while you are within these borders. Be at peace. Gimli son of Gloin, let not your heart be troubled. You shall not be made to feel unwelcome in these lands, Son of earth. If you so wish, you shall become Aulë's apprentice. He shall be greatly pleased to see one of his children again, for he created the dwarves, but Eru gave you life. And perhaps you will be pleased to know he will speak with you in your own tongue.

Legolas, why do you despair? Do you truly believe your love will be condemned here? Oh, the narrow-mindedness of mortals! They separate lovers, calling their feelings unnatural and immoral! True love is a rare and beautiful thing. It matters not whether a man loves a man or a woman loves a woman! Do you not wonder why Ulmo never took a wife? It is because he loves Olorin, the mightiest of the Maiar. The Valar realize the power and beauty of true love. Why don't mortals?"

Knowing his love with Aragorn was understood, Legolas spent many years in Valinor before he was reincarnated. And it is rumored that at the end of the world, Legolas and Aragorn will be reunited, and they will remain together until the end of time.