Koga goes into the Bone Eater's well hoping to bring Kagome back for himself but instead of ending up in Kagome's time, he is transported 500 years after—to the next sacred embodiment of the Shikon Jewel. Unable to resist the draw of the jewel, Koga in an endeavor to save his own lifecauses the Gundam pilots to go back into the past.

This story is rated T. It has bits of smut, various POV's, humor and some horror. I tried to keep it in the true context and characterization of Inu Yasha and GW. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. The original stories belong to much more creative people. This was written in the spirit of fun not profit.




Once Upon a Shrine




Chapter 1 The Bone Eater's Well



It was the Feudal era, a time when sporadic warring was common place and monsters freely walked the land. In a dense forest of trees rich with green leaves stood the wolf leader Koga. He was at the edge of the tree-line looking over the grassy meadow that bordered the old well. He had a annoyed look on his handsome face for he had seen Inu Yasha and Kagome enter the well but only Inu had re-emerged. He knew that Kagome came from another world. He also knew that Inu was her protector and champion, however he wasn't willing to accept that. He too wanted to protect Kagome. He was a full-bloodied monster, a better choice to be the protector to such a courageous and attractive priestess. Inu Yasha should not be the only one allowed to travel between worlds and he should not be the one to protect Kagome.

His two pack brothers, Ginta and Hakkaku waited patiently but they were nervous. They never like being away from their hunting grounds. Since their intanglement with Naraku with now roamed the forest like young bachelor wolves with the power of a real tribe. Besides Inu was a bully and a jerk and a bit of a showoff. The half-breed thought he was better than a full blood youkai because he had this huge powerful sword. In truth Inu Yasha's father was a powerful youkai one so powerful that his half-breed son was as strong and even stronger than most full bloodied monsters.

"Koga he might smell us," Ginta whined. With his hair shaved from the sides, Ginta was more outspoken of the two and tended to complain more. Koga ignored him.

It was true Koga could see Inu sniffing the air. The half breed had sensed something but he doubted the he could smell them. He was strong, he would give him that but Koga's sense of smell was stronger.

"Blah," Koga snarled.

Koga wanted that dogface boy to leave. This time it would be he, who got Kagome. He would go to that wonderful world where his love dwelled. They would finally be alone together. He was sure that without the showoff pup Kagome would finally see him.

Koga could be very patient when necessary and he knew females could be fickle when it came to courting. Kagome may want Inu now but if he could prove himself to be as reliable then he was sure she would choose him.

"Grrr…" he growled in frustration.

That stupid dog was still sniffing around. For the past couple of days since disappearing with Kagome he had never strayed far from the well. Koga had questioned the little fox cub and learned that only Inu could get Kagome. Well that was about to change.

As if by thinking about him, the fox cub materialized at the edge of the forest directly across from where he stood. Koga watched him sniff the air and look in their direction. He frowned at the little creature hoping he wouldn't give him away to the dumb dog.

"Koga," Ginta whined again. "We're hungry and tired."

"Go home if you're so nervous," Koga snapped.

The two slunk away but not home. They may have been worried but they wouldn't abandon their leader. Koga's choice of females was unquestionable good. Kagome was considerate, strong and kind. The fact that Inu wanted her only increased her worth. If this increased Koga's chances then they were ready to help.



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"Inu, when are you going to bring Kagome back," Shippo asked.

"I'm busy right now," Inu snarled. "Go away."

"Why don't you just admit it. You miss her," Shippo snapped.

"I don't," Inu growled at him. He was indignant that he would even mention such a thing. "I only want the snacks she brings."

Shippo was mad. He missed Kagome a lot and wanted her back. Every time she left, was torture to him. He didn't know how Inu stood it. Even Koga yearned for her—and right now that big dumb wolf was off in the forest edge, probably staring with longing at the well. He could smell him and his two underlings. It was only just a few days ago that Koga had accosted him and grilled him about how Kagome came and went from their world.

"You should go and get her," Shippo warned. "Before a much better guy comes alone and takes her away from you."

Inu stared at Shippo angrily and Shippo realized that he shouldn't have said that. Inu hid his insecurities with acts of pompousness and violence. Deep down he feared he was inferior to other full demons and full humans. It was partially due to his being a half-breed. It was also partly due because he was inferior, Shippo thought smugly. He was very immature even for a half-breed especially at his age.

Inu Yasha stared down at the little fox. He was furious that Shippo would even speak to him in such a way. How dare he say that he could lose Kagome. Inu slammed his fist on top of the little fox's skull. He was going to kick him back to the village but before he could Shippo scampered off crying.

It felt good pounding the little smart mouth, however while Kagome was away Sango usually watched the little kitsune. Inu swore to himself. She was worse then Kagome. Kagome would mostly lecture him about 'bullying Shippo' and if he made her angry enough she would invoke the charm around his neck. Sango wouldn't do any of those things. She would just give him a look that spoke volumes. He hated that look. He'd rather get lectured or be told to sit. He could deal with those kinds of punishments.

Inu sat by the well waiting, he knew one of those looks were waiting for him if headed towards the village. Maybe he should go and get Kagome, he thought then decided against it. He didn't want to prove Shippo right. If he left now he would be getting Kagome a day sooner than she asked. It was better to leave while he still had the will power. He was almost by the forest edge when he sensed the presence of a youkai.

Inu turned quickly and saw the grass stirring by the well as if from a strong breeze. He frowned at it. It was breezy, but somehow that breeze bothered him. He was about to head back when he heard Sanyo's voice.

"Shippo-chan is just a child," she was saying to someone. "Inu should not be so rough with him."

It was Sango and she was probably talking to Miroku. Inu dropped down to all fours and crept into the brushes. He laughed as the two passed by him. If he hurried towards the village, they would miss each other and he would get an hour or so reprieve from the stare.

As they sat by the well waiting for him, Sango and Miroku were unaware that Inu was halfway to the village.


